Category: Books

Review: Shadow’s Voice

Review: Shadow’s Voice

Review: Shadow’s Voice by Natalie Johanson This week’s review: Shadow’s Voice by Natalie Johanson is a special one. I’m taking part in a Book Blitz from Xpresso Tours. Several bloggers are participating in this blitz. I have a book cover, synopsis,  excerpts, photos, a bio, and even a giveaway. Keep reading to discover why I think […]

Review: Kingdom Cold by Brittni Chenelle

Review: Kingdom Cold by Brittni Chenelle

Review: Kingdom Cold by Brittni Chenelle The following is my review of Kingdom Cold by Brittni Chenelle. I found this book to be well-written and very enjoyable. Please keep reading for more information. There are affiliate links within this post. If you click-through and make a qualified purchase, I may receive a small referral fee. […]

Review: Billionaire Surprise Series – Emma St. Clair

Review: Billionaire Surprise Series – Emma St. Clair

Review of The Billionaire Surprise series by Emma St. Clair I quite surprised myself when I discovered a love of “billionaire romance novels” as it is not my typical genre. I found Emma St. Clair’s books through a Facebook group. The series currently is at four books but I have a feeling there are more to […]

2018 Thanksgiving Book List

2018 Thanksgiving Book List

2018 Thanksgiving book list.   Thanksgiving weekend in the USA is a time for remembering, feasting, watching sports and spending time with family and friends. Most of all, it’s a time for reflecting on what we are thankful for in our life. One of the most gratifying aspects of my life is that I can […]

October 2018 Book List

October 2018 Book List

The October 2018 Book List has all the book recommendations from the weekly newsletter as well as several more that are on my to-be-read list. Did a book in the newsletter catch your eye and now you can’t remember where to look? Then this is the post for you. All the newsletter books and many […]