Category: Non-fiction

The Great Weight Debate by Amy Newman Shapiro | Spotlight, Author Interview

The Great Weight Debate by Amy Newman Shapiro | Spotlight, Author Interview

The Great Weight Debate by Amy Newman Shapiro | Spotlight | Author Interview

The Great Weight Debate helps you evaluate which diet will work for you and which can hurt you. It is your essential, trusted resource to sift through the minefield of recommendations and misinformation when choosing the best diet for weight loss success.

The Little Book of Big Knowing by Michele Sammons | Review

The Little Book of Big Knowing by Michele Sammons | Review

The Little Book of Big Knowing: Tiny Burst of Insight to Wake Up Your Soul by Michele Sammons | Review
If this little book has made its way into your life, you can trust that it wasn’t by accident. This happy coincidence is a nudge from the Universe to remind you that you are awesome.
Each chapter is filled with tiny bursts of insight to nourish your heart, warm your soul, and help you to remember your true self.

Finding Family by Amanda Wall | Children’s Book Review | 5 Star

Finding Family by Amanda Wall | Children’s Book Review | 5 Star

Finding Family in a Far Away Land by Amanda Wall (An Adoption Story) | Children’s Book Review, Giveaway, & Author Interview
Every adoption experience is unique but the yearning to have unconditional family love is universal. Two Indian sisters, Priya and Ari, experience what it’s like to be adopted into a multi-cultural, interracial family. Walk alongside these two charming, dynamic girls as they journey through the adoption transition to a new country full of surprising experiences!

Your Writing Matters by Colleen M. Story | Review

Your Writing Matters by Colleen M. Story | Review

Your Writing Matters by Colleen M. Story | Review
Your Writing Matters: How to Banish Self-Doubt, Trust Yourself, and Go the Distance
You could spend years wondering whether you’re meant to be a writer—or you could read this book.

You write day after day. You dream of bestseller’s lists and royalty checks. But despite your best marketing efforts, those dreams remain out of reach.

Learn from writing coach Colleen M. Story if you have what it takes!

Cerebral Palsy by Ilana Estelle | Spotlight

Cerebral Palsy by Ilana Estelle | Spotlight

Cerebral Palsy: ‘A Story’ Finding the Calm After the Storm by Ilana Estelle
Ilana Estelle knew she was different from a young age, but for all the wrong reasons. Part memoir, part motivational guide, this is Ilana’s open and honest journey, from an angry confused child, knowing something was wrong, but not knowing what, to the ‘real’ her – a courageous woman using her experiences and lessons to create inspiring messages about mental and physical health, positivity, resilience, and change.

Enter the giveaway for a chance to win!

My Pseudo College Experience by Jess Kimball | Spotlight

My Pseudo College Experience by Jess Kimball | Spotlight

My Pseudo College Experience by Jess Kimball
In the current era of creative and unique career paths, is college necessary for everyone? Are the debt and stress worth it? Are you “missing out” if you choose a trade school or other career path, and can you get the “full college experience” without actually attending? Read Jess’s story of how she achieved both.

Cancer Awareness Book Tour Presented by iRead Book Tours

Cancer Awareness Book Tour Presented by iRead Book Tours

Cancer Awareness Book Tour

There are many types of cancer–so many that each month of the year is dedicated to promoting awareness of a different type. Just as cancer comes in various forms, it touches different people in various ways.

When a writer is touched by this disease, the natural reaction is to take pen to paper–or rather fingers to keyboard.

The results will surprise you! The stories are as diverse as the disease.

During the month of April, here at iRead Book Tours, we are featuring some tremendous titles written by or inspired by cancer survivors!