Welcome to the August 19, 2018 Newsletter
For those of you who like to revisit the links from the newsletter without sorting through your emails, here are the links & more detailed info from the August 19 2018 newsletter. If you are reading this and are not a subscriber, you can find the sign up At the bottom of any page and in the sidebar. Newsletter subscribers get all the info earlier than when this post is published. I include many time-sensitive links such as freebies, reduced prices, etc on books, patterns and more. If you are only reading the newsletter here on the website, you are missing out on all those goodies.
Now on to the August 19, 2018 newsletter!
What’s new with me?
It was a milestone birthday for me this week. I was a bit worried but 60 feels pretty darn good to me. I ushered the birthday in at midnight sitting in the hot tub watching the meteor shower. Dee & Heather brought the grandkids out the next day & they threw me a great cook-out & swim party. I didn’t have to do a thing. I didn’t count but I’m guessing I got at least 60 hugs & kisses! The birthday wrapped up in the evening with a video call from my 2-year old grandson in California. He sang me a delightful rendition of Happy Birthday!
Friday Tom & I met friends in Terre Haute & we celebrated the August birthdays with an all afternoon lunch at Charlie’s Bar & Grill. Lots of laughs. I think we even entertained the younger staff & customers with some of our stories.
Last night we went to the Paris Illinois Chamber of Commerce Block Party. The weather finally cooperated after an earlier in the summer rain out. We listened to the music & visited with several friends.
In between all the fun, there was some writing, lots of reading, a little cooking and a bit of rigid heddle weaving.
That’s what my week looked like.
What was yours like?
*You can now find a page on the website with expanded info on all the links in the newsletter. Newsletter subscribers will get all the news first. The post will be live sometime later in the week. This may not continue but for now, I’m giving it a try. What do you think? Is it easier for you to keep track of the links if you can find them on the website?*
As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a small commission from affiliate link purchases. This is at no additional cost to you!
August 19 2018 Newsletter Book Recommendations
I am making great progress on the August reading list.
This week continued with some clean romance stories from Emma St. Clair, K. Leah & Sally Britton. I finished up Strength by Jane Washington & Jaymin Eve. This series is moving in a definite not clean direction but I do love Willa, Emma & the Abcurses way too much to find fault with that. I am also reading a couple of ARC’s as well as business & writing related books. Below are links to the books & authors listed in the August 19 2018 newsletter. You can find full synopses & info in the August reading list post.

Strength, Curse of the Gods Book 4 by Jane Washington & Jaymin Eve
I just love this series. The heroine is clumsy, dorky and so lovable! I always read the newest book as soon as it’s released then time drags on until the next release.

Holding on to Someday by K. Leah
A wonderful book with twists & turns, just enough angst and drama, and a shocking ending. No spoilers here. You have to read this début novel by K. Leah.
Martha’s Patience: A Regency Novella (Branches of Love Book 0) by Sally Britton
The Social Tutor: A Regency Romance (Branches of Love Book 1) by Sally Britton
I read an advance copy of the Branches of Love series book 4 The Earl & his Lady. It was so good that I immediately started at the beginning and am working my through it. I plan to write a post featuring this series once the final book comes out.

Sandover Beach Week (Sandover Island Sweet Romance Book 2) by Emma St. Clair
The Sandover Beach series has made me long to visit this fictional island in N. Carolina. I may have to plan a trip to the area next summer!
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What are you reading? Do you have any suggestions for me?
August 19 2018 Newsletter What to Eat
This week one-pot recipes are on my mind for all the subscribers who are starting back with their busy school year schedules. They also work great for people who hate to do dishes!
One-Pot Teriyaki Chicken & Rice
Rosemary Chicken & Potato Sheet-pan Dinner 
One Pan Meatball & Pepperoni Pasta Bake 
Skillet Chicken Biscuit Pot Pie 
Layered Chocolate Marshmallow Peanut Butter Bars 
And if you are celebrating the kids going back to school or a major accomplishment in your life ( like surviving the week ) Check out this delightful drink.
You can find more recipes on my website here.
August 19 2018 Newsletter What To Make
Annie”s Craft Catalog is still having a great sale.

My mind can’t turn to Christmas until I get it off of Covered Bridge Festival. The Parke County Covered Bridge Festival brings in people from all over the country. It’s a pretty special time for me. I almost always have a booth somewhere. Last year I was in Bridgeton, IN at the 1878 Barn. This year I will be back in Rockville. More on that soon.
Opening Soon!
I also want to share news about the Covered Bridge General Store. This is a marketplace for all creators. Do you have a book, cd, various crafts or even crafting tools to sell? This is a unique venue that will allow you to sell your items in your own store and you get to choose the correct plan for you with the appropriate commission to suit your needs. If you think you might be interested, you can sign up for the newsletter to keep abreast of the progress. It looks like we should have it open in the near future.
And to finish, a couple of patterns for you.
Your New Favorite Toe-up Sock by ZF Cohen
Crochet Trio Blanket by Susan Carlson 
Remember you can find all the detailed info, pictures and more for many of the newsletters on the website. However, since many of the recommendations are time sensitive due to sales, special events etc, you should really subscribe to the newsletter. You will get this info much earlier in the week while it is still relevant.
That wraps up the August 19 2018 Newsletter post. Keep the comments & replies coming. I love hearing from you.
Please share with everyone you think would be interested!
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[…] week I read His Bluestocking Bride. I previously wrote about the first 2 books in the series here. Book 1 is The Social Tutor. Book 2 is The Gentleman […]