The Warlock's Curse by C. B. Oresky | Excerpt ~ Author Note ~ $50 Giveaway ~ Young Adult Fantasy

The Warlock’s Curse by C. B. Oresky | Excerpt ~ Author Note ~ $50 Giveaway ~ Young Adult Fantasy

A book blog tour from Goddess Fish Promotions.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and Marianne & Judy at Goddess Fish for providing me with the information for this tour.

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Book Details

The Warlock’s Curse by C. B. Oresky | Excerpt ~ Author Note ~ $50 Giveaway ~ Young Adult FantasyThe Warlock's Curse by C.B. Oresky
Published by The Wild Rose Press on 10/26/2022
Genres: Fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult
Format: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 416

Clara and Angelica Grace have never met ghosts. They’ve never sailed on a tall ship, ridden wild unicorns, or fought with magical weapons. Instead, the teenage twins have a wretched existence, ignored by their troubled parents in a rundown home and tormented by the town’s snobs.

Everything turns topsy-turvy all of a sudden when the discovery of an ancestor’s hidden journal with an odd key to an unknown door leads them into an entirely different realm.

The girls go on a thrilling oceanic voyage to search for mysterious whales, train with a seasoned warrior, and are befriended by a wise Master.

But all is not a bouquet of lovely lilies…they are hunted by a cunning warlock and must rid themselves of The Warlock’s Curse.

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Excerpt from The Warlock’s Curse

The whales’ frenzied song grew even louder—the electrical atmosphere intensified.

“Now what’s happening? We’re dissolving!” Clara yelled, watching her little hands disappear and then reappear again.

Angelica observed different parts of the ship, their cats, their bodies, and the monkey crew all vanishing momentarily. She drew a sharp breath. She was about to say something when the ethereal whale swimming directly before them opened its massive mouth, saltwater pouring down its yawning maw that seemed miles and miles deep.

“This is madness!” Clara shrieked, staring down the vast gaping throat of the beast. “Even a hurricane would be much better than this.

We’re going to die, for sure!” Angelica lost her composure. “Turn the ship!” she demanded. “I don’t wanna die!”

“Impossible!” Claudius cried. “We must go!” “I’m gonna be sick!” Clara cried, her face pasty. She clasped her sister’s scrawny hand in horror. What lay before them was far worse than that scary roller coaster Angelica had once convinced her to try at their town fair.

Catapulted forward by the hurrying tide, Claudius’s ship now sailed upon the phantasm of a massive whale. The sleek vessel hung momentarily on the edge of the watery precipice of white light, then slipped straight down the monster’s wide-open chasm…

Excerpt provided by the author/publisher for use in this post.


Purchase Links for The Warlock’s Curse

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About C.B. Oresky

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Fascinated by the works of Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, C.B. Oresky began writing her own fantasy novel, The Warlock’s Curse, after dreaming of being whisked off to an alien realm.

Besides her debut novel, she has seen four of her short stories published in a small, national literary press: Conceit Magazine.

When she’s not writing, she can be found wandering through the woods, dancing flamenco, or planting flowers in her garden. She currently lives in a small town in Connecticut with her bodybuilder husband, their exceptionally naughty Scottish terrier and Siamese cat, ten chickens, Mr. Tiggy the hedgehog, and a yard filled with majestic flowers


Purchase The Warlock’s Curse online from a local bookstore.


Guest Post from C.B. Oresky

As an author, what scares me the most.

Being a solitary, lonely creature who shuns noisy crowds and herds of trumpeting elephants, it is not surprising that I am terrified of personally promoting my book in a public setting. To stand before hordes of avid readers, radiating and speaking words of wisdom, let alone show my face on the silver screen of Tiktok, to endorse my very own self…the thought of this is enough to make my shy heart skip a beat and flutter.

Stranger still, I absolutely fear all those pesky semicolons, colons, commas, quotation marks… In other words, I dread all punctuation, with the exception of the noble period or elegant question mark at the end of a sentence. After all, I received an absolute F (as in failure) at reading the very commandments carved in stone, the bible of writing: The Elements of Style by Strunk and White.

My hatred of punctuation was part of my rationale for hiring my writing coach, a short man with a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality, who spoke incessantly, helped greatly, or ranted loudly. Even in the end, my meticulous editor, a woman with a heart of gold and a magical wand, changed quite a few of my crazy coach’s punctuation proposals.

Finally, as most writers would agree, the thought of being rejected is terrifying. I wrote a book… what if no one likes it or even buys it? Most authors don’t even sell one hundred copies of their work. What if the book’s never discovered amongst the millions of works published year after year? What if I get bad reviews?

Questions like these sometimes pass through the dark corners of my mind. I stifle a panic attack, wondering if I should have ever written and published a book at all.


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A randomly drawn winner will be awarded a $50 Amazon/BN GC.

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Official Tour Page for The Warlock’s Curse

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Full Tour Schedule:

November 1: Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read
November 3: Sandra’s Book Club
November 8: Books in the Hall
November 10: Literary Gold
November 15: Two Ends of the Pen
November 17: Fabulous and Brunette
November 22: Lisa Haselton’s Reviews and Interviews
November 29: All the Ups and Downs
December 1: Hope. Dreams. Life… Love
December 6: Westveil Publishing
December 8: Deborah-Zenha Adams
December 13: Gina Rae Mitchell
December 15: Stormy Nights Reviewing & Bloggin’
December 27: Readers Roost
December 29: Kit ‘N Kabookle

January 3: Read Your Writes Book Reviews
January 5: The Avid Reader – review only
January 10: Eye-Rolling Demigod’s Book Blog
January 12: Bibliomanaic Aza
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January 19: The Faerie Review
January 24: The Pen and Muse Book Reviews
January 26: It’s Raining Books
January 31: Jazzy Book Reviews

February 2: Sybrina’s Book Blog
February 7: BooksChatter
February 9: Enchanting Reviews – review only
February 14: Welcome to My World of Dreams
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February 21: Long and Short Reviews


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Posted 12/13/2022 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Book Reviews, Books / 16 Comments

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16 responses to “The Warlock’s Curse by C. B. Oresky | Excerpt ~ Author Note ~ $50 Giveaway ~ Young Adult Fantasy

  1. Eva Millien

    The public would get me every time, no way, no how! Very interesting things scare you! I enjoyed the excerpt and The Warlock’s Curse sounds like a book to share with my granddaughter!

    Thanks for sharing it with me and have a fabulous day!

  2. Bea LaRocca

    Thank you for sharing your guest post, bio and book details, The Warlock’s Curse sounds like an awesome read for my teen-aged grandchildren and I. Were there any aspects of this story that required a lot of research on your part?

  3. A friend told me after I just survived my first ever book signing that we live most fully when we step just outside of our comfort zones. I, like you, was terrified about the signing. What if no one came? What if no books sold? The experience was amazing and reaffirmed why I write. Step out my friend and embrace the world that wants to know more about you!

    • Hi Kim,
      As you mentioned, I actually am having a good time with going to book events. Thank you for your comment! It is really great to know that people see these posts.

      • I’m glad people are reading these review posts too! Thanks for giving me great material to review.