The Wall by David Pereda | Book Spotlight | Giveaway!

The Wall by David Pereda | Book Spotlight | Giveaway! 

A book blog tour from Goddess Fish Promotions.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and Marianne & Judy at Goddess Fish for providing me the information for this tour.

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Book Details

The Wall by David Pereda | Book Spotlight | Giveaway!The Wall by David Pereda
Published by Drake Valley Press on June 5, 2021
Genres: Action & Adventure, Fiction, Literary Fiction, Political, Thriller
Format: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 420

THOMAS BERTRAM is an American living in San Salvador with his fiancée CECILIA. They own a popular neighborhood restaurant and plan to wed soon. Thomas's dream is to obtain a resident visa for Cecilia and return to the United States.

DOMINGO JIMENEZ and his wife BLANCA own a small repair shop across the street. Domingo's dream is to move to America as well so that his seven-year-old daughter NANCY can grow up speaking English and having a good education and a better life than he and Blanca had.

When armed gang members invade their neighborhood to demand "protection" money and threaten them with death if they don't pay, Thomas and Domingo's dreams for the future take on a new perspective. They decide to flee the country with their families through Guatemala and Mexico to seek asylum in the United States.

But their journey is more challenging than expected, and they face a myriad of difficulties and must overcome multiple obstacles that put not only their dreams but also their lives at risk.

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Excerpt fromThe Wall by David Pereda

The two young men who entered the restaurant in San Salvador were slender and about eighteen, maybe younger, with scraggly adolescent beards and fashionable jeans full of holes.

It was Monday morning, and Thomas Bertram was preparing the dining area for the lunch service. After tours in Iraq and Afghanistan with the Marines, Thomas’s entire body reacted physically to trouble when he saw it—and this was trouble. The hair on the back of his neck bristled, and he felt a swarm of tiny butterflies inside his stomach.

Gang members?

Thomas smoothed out the wrinkles on the clear-plastic tablecloth of the last of the six Formica-topped tables and rearranged the four matching chairs. As he straightened to his full height, he checked the time on the wall clock: 11:25.

“We’re not open yet,” he said in Spanish. “We open at noon.”

The young men didn’t answer. They wore tight jackets zipped up to the chest, one olive and the other red.

Tight jackets in summer in El Salvador?

Thomas realized how short and skinny they were when Olive Jacket strolled toward the counter near him—he barely reached Thomas’s shoulder. Red Jacket stayed by the door, staring at Thomas.

“Man, you’re tall,” Olive Jacket said as he slid past Thomas.

He had a squeaky voice, like a door needing oil. Thomas watched his receding back, wondering what the young men wanted, even though he had a suspicion—which was confirmed when he noticed the tattoo on Olive Jacket’s neck sticking out from under his jacket. He could only see a portion of it, but he knew what the letters meant: MS-13.

Definitely gang members.


The Wall by David Pereda cover image

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About David Pereda

David Pereda Author Profile image

David Pereda is an award-winning author who enjoys crafting political thrillers and mainstream novels. His books have won the Lighthouse Book Awards twice, the Royal Palm Awards, the National Indie Excellence Awards, and the Readers Favorite Awards twice. He has traveled to more than thirty countries around the world and speaks four languages.

Before devoting his time solely to writing and teaching, Pereda had a rich and successful international consulting career with global giant Booz Allen Hamilton, where he worked with the governments of Mexico, Venezuela, Peru, and Qatar, among others.

A member of MENSA, Pereda earned his MBA from Pepperdine University in California. He earned bachelor's degrees in English literature and mathematics at the University of South Florida in Tampa. He loves sports and has won many prizes competing in track and show-jumping equestrian events.

Pereda lives in Asheville, North Carolina. He teaches mathematics and English at the Asheville-Buncombe Community College.



David Pereda will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Posted 07/02/2021 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Book Reviews, Books, Fiction / 6 Comments

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6 responses to “The Wall by David Pereda | Book Spotlight | Giveaway!

  1. Bea LaRocca

    I hope that you have enjoyed your book tour and I wish you the best of luck in all of your future endeavors. I am looking forward to reading this story

  2. Book looks and sounds intriguing. Wiuld love to read and review the book in print format. That book cover is sure intriguing and peaks my interest.
    Hope I Win

  3. I loved this book. I became very invested in the characters and was struck by the different experiences they had based on the amount of money they could afford to pay coyotes. In fact, the term “coyote” was entirely new to me. The story was an eye-opener for me.

  4. Thank you for having me on your blog today. I will be checking in and out throughout the day to answer any questions that you or your readers may have.