Category: Fiction

Review: Shadow’s Voice

Review: Shadow’s Voice

Review: Shadow’s Voice by Natalie Johanson This week’s review: Shadow’s Voice by Natalie Johanson is a special one. I’m taking part in a Book Blitz from Xpresso Tours. Several bloggers are participating in this blitz. I have a book cover, synopsis,  excerpts, photos, a bio, and even a giveaway. Keep reading to discover why I think […]

Review: Kingdom Cold by Brittni Chenelle

Review: Kingdom Cold by Brittni Chenelle

Review: Kingdom Cold by Brittni Chenelle The following is my review of Kingdom Cold by Brittni Chenelle. I found this book to be well-written and very enjoyable. Please keep reading for more information. There are affiliate links within this post. If you click-through and make a qualified purchase, I may receive a small referral fee. […]

Review: Billionaire Surprise Series – Emma St. Clair

Review: Billionaire Surprise Series – Emma St. Clair

Review of The Billionaire Surprise series by Emma St. Clair I quite surprised myself when I discovered a love of “billionaire romance novels” as it is not my typical genre. I found Emma St. Clair’s books through a Facebook group. The series currently is at four books but I have a feeling there are more to […]