Review: Eyes of Amber by Anya Stassiy is an entertaining story mixing elements from the past, present, WW2, and medical drama. Please read on for more info on this debut novel.

Review: Eyes of Amber by Anya StassiyEyes of Amber by Anya Stassiy
Published by Highpoint Publishing on 03/04/2019
Genres: Fiction, Historical Fiction, Mystery, Romance
Format: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 254

When fate gives you what you were not looking for, will you accept its gift?

The novel Eyes of Amber is set in present-time New York City. This powerful love story will satisfy every lover of the romance genre. The page-turner will captivate you with drama, passion, and heartache.

Dr. Mila Roth is about to begin her training as an ER physician. She will encounter funny, sad, and memorable cases, witnessing the meaning of love through the eyes of the sick and their loved ones.

She doesn't believe in romance and soulmates yet, but that may soon change when she meets Leo, a handsome stranger with captivating warm eyes. She cannot explain her attraction to him, no other man was able to activate her love gene before. Will she decide to follow her heart this time or will Leo's occupation and secret push her away?

As new feelings overwhelm her, she finds solace in the letters of her departed grandmother. The correspondence from the past has a message for Mila's present. Will she connect the dots?

This story of timeless love will restore your belief in soulmates and true love.

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My review: Eyes of Amber by Anya Stassiy

Eyes of Amber is the perfect book for lovers of fiction, WW2 history, and romance.

Mila, the main character, finds unexpected love but struggles to make the relationship work amidst her first year of residency in an Emergency Room department.

The varied stories of the patients passing through the ER tackle drug use, mental illness, homelessness, and more.

Letters from Mila’s grandmother provide a glimpse into the hardships and horrors Russians faced during the war.

Each of these storylines makes for good reading. At times it was difficult for me to jump between them. Other readers may love this style of writing, but it’s difficult for me to make the jump sometimes.

The author included a set of book club points of discussion at the end of the story.

Overall, Eyes of Amber is an excellent book. I recommend it to all readers.

Review: Eyes of Amber by Anya Stassiy book cover


Review: Eyes of Amber by Anya Stassiy

About Anya Stassiy

Anya Stassiy author photo

Anya Stassiy was born in Kazakstan. She is the oldest of two children. Anya graduated from the New York Institute of Technology with a B.S. in Physician Assistant studies in 2007. She practices medical and aesthetic dermatology in Brooklyn, NY. Eyes of Amber is her debut novel, but she also has several articles published in various medical journals. Anya lives in NJ with her husband and three children.


Author Interview:

How long have you been writing?

I have been writing for about ten years. I first started with nonfiction, medical case articles that pertained to my work as a Physician Assistant. Six years ago, I started working on my first fiction novel, Eyes of Amber, and on October 31, I released my second novel, Spice of Love.

What inspired you to write in this genre?

I enjoy a good love story. Real, complicated, and messy. We all love someone or something. Happily ever after gives hope, and sometimes that can make your day and push you forward.

Do you have a set writing schedule?

I don’t. Life is hectic. I work, and my kids require a lot of attention. I love to spend time with my husband, who works long hours, so my writing is usually done when kids are asleep, the house is somewhat tidy, and I am not completely exhausted. Sometimes it is just one to two days a week.

Do you need silence to write, or can you work in any environment?

I usually write in front of a TV; the noise doesn’t bother me.

Do you usually arrive early, on time, or late?

I used to be early. In school, I always would stop by my tardy friend’s house to rush her to school, but now with three kids in tow, there is always some sort of emergency right before we leave, and I am often fashionably late.

Is there anything you would like my readers to know about you and your book?

I am a mom of three – I am busy – I work. I am tired a lot and struggle with parental guilt. My writing is my escape, so I write stories that I would enjoy reading. I draw inspiration from my family, friends, and work situations. My first book, Eyes of Amber, was written entirely on my cell phone. There is something very satisfying to see my words in print. So I am just a mom, like many others, and I hope my writing will put a smile on someone’s face.


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Posted 02/17/2020 by Gina in Book Reviews, Books, Fiction / 4 Comments

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