A Dead End Job by Justin Alcala | $50 Giveaway, Excerpt, Promo

A Dead End Job by Justin Alcala | $50 Giveaway, Excerpt, Promo

A book blog tour from Goddess Fish Promotions.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and Marianne & Judy at Goddess Fish for providing me with the information for this tour.

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Book Details

A Dead End Job by Justin Alcala | $50 Giveaway, Excerpt, PromoA Dead End Job by Justin Alcala
on 10/13/2021
Genres: Paranormal, Urban Fantasy
Format: eBook, Hardcover, Paperback
Pages: 283

Fans of Terry Pratchett and Shane Kuhn’s THE INTERN’S HANDBOOK will love this noir supernatural thriller.

Death needs a vacation. Badly. But there’s a catch: There are people who cheat the system, always falling through the cracks and not dying like they’re supposed to. Who’s going to take care of them while Death’s sipping on sangria?

The answer is simple: Death needs an intern, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that one prospect, Buck Palasinksia—a bankrupt hitman with a roleplaying addiction—might have what it takes. While scoping out his next target, Buck gets drilled in the forehead by a bullet and falls right into Death’s lap.

If they shove him back into his body, he’ll have a few weeks to prove that he has what it takes to be Death’s right hand.

All he has to do is take out Public Enemy No. 1, John Dillinger, and quit smoking.


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Excerpt from A Dead End Job



“Damn it,” Death spat, scratching another name onto his legal pad. The list was growing longer. Death picked up his steaming mug that read “I drink coffee for your safety” and sipped it before clicking the “next story” tab. He’d only been in his apartment’s kitchen turned home office for ten minutes and already he was at wits’ end, the top of his stylus pen half-chewed.

Death, The Grim Reaper, Charon, whatever you wanted to call him, the title demanded respect. After all, he had held his position before men wore pants. Yet never in his career had someone been so tenacious as to start killing mortals before their expiration date. Death doesn’t even know how it could happen. He picked up his smartphone, using his stylus to dial the numbers on the touch interface.

“Yeah, Jumbo, it’s Death. How long until you get into the office?” Death leaned back in his chair and took another sip from his cup. “Well, I can assure you that you’ll get here safely.” Death sighed. “I’m sorry. It’s just been a tough morning already. Whoever this person is, they’re still getting past our system. None of these names from last night were in the program.”

Death slung his boney feet on an empty duct-taped kitchen chair. “Alright,” he groaned into the receiver. “I’ll reboot while I wait. See you soon.”


Purchase Links for A Dead End Job

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A Dead End Job by Justin Alcala book cover image


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About Justin Alcala

Justin Alcala Author Profile image

Justin Alcala is a novelist, nerdologist and Speculative Literature Foundation Award Finalist. He’s author of the novels Consumed, (BLK Dog Publishing) The Devil in the Wide City (Solstice Publishing) and Dim Fairytales (AllThingsThatMatterPress). His dozens of short stories have been featured in magazines and anthologies, including It Dances Now (Crimson Street Magazine),The Offering (Rogue Planet Press), and The Lantern Quietly Screams (Castabout Literature).

When he’s not burning out his retinas in front of a computer, Justin is an adventuresome tabletop gamer. He’s also a blogger, folklore enthusiast, and time traveler. He is an avid quester of anything righteous, from fighting dragons to acquiring magical breakfast eggs from the impregnable grocery fortress.

Most of Justin’s tales and characters take place in The Plenty Dreadful universe, a deranged supernatural version of the modern world. When writing, Justin immerses himself in whatever subject he’s working on, from research to overseas travel.

Much to the dismay of his family, he often locks himself away in his office-dungeon while playing themed videos and music over, and over, and over again.

Justin currently resides with his dark queen, Mallory, their malevolent daughter, Lily, and their hellcat, Misery. Where his mind might be though is anyone’s guess.



Justin Alcala will be awarding a $50 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Visit more stops on this Goddess Fish tour for extra chances to win!

Full tour schedule:

November 8:
1: Literary Gold
2: Wake Up Your Wild Side
3: Westveil Publishing
4: Travel the Ages
5: Stormy Nights Reviewing & Bloggin’
6: Sadie’s Spotlight
7: Author Deborah A Bailey blog
8: Ilovebooksandstuffblog
9: JB’s Bookworms with Brandy Mulder
10: Coffee and Wander Book Reviews
11: Jazzy Book Reviews

November 9:
1: Fabulous and Brunette
2: All the Ups and Downs
3: Long and Short Reviews
4: Tina Donahue Books – Heat with Heart
5: The Pen and Muse Book Reviews
6: Wendi Zwaduk – Romance to Make Your Heart Race
7: Independent Authors
8: Hopelessly Devoted Bibliophile

November 10:
1: Andi’s Book Reviews
3: The Avid Reader
4: It’s Raining Books
5: The Obsessed Reader
6: The Faerie Review
7: Eye-Rolling Demigod’s Book Blog
8: Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read
9: The Key Of Love

November 11:
1: Aubrey Wynne: Timeless Love
2: Read Your Writes Book Reviews
3: Welcome to My World of Dreams
4: Seven Troublesome Sisters
5: Locks, Hooks and Books
6: Harlie’s Books

November 12:
1: Gina Rae Mitchell
2: Kit ‘N Kabookle
3: Novels Alive
4: Sandra’s Book Club
5: Triquetra Reviews
6: Iron Canuck Reviews & More
7: Sybrina’s Book Blog
8: Beyond Romance
9: Our Town Book Reviews


Purchase A Dead End Job online from a local book store.


Easy Amazon Links

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Posted 11/12/2021 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Book Reviews, Books, Fiction / 7 Comments

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7 responses to “A Dead End Job by Justin Alcala | $50 Giveaway, Excerpt, Promo

  1. This book looks like a suspenseful intriguing book. Would love to read & review in print format. The book cover and excerpt intrigue me.

  2. What a chilling and enticing premise for this story! Definitely caught my attention.

    Thank you for sharing, Gina.
    Wishing Justin the very best of luck with his new release.