Here is the August 26 – 2018 Newsletter information. If you are not receiving this in your inbox, please subscribe to make sure you get all the goodies in a timely manner. Many specials & sales are only good for a very limited time.
What’s new with me?
I have to say not a lot is new, yet so much is going on. How is that possible?
We attended a birthday party in Terre Haute, IN last Sunday for one of our best friends. They live near the airport and the Air Show was going on. What a treat to sit in their back yard & watch the Blue Angels fly over doing formations. There were lots of other planes, but what type they were was a mystery to me.
Most of this week was devoted to cleaning, cooking, reading, & writing. I hope you have been keeping up with the posts from the website. WordPress has an easy option to share blog posts from other writers that I think you will find interesting. You can look for more of those on the blog during the week. I have very eclectic reading tastes so you never know what will show up on the website & Facebook page.
That’s what my week looked like.
What was yours like?
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What to Read from the August 26 – 2018 Newsletter
This week I revisited the Ghosts of Culloden Moor. I previously wrote about them here. Gregor by Jo Jones, #43 in the series, was released this week. I quickly picked right back up on our Culloden 79 and their adventures with Soncerae. The publishing schedule for this series has been released through the end of the year. Lots more coming out soon!
The Branches of Love series from Sally Britton is wonderful. I’m planning an in depth review of this series once the final book is released. This week I read His Bluestocking Bride. I previously wrote about the first 2 books in the series here. Book 1 is The Social Tutor.
Book 2 is The Gentleman Physician.
I am making my way through a memoir from Diana Marcum , a Pulitzer Prize winner & LA Times author. The Tenth Island is about loss, longing & finding her special place in the Azorean Islands. It is slower reading but so rich in words that I almost feel I am there with her.
I shared a reading list from one of my blog followers, Dining with Donald. His reading runs much more to detective mysteries than mine but it is an intriguing list. Donald is an Anglican priest from Canada. He also writes some very interesting restaurant reviews.
Robert Kugler author of The Last Good Day & The Best of Aloha Kugs wrote a very interesting blog post reflecting on milestone birthdays & being a “grown up”. Since I just had one of those, I found the thoughts & reflections timely & interesting.
What are you reading? Do you have any suggestions for me?
What to Eat from the August 26 – 2018 Newsletter
This week’s recipes have been all over the place. But what fun!
I wrote a blog post with a recipe for Oven Roasted Cabbage Steaks. Even people who claim they don’t care for cabbage love this one.
I shared a delightful recipe for Buckeye Cookies from In Diane’s Kitchen. Diane is one of the most prolific food bloggers I have come across. She shares a new recipe, complete with photos, EVERY day! I’m sure to be passing more of them along.
Cauldrons & Cupcakes has a delicious ginger cookie recipe that she pairs with vanilla ice cream to make her Ginger Ice Cream Sandwiches.
What do you think about a Watermelon Mint Lemonade slushie? Even though fall might be coming, give this summery drink from A Latte Food a try & let me know what you think.
Have you done any special cooking this week. Share a recipe in the comments or on the Facebook page.
What to Make from the August 26 – 2018 Newsletter
Check out these cool 10 minute crafts for kids!
Wonder Woman is where it’s at. This pattern is knit flat. simple instructions in several languages.
Need a quick crochet project for a gift. Try Eeyore Mouse Ears.
Are you a Pin Loom weaver? This site by Sue Burton is fabulous.
Here is the link to several past issue
Have a wonderful week & keep in touch by commenting on the website or on my Facebook page.
I love hearing from everyone!
Please share this with anyone you think might be interested.
The more the merrier… how’s that for ending with a cliche!!
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