4 Quick Fiona Quinn Mysteries by C.S. McDonald | Reviews & Giveaway | Funny & Fast

4 Quick Fiona Quinn Mysteries by C.S. McDonald | Reviews & Giveaway

A book blog tour from iRead Book Tours.

Thank you to the author, publisher, & Lauren at iRead for providing me with the information for this tour. iread book tour logo -

If you are in the mood for a mystery but are short on time, grab one of these for a fun read. C.S. McDonald shared 4 of her short Fiona Quinn mysteries with me as part of the Matrimony, Mayhem, & Murder book tour. I loved each one. Check out my mini-reviews in this post.

4 Quick Fiona Quinn Mysteries will perk up your day without a big investment in time. Most are also available in audiobook form. Why not give them a listen while doing chores or commuting? I’m sure the humor will speed up your tasks.

Book Details Harriet’s Heist

4 Quick Fiona Quinn Mysteries by C.S. McDonald | Reviews & Giveaway | Funny & FastHarriet's Heist Series: A Quick Fiona Quinn Mysteries
Published by McWriter Books on August 14, 2018
Genres: Fiction, Cozy Mystery, Short Stories
Format: Audiobook, eBook
Pages: 51

Fiona Quinn arrives at her parent’s home in Daytona, Florida for a short visit only to be informed that their usually quiet retirement community has been besieged with robberies—cash, jewelry, and more. Her mom told all the neighbors Fiona is a wiz at catching bad guys.

Yikes! Can Fiona crack the case? Hopefully, but what’s an amateur sleuth supposed to do when her Maltese, Harriet, shows up decked out in the stolen goods?

Double yikes! Join Fiona, her parents, Harriet, and some pretty crazy old ladies for a real jewel of a quick mystery!

Source: iRead Book Tours, Kindle Unlimited

image button for Goodreads linking to Harriet's Heist ( 4 Quick Fiona Quinn Mysteries)

416cnMQqckL. AC AC SR98,95Harriet's Heist: A Fiona Qu...Shop on AmazonKindle 51cKh9UZVgL. AC AC SR98,95Harriet's Heist: A Fiona Qu...Shop on AmazonAudiobook


Book Details Crystal Clear Confusion

4 Quick Fiona Quinn Mysteries by C.S. McDonald | Reviews & Giveaway | Funny & FastCrystal Clear Confusion (Fiona Quinn) Series: A Quick Fiona Quinn Mysteries
Published by McWriter Books on January 15, 2019
Genres: Fiction, Cozy Mystery, Short Stories
Format: Audiobook, eBook
Pages: 37

Yikes! Fiona’s been having a recurring nightmare and it’s driving her to distraction—so much so that she’s allowed her kooky neighbor, Astrid Dingle, to search for the answer through her crystal ball.

What could be the cause of the dream, and what lengths will Fiona go to get to the crux of it all? You’ll be chasing dreams with Fiona, Detective Landry, and Astrid in this fun quick mystery!

Source: iRead Book Tours, Kindle Unlimited

image button for Goodreads linking to Crystal Clear Confusion ( 4 Quick Fiona Quinn Mysteries)

41VyHLeSVdL. AC AC SR98,95Crystal Clear Confusion: A ...Shop on AmazonKindle  51msnmjHRTL. AC AC SR98,95Crystal Clear Confusion: A ...Shop on AmazonAudiobook 


Book Details Banking on a Murder

4 Quick Fiona Quinn Mysteries by C.S. McDonald | Reviews & Giveaway | Funny & FastBanking on a Murder Series: A Quick Fiona Quinn Mysteries
Published by McWriter Books on January 31, 2018
Genres: Fiction, Cozy Mystery, Mystery, Short Stories
Format: eBook
Pages: 30

Fiona’s old college chum, Priscilla Conroy, has recently moved back to the Pittsburgh area after a most unpleasant divorce. Fiona was looking forward to reconnecting with her friend to help cheer her up and the two had made plans to meet at the bank where her friend worked after it closed—only Priscilla never shows up for the lunch date.

Thinking the worse, Fiona is beside herself and spends the entire Memorial Day weekend searching for her friend. Did her ex-husband abduct her? Has she been murdered? Somehow Fiona knows that the key to Priscilla Conroy’s disappearance lies within the bank. But how can that be?

Join Fiona Quinn for a quick mystery that’s sure to keep you guessing!

Source: iRead Book Tours, Kindle Unlimited

image button for Goodreads linking to Banking on a Murder ( 4 Quick Fiona Quinn Mysteries)

51VErfzTz2L. AC AC SR98,95Banking on a Murder: A Fion...Shop on AmazonKindle 


Book Details The Christmas Cameo

4 Quick Fiona Quinn Mysteries by C.S. McDonald | Reviews & Giveaway | Funny & FastThe Christmas Cameo Published by McWriter Books on September 17, 2019
Genres: Fiction, Cozy Mystery, Holiday Fiction, Mystery, Short Stories
Format: Audiobook, eBook
Pages: 32

A lovely cameo brooch is discovered in Fiona’s late Uncle Wilbur’s house two days before Christmas. The pin bears a romantic Christmas message from Wilbur for his new wife with the initials, D.A.S.

How very strange. To the family’s knowledge, Uncle Wilbur had never been married. So, who is this mysterious woman?

Now, Fiona is on a holiday mission to locate D.A.S. and deliver the belated gift. Question is, what happened to the marriage? Is D.A.S. still alive after all these years? And if so, can Fiona find her before Christmas?

Source: iRead Book Tours, Kindle Unlimited

image button for Goodreads linking to A Christmas Cameo ( 4 Quick Fiona Quinn Mysteries)

41lMrEE sdL. AC AC SR98,95The Christmas CameoShop on AmazonKindle  51WPSJAO5JL. AC AC SR98,95The Christmas Cameo: A Fion...Shop on AmazonAudiobook 


My thoughts on 4 Quick Fiona Quinn Mysteries

I adore books by C.S. McDonald, especially her Fiona Quinn tales.

Each of these short stories features a mystery for Fiona to solve. As usual, when Fiona is on the job, hilarity ensues.

If you need a quick laugh or are in the mood for a light-hearted mystery but don’t have much time to invest in reading, these 4 books are perfect for you. These are all four fun, fast, cozy mysteries that are suitable for ages Tween & up.

Banking on a Murder involves finding a missing friend who works at the bank. Has her ex-husband done something nefarious or is there a solution more fitting for a Fiona Quinn tale? I bet you know the answer.

Harriet’s Heist is set in Florida where Fiona hopes for a little R & R while visiting her parents. The first thing she notices is that every woman is covered in jewels. When they explain there has been a rash of jewelry theft and Fiona’s mother has promised them the crack amateur sleuth, Fiona will solve the case, her simple vacation is gone. Will her Maltese, Harriet be the hero in this case?

Crystal Clear Confusion revolves around a recurring nightmare Kindergarten teacher, Fiona is having about being chased by a lion at her school. If dreams can come true, Fiona hopes the same reasoning does not apply to nightmares. Fiona even turns to her neighbor and her crystal ball to solve this mystery.

The Christmas Cameo is like watching a 45-minute Hallmark movie. Can Fiona solve the decades-old mystery of a cameo found at her late uncle’s house? Will Detective Landry be bested by a pick-pocketing Santa? This book is packed with humor and a happy ending.

I received copies of these books for the tour. This review is my honest, unbiased opinion.


Kindle Unlimited book w paper boats image used in Thrive

I love to read books through my  Amazon Kindle Unlimited subscription


About C.S. McDonald

CS McDonald Author Profile image

For twenty-six years, C.S. McDonald’s life whirled around a song and a dance. Classically trained at Pittsburgh Ballet Theater School, The Pittsburgh Dance Alloy, and many others, she became a professional dancer and choreographer. During that time, she choreographed many musicals and an opera for the Pittsburgh Savoyards.

In 2011 she retired from her dance career to write. Under her real name, Cindy McDonald, she writes murder-suspense and romantic suspense novels.

In 2014 she added the pen name, C.S. McDonald, to write children’s books for her grandchildren. In 2016 she added the Fiona Quinn Mysteries to that expansion. She decided to write the cozy mystery series that everyone, including teens and tweens, can read and enjoy. Presently, the Fiona Quinn Mysteries nine books with a tenth slated for 2021. The books are also available on audio, narrated by Maren Swenson Waxenberg.

Cindy’s newest venture is The Owl’s Nest Mysteries. Once again, she has set her cozy mystery in Pittsburgh. The female protagonist, Alexa Owl, is much different from Fiona Quinn. The Owl’s Nest Mysteries has a little grit, a little time travel, a little romance, and a whole lot of cozy!

Ms. McDonald resides on her Thoroughbred farm known as Fly by Night Stables near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with her husband, Bill, and her poorly behaved Cocker Spaniel, Allister.



Autographed copy of MATRIMONY, MAYHEM, AND MURDER (a Fiona Quinn Mystery), plus a delightful book bag (one winner) (USA only) (ends Feb 11)

Please visit more stops on the tour for extra chances to win!



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Posted 02/02/2022 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Book Reviews, Books, Fiction / 0 Comments

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