Category: Recipes

Friday Finds 10-18-2024 | Books, Crafts, Food, & Trivia, plus so much more!

Friday Finds 10-18-2024 | Books, Crafts, Food, & Trivia, plus so much ..

Check out Gina’s Friday Finds for 10-18-2024! This edition features an exciting BBNYA semifinalist tour update, a tasty Reuben casserole recipe, mouthwatering brownies, and festive Halloween printables. Discover a unique darning loom machine, and test your knowledge with the weekly trivia question. Plus, enjoy a roundup of the week’s latest book reviews. It’s the perfect way to kick off your weekend with fun, food, and great reads! Don’t miss it!

@BBNYA_Official @GoddessFish #Bookreviews #Brownies #Reubens #Darning #TriviaContest #Giveaway

Weekly Friday Finds | 10-11-2024 | Recommendations and Reviews | #Books #Bloggers #Food #Crafts #Fun

Weekly Friday Finds | 10-11-2024 | Recommendations and Reviews | #Books #B..

The 10-11-2024 Friday Finds is a full one this week. Check out all the artists, bloggers, author, cooks, and more that are featured today!

@ellwynautumn @BBNYA_official @KAKenzie101 #DoraFarkas @ERSmo_Author @RandyDeanNoble @SharnLeeCreator @RussMakesStuff @AuthorIvanScott @AuthoRoss #MatthewLeslie @teebirdjr @_forbookssake @alitescape @TexasGabi

Open to see all the amazing works from these talented people, along with recipes, recommendations, and more.

Friday Finds 09-27-2024 | This week is FUN! | #Books #Recipes #Reviews #IndieAuthors #Trivia #SimpleLivingCountryGirl #DollyParton #LeanneMorgan #AugustNiehaus #rjgould

Friday Finds 09-27-2024 | This week is FUN! | #Books #Recipes #Reviews #Ind..

The 09-27-2024 Friday Finds | #Books #Recipes #Reviews #IndieAuthors #Trivia |
This week you’ll find: Mama’s Banana Puddin, Cowboy Spaghetti, Blog roundup including my weekly recommendation, Books & more!

@simple_living_country_gal #LeanneMorgan #augustwritesabook @rjgould_author #DollyParton

The 09-20-2024 Fun Friday Finds features Indie Author News, Apple Cobbler, Mason Jar Halloween Lights, the Weekly Trivia Contest, book reviews, a blog roundup, & recommendations for the week.

The 09-20-2024 Fun Friday Finds features Indie Author News, Apple Cobbler, ..

The 09-20-2024 Friday Finds features Indie Author News, Apple Cobbler, Mason Jar Halloween Lights, the Weekly Trivia Contest, book reviews, a blog roundup, and recommendations for the week.

@BreakevenBooks @mj_engels @NoCrySolution @KevinLovegreen @ChevronRos65631 @IHeartRecipes
#IndieAuthors #TriviaContest #AuthorOfTheMonth #HalloweenDecorations #MasonJarLanterns
@GoddessFish @iReadBookTours

Fun Fall Friday Finds For 09-13-2024! #Books #Bloggers #Brownies #Beans #TriviaContest #IndieAuthor Announcements & MORE!

Fun Fall Friday Finds For 09-13-2024! #Books #Bloggers #Brownies #Beans #Tr..

Fun Fall Friday Finds For 09-13-2024! #Books #Bloggers #Brownies #Beans #TriviaContest #IndieAuthor Announcements & MORE!

Let me know what your favorite is this week!

Don’t forget to check out my reviews of your favorite author’s books. You just might help them become my next Author of the Month!

Weekly Friday Finds | 09-06-2024 | Announcing a new Author of the Month and the latest trivia winner, plus #BackToSchool #Recipes #BlogRoundup #Crafts #Books #IndieAuthors 

Weekly Friday Finds | 09-06-2024 | Announcing a new Author of the Month and..

Weekly Friday Finds | 09-06-2024 | Announcing a new Author of the Month and the latest trivia winner, plus #BackToSchool #Recipes #BlogRoundup #Crafts #Books #IndieAuthors 

@Nancy_Stroer @mj_engels @kerrimcbooknerd @BlueMoodCafe1 @gwolmsted @CricketRohman
#MapleOatmealScones #PotatoCakes #PizzaLasagnaRollUps #Knitting

Friday Finds 08-30-2024 The 08-30-2024 is here with blog recommendations, weekend sales, books you don’t want to miss, recipes for the holiday (US) weekend, & the weekly trivia contest.

Friday Finds 08-30-2024 The 08-30-2024 is here with blog recommendations, w..

The 08-30-2024 is here with blog recommendations, weekend sales, books you don’t want to miss, recipes for the holiday (US) weekend, and the weekly trivia contest.

I hope you enjoy the Friday Finds!

@thewooleryshop #Etsy #HCNewton @Mehsi_Hime #TriviaContest #GLRobinson #AuthorOfTheMonth #IndieAuthors @MorganKWyatt #AirFryerCheeseCurds #SmokedAppleCrisp @bohemienneIvy #YarnSales #FiberSale #BBNYA

Your Friday Finds 08-16-2024 Edition is here! #Books #Recipes #Crafts #BBNYA #IndieAuthors #TriviaContest (and much more)

Your Friday Finds 08-16-2024 Edition is here! #Books #Recipes #Crafts #BBNY..

Here are your 08-16-2024 Friday Finds! You’re sure to find something that tickles your fancy from books to a classic casserole to a creative bonsai tree kit. This week’s trivia is really a riddle, but I found it fun. Let me know what you think of this week’s edition!

Your Friday Finds 08-16-2024 Edition is here! #Books #Recipes #Crafts #BBNYA #IndieAuthors #TriviaContest (and much more)