Category: Book Promotions

With Fire in Their Blood (Skeleton Keepers #1) by Kat Delacorte | Book Review

With Fire in Their Blood (Skeleton Keepers #1) by Kat Delacorte | Book Revi..

From the word-of-mouth fantasy sensation Kat Delacorte – the standout debut star of 2022 YA Lit Con (YALC) – comes the first instalment in a new YA fantasy duology.
Packed to the brim with bisexual and queer representation, With Fire in Their Blood is a simmering supernatural romance set in the crumbling Italian city of Castello, where mafia clans make the rules, dark magic pulses the streets and the sins of the past threaten to consume the present. . .

A Paraphrase of Paradise Lost for Youngsters: The Tragedy of Lucifer by Joseph Stemberga and Thomas Lane | #ChildrensBook #Review #Excerpt & $15 Giveaway

A Paraphrase of Paradise Lost for Youngsters: The Tragedy of Lucifer by Jos..

Book Review: A Paraphrase of Paradise Lost for Youngsters: The Tragedy of Lucifer by Joseph Stemberga and Thomas Lane. This beautifully illustrated book introduces important skills such as processing & discussing what you read. Valuable for all ages. @GoddessFish @TellwellTalent @paradiselostkid

Beauty in the Beast by Emily-Jane Hills Orford | Review, Excerpt, $10 Giveaway

Beauty in the Beast by Emily-Jane Hills Orford | Review, Excerpt, $10 Givea..

Join Priya in this retelling of a classic fairytale. The author weaves intricate themes of beauty, diversity, acceptance, evil, and kind-heartedness throughout the fabulous world she has created.

Read an excerpt, enter the giveaway, learn more details about the book and author, and find links to purchase from Amazon or a local bookshop.

Discovery of the Five Senses (The Urban Boys) by K.N. Smith |Review and Excerpt, $25 Gift Card Giveaway

Discovery of the Five Senses (The Urban Boys) by K.N. Smith |Review and Exc..

Join me today to learn about The Discovery of the Five Senses (The Urban Boys) by K.N. Smith.

A suspenseful incident in a forbidden preserve heightens the senses of five friends. Sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell become super-gifts that forever change the world. But furious battles confront the boys as they try to understand their sensory super powers in a race to save mankind.