Capers and Harry: High Climbing by Mother Melania | Fun Children's Book Tour | Giveaway (ends May 27) | Free Books

Capers and Harry: High Climbing by Mother Melania | Children’s Book Tour | Giveaway (ends May 27)

A book blog tour from iRead Book Tours.

Thank you to the author, publisher, & Lauren at iRead for providing me with the information for this tour. iread book tour logo -

Book Details

Capers and Harry: High Climbing by Mother Melania | Fun Children’s Book Tour | Giveaway (ends May 27) | Free BooksCapers and Harry: High Climbing by Mother Melania
Series: Fearless and Friends #1
on 01/25/2018
Genres: Children's Picture Book, Fiction, Inspirational & Personal Growth
Format: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 32

A vain and self-centered cat learns humility.

In attempting to match the antics of a squirrel, Capers strands himself up a tree.

Harry, his bloodhound pal, and Fearless the Fire duck come to the rescue.

Source: iRead Book Tours, Kindle Unlimited

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Purchase Links for Capers and Harry: High Climbing

Amazon-OneLink for all countries 


My thoughts on Capers and Harry: High Climbing

Capers and Harry High Climbing by Mother Melania book cover image

Capers and Harry: High Climbing is book one of the Good Neighbors/Fearless and Friends series of children’s books with a positive message by Mother Melania of the Holy Assumption Monastery in Calistoga, California.

We meet Fearless the Fire Duck, Capers the Cat, and Harry the Hound in this book. Harry is soft-spoken and never speaks up unless he has something important to say. Capers is a bit on the self-centered side, but that seems to be the way with cats.

When Capers lets his pride and desire to be the best outweigh his common sense, he finds himself stranded in a treetop. Harry fetches Fearless and his firetruck to help Capers.

Will they be able to rescue him, and will Capers learn a humbling lesson?

High Climbing is a fun, imaginative tale perfect for young readers and their caretakers. There are lessons to be learned for readers of all ages.

I received a copy of the book for the tour. This review is my honest, unbiased opinion.


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About Mother Melania

Mother Melania Author Profile image

Mother Melania is the Abbess of Holy Assumption Monastery in Calistoga, CA.

She grew up in a house that always had tons of children around, her poor parents had to read to her till they were hoarse, and from the moment she learned to read, she always had her nose in a book.

So, it was only natural for her to grow up to write children's books. In her books, she strives to teach virtue in a fun, non-preachy way.


The Epitome of a Good Neighbor – A few thoughts from the author

Our Fearless and Friends series was originally entitled Good Neighbors, but we changed it when Scholastic came out with a series of the same name. Despite the name change, this series always has been about people (well, animals) trying to be good neighbors to one another. 

When I think of a good neighbor, the person who springs immediately to mind is Mr. Traister, my childhood next-door neighbor. He worked for the local construction company for decades – starting as a truck driver and ending up as the superintendent. When he finally retired at the age of 72, they had to hire three people to replace him! Retirement didn’t slow him down much. Just months before his death at 95 years old, he was building a new backyard fence and climbing onto his roof to clean his gutters. 

Mr. and Mrs. Traister were childless, but he loved children. So, he became the adopted grandfather of the neighborhood. He turned his carpentry know-how into handmade swings, seesaws, trapezes, and fascinating gym equipment of his own invention. Whenever childhood’s little tragedies struck, we would go tell him our woes. He’d pat us on the head and say, “The first hundred years are the hardest.” Then, we’d go away laughing, and life was sweet again. 

Last and certainly not least, he was the most even-tempered person I have ever met. His wife, who had serious mental issues, caused him untold grief, but I never heard him speak an unkind word to her. He was a man of prayer and a master at celebrating life’s little joys, despite all the hardships he’d experienced.

The animals in this series are not modeled after people I know. Rather, they are mostly embodiments of virtues or vices in the style of animal fables. Still, Mr. Traister could easily have been the inspiration for any of the virtuous denizens of the Duck Pond. He was the epitome of the good neighbor – hard-working, duty-bound, self-controlled, loving, and kind. If any of these virtues show up in my books or in my life, he surely deserves some of the credit. 

God bless you, Mr. Traister. You were one of the greats!


Easy Amazon Links

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Win signed copies of the entire Fearless and Friends series (one winner) (USA only) (ends May 27)

Please visit more stops on the tour for extra chances to win!

Official Tour Page

Full Tour Schedule:

May 2 – Working Mommy Journal – book spotlights
May 2 – Cover Lover Book Review – book review of BLUSTER BLUE JAY: NOT MY FAULT!
May 3 – Splashes of Joy  – book review of CAPERS AND HARRY: HIGH CLIMBING
May 4 Cover Lover Book Review  book review of GREEDY THE CROW: FINDERS KEEPERS
May 4 –  Bound4Escape – book review of MIMI THE MYNAH: IT’S ALL MINE!
May 5 –Fur Everywhere – book review of CAPERS AND HARRY: HIGH CLIMBING
May 6 –Bigreadersite – book review of BLUSTER BLUE JAY: NOT MY FAULT!
May 6 –Literary Flits – book spotlights

May 10 – Baroness’ Book Trove – book spotlights
May 10 – A Mama’s Corner of the World – book review of BLUSTER BLUE JAY: NOT MY FAULT!
May 10 – Reading is My Passion – book review of GREEDY THE CROW: FINDERS KEEPERS
May 10 – Gina Rae Mitchell – book review of CAPERS AND HARRY: HIGH CLIMBING
May 11 – Cover Lover Book Review – book review of MIMI THE MYNAH: IT’S ALL MINE!
May 11 – Rockin’ Book Reviews – book review of BLUSTER BLUE JAY: NOT MY FAULT!
May 11 – Kam’s Place – book review of GREEDY THE CROW: FINDERS KEEPERS

May 12 – Bookworm for Kid – book review of GREEDY THE CROW: FINDERS KEEPERS
May 12 – Jazzy Book Reviews – book review of BLUSTER BLUE JAY: NOT MY FAULT!
May 12 – @twilight_reader – book review of MIMI THE MYNAH: IT’S ALL MINE!
May 13 – Lisa’s Reading – book review of MIMI THE MYNAH: IT’S ALL MINE!
May 13 – The Phantom Paragrapher – book review of GREEDY THE CROW: FINDERS KEEPERS
May 16 – fundinmental – Spotlight
May 16 – Library Lady’s Kid Lit – book review of CAPERS AND HARRY: HIGH CLIMBING
May 17 – Older & Smarter? – book review of CAPERS AND HARRY: HIGH CLIMBING

May 17 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review of GREEDY THE CROW: FINDERS KEEPERS
May 17 – Books for Books – book review of BLUSTER BLUE JAY: NOT MY FAULT!
May 18 – Cover Lover Book Review – book review of CAPERS AND HARRY: HIGH CLIMBING
May 18 – Sandra’s Book Club – book review of MIMI THE MYNAH: IT’S ALL MINE!
May 19 – Triquetra Reviews – book review of MIMI THE MYNAH: IT’S ALL MINE!
May 19 – Ravenz Reviewz – book review of BLUSTER BLUE JAY: NOT MY FAULT!
May 20 – Library Lady’s Kid Lit – book review of BLUSTER BLUE JAY: NOT MY FAULT!
May 20 – Sefina Hawke’s Books – book review of CAPERS AND HARRY: HIGH CLIMBING


Free Children’s Book Opportunity

Click on the image to download Capers and Harry: High Climbing and other great children’s books from BookFunnel.


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Posted 05/10/2022 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Book Reviews, Books, Children's, Fiction / 2 Comments

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