Aunt Truly's Tales by Laura McHale Holland | Review

Aunt Truly’s Tales: Enchantment for Story Lovers by Laura McHale Holland | Review

A book blog tour from iRead Book Tours.

Thank you to the author, publisher, & Lauren at iRead for providing me the information for this tour. iread book tour logo -

Aunt Truly’s Tales by Laura McHale Holland | ReviewAunt Truly's Tales: Enchantment for Story Lovers by Laura McHale Holland
Published by Wordforest on 06/05/2021
Genres: Fiction, Myths & Legends, Short Stories, Single Author Anthology
Format: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 100

A dash of whimsy and a dose of wisdom for our times. If you like stories that call to mind a simpler era and words strung in lyrical ways, this collection will take you to a wondrous world where ordinary rules do not apply.

Podcasts, blogs, movies, vlogs-people spin yarns in many ways. But nothing dazzles like a story told in person. In the right teller's hands, a simple narrative has unfathomable power.

Such is the case with Aunt Truly, a spellbinding character in Laura McHale Holland's novel The Kiminee Dream. She is old, but no one knows her age; she travels, but where she goes is a mystery. One thing is certain: she collects stories.

The ten tales in this book present traditional and original stories Aunt Truly might tell you if you happened by her home, Windy Wood, where snow falls from November through April and reality is open to interpretation. In her tales, you'll meet a determined frog, clever seamstress, wise handyman, stolen wife, and more unlikely heroes who face daunting trials. Some succeed; others do not. In the process, they are all transformed.

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Source: iRead Book Tours, Received from the author or publisher for review.


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My thoughts on Aunt Truly’s Tales by Laura McHale Holland

Aunt Truly’s Tales is a collection of short stories told by the mysterious Aunt Truly that we met in The Kiminee Dream.

Each story is unique and entertaining. I thought I would take my time and just read a little at a time. Nope, each one was so fun; I powered through the entire book in one sitting!

The author utilizes the cumulative or chain format in several stories. This style gives the tales a rhythmic flow which I quite enjoyed.

I believe my favorite tale might be The Mermaid’s Gift, although The Frog That Wouldn’t Budge, first told in The Kiminee Dream, is very special.

Some of the tales have obvious morals; others simply make you chuckle. The author, Laura McHale Holland, is a fantastic storyteller. Aunt Truly’s Tales is the second book I have read from her, and I can’t wait to read more.

Aunt Truly's Tales: Enchantment for Story Lovers by Laura McHale Holland book cover

I received a copy of the book for the tour. This review is my honest, unbiased opinion.


About Laura McHale Holland

Laura McHale Holland Author Profile image

Laura McHale Holland:
I write stories true and untrue in multiple forms--from flash fiction to novels, memoirs to short plays. As a child, I loved the musicality of language and often recalled, verbatim, conversations I heard. A lost soul in my teens and early twenties, I righted myself in my mid-twenties and discovered a deep love of the creative process. I've been hooked on that ever since.

Significant mentors for me have been surrealist poet Nanos Valaoritis, who kept groups of students spellbound during office hours at San Francisco State University, and Ruth Stotter, a master storyteller who taught me the importance of getting out of the way of tales I am meant to tell.

My newest work, a novel titled "The Kiminee Dream," incorporates fantastic elements but is grounded in reality--a place I like to straddle in fiction. My published books, which are showcased on this page, have received recognition in the indie publishing sphere, including the National Indie Excellence Awards, Next Generation Indie Book Awards, Readers Favorite Awards, and INDIES Awards among others. In addition, four of my short plays have been produced recently in Northern California, where I live with my husband and two goofy little mutts.

To connect with me, please visit my website, where you can receive a free ebook when you sign up for my readers' group, as well as get previews of new work and updates in a periodic newsletter; read and comment on my blog, and learn about recent and upcoming events.



Enter to win a signed copy of both THE KIMINEE DREAM and AUNT TRULY’S TALES, plus a $25 Amazon Gift Card (1 winner/USA only)(ends June 25)

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Another review of Laura McHale Holland works

The Kiminee Dream 



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Posted 06/18/2021 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Book Reviews, Books, Fiction / 4 Comments

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