Revised 08/07/2024
Book Review Policy and Request Form
My current book review queue is quite long. Here are the guidelines for my book review policy.
I read many genres. I do not review erotica, horror, or excessive violence. Due to the large number of requests I receive, I occasionally limit acceptance of certain genres.
As I read on the Kindle app, PDF or ePub files are preferred. Exceptions may be made upon request. Please note that the Kindle app no longer accepts .mobi files. I will also accept gifted Kindle copies. I understand this will earn the “Verified Purchase” tag on my review, which seems to pull a little more weight with Amazon’s ranking system.
My acceptance of a book does not guarantee a review. I do my best to read and review every book, but I can not guarantee a review. If a book is clearly not for me, I will contact you and let you know why I can not review it.
I try to include all accepted books on my website in some form, as a single post or in a roundup post.
*If you follow my blog, you will know whenever I mention you. I frequently promote past reviews in new blog post reviews. I enjoy interacting with my authors & readers. I hope to hear from you in the blog comments.
You will not be added to my queue until we confirm the details.
A review does not necessarily convert to sales.
These guidelines should clarify my process for you and make life easier for both of us.
If you haven’t already done so, please take a look at my previous book reviews to get a feel for my style.
Please copy & paste the following info & answers into your email.
*All requests must include:
Full name of book and author:
Publication Date:
Approximate number of pages:
Content/Trigger warnings:
A Goodreads or Amazon link to the book:
A link to your Amazon or Goodreads author page:
I have read and agree with the review policy:
If you are feeling exceptionally generous…donations are always welcome!
Website donations help cover blog expenses and, most importantly, keep me caffeinated so I can read all night!
I am not fond of the star rating system as I feel it is entirely too subjective. I prefer to let my review speak for itself. However, Amazon, Goodreads, and many other selling sites require a star rating. I use the following guidelines for awarding stars.
My current rating system:
5 Stars: I loved it and can’t stop thinking/talking about it.
4 Stars: I liked it a lot and will recommend it to everyone.
3 Stars: It’s a book I enjoyed and recommend to all readers of this genre.
If I have issues with the book and feel it warrants a 1-star or 2-star rating, I will contact you before I leave the review. It probably means I am not the right reader for this book.
This system is subject to revision.
If I have accepted your request and you have not heard back from me, don’t hesitate to contact me. Unfortunately, many earlier requests were lost due to circumstances with technology and life.