This is the Earth by Deedee Cummings | Book Review | Blog Tour

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Thank you to the author & iRead Book Tours for providing me the information for this tour. I received a copy of the book for the tour. The following review is my honest, unbiased opinion.

This is the Earth by Deedee CummingsThis Is The Earth by Deedee Cummings
Published by Make A Way Media on June 10, 2020
Genres: Children's, Enviromental, Family Life, Fiction, Friendship, Middle-Grade, Multi-Cultural
Format: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 41

A recent Purple Dragonfly Award First Place winner, Cummings uses bold and bright illustrations in This is the Earth to share a message of peace, love, respect, compassion, inclusion. Published in early 2019, the book’s message bears repeating: peace is meant for all of us and it is everyone’s responsibility to care for each other like the united family that we really are.

This exceptional and timely book shares the reality that we are all sharing this world that we call home instead of acting as though each continent, each, country, and each neighborhood is like a completely different planet.

Within the pages of This is the Earth, readers will discover thought and conversation-invoking concepts on issues and struggles that has our world at odds with each other. Kids and adults will love the lyrical message and thoughtful artwork that reinforces the fact that every human being is our neighbor on Planet Earth; a place also known as Home.

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Source: iRead Book Tours, Kindle Unlimited, Received from the author or publisher for review.


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My thoughts on This is the Earth by Deedee Cummings

I recommend This is the Earth to every citizen on this planet. Although the book is advertised as written for children and middle-grade ages, I can’t think of a single person who would not benefit from reading this story.

The messages of love, peace, inclusion, and responsibility shine through every word and illustration. Speaking of which, Charlene Mosley created vibrant, bold, and colorful illustrations for the book.

I sincerely believe that if we start young, we can raise a new generation of caring individuals. The book reminds me of the mantras from the 1960s for peace, love, and brotherhood. We got lost or sidetracked over the years. It’s time to go back to loving your neighbor, and every person on the planet is now a neighbor. We have proved time and again just how small our planet truly is.

The thoughtful discussion questions included at the end of the story are perfect for book clubs, teachers, or individuals, who want to contemplate more on what they read. The author included a few famous quotes for you to ponder. If you read carefully, you will get chills considering how appropriate they are for today’s world.

Please read a copy of This is the Earth, and let me know your thoughts.

Book Cover - This is the Earth by Deedee Cummings


This is the Earth by Deedee Cummings | Book Review | Blog Tour | Giveaway

About Deedee Cummings

DeeDee Cummings New Author Profile image

Deirdre “Deedee” Cummings believes literacy is a fundamental human right. She is the founder of Make A Way Media, It Pays to Read & the Louisville Book Festival, as well as, an attorney, therapist, and CEO of Abi Behavioral Health in Louisville, Kentucky. Abi is an intensive therapy agency that works to prevent the placement of children in out-of-home care, such as foster care, hospitalization, and incarceration.

Deedee attended Bennett College in Greensboro, North Carolina, one of only two all-female Historically Black Colleges in the country. After graduating from Bennett, she earned a master’s degree and a law degree from the University of Louisville.

All of her writing focuses on sharing inspiring messages that remind us all it is never too late to begin again. Deedee encourages the children she works with to write as a way to process emotions, document their journey, and express themselves more clearly.

In addition to presenting on multiple topics around the country, Deedee donates hundreds of books and volunteer hours every year to families, children, churches, and the local school system.

After many months of a worldwide pandemic and widespread social injustice, Deedee Cummings is proud to release a new series that is not only filled with HOPE but one that is also for ALL children. The 5-book Kayla: A Modern-Day Princess series focuses on compassion for one another and the importance of developing and chasing your dreams.

Cummings believes that young readers who see themselves in a book, and see what is possible, will develop stronger self-esteem, increased empathy, and an excitement for their future. As a mom, therapist, attorney, CEO of Make A Way Media, and award-winning author of fifteen diverse picture books, Deedee Cummings has a passion for making the world a better place.

Her children's books are not only fun for kids and adults to read, but they also work to teach therapeutic coping skills, reinforce the universal message of love, encourage mindfulness, and facilitate inclusion for all. Cummings is also the founder and creator of the Louisville Book Festival; a national literacy-based celebration that will occur every year in Louisville, Kentucky.
She and her husband Anthony live in Louisville with their three children Kayla (an actress in New York), Anthony (a college student and athlete), and Nick (in elementary school).



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More from Deedee Cummings:

In the Nick of Time by Deedee Cummings


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Posted 11/24/2020 by Gina in Book Reviews, Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Children's, Fiction / 3 Comments

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