December 16, 2022 ~ Friday Finds | Author News ~ Last-Minute Gift Ideas ~ Books ~Reviews ~ Recipes

The December 16, 2022 Friday Finds are here with Author News ~ Last-Minute Gift Ideas ~ Books ~Reviews ~ Recipes

Hello & welcome!

It’s time for that all-important last-minute holiday rush. You have so much to do, and yet, you just want to listen to holiday music, sip coffee, and knit. Oh…maybe that’s just me. lol!

I had such big plans for everything I was going to accomplish the past week, but most were put to the side in favor of other less important things. Can you see the reason I am always too rushed at the last minute? I am the queen of procrastination.

Are you all ready for the holidays? Do you have your gifts bought and wrapped? Is your house clean and decorated? Nope, me neither. But I’ll get there. I always do. It just requires massive amounts of focus and coffee. Coffee I have plenty of, focus…not so much!

I tried to gather a few ideas for your last bit of shopping and menu planning. I hope you find something here to give you a hand or distract you from your worries.

Peace & Love

Script Gina

Note: I include purchase images throughout each post. Every purchase made through my links helps to support this blog at no additional cost to you. My commission comes out of Amazon or the other sellers’ shares.


Friday Finds | December 16, 2022 | Author News

Divider Banners Xmas Author News Friday Finds December 16, 2022

Do you have a new book releasing soon, a special promotion coming up, or any other news of your author life I can share with my readers?

In the reported book and author news this week…

Elizabeth Pantley’s latest in her Magical Mystery Book Club series, Cowboys & Chaos, is out now. I’ll have a review of the entire series in the near future.

51SLCowboys and Chaos: Magical ...Shop on Amazon


Vic Cavalli author image

Vic Cavalli is my latest featured author. I read & reviewed his novel, The Road to Vermilion Lake a while back. Please welcome Vic to the website (on the sidebar & in this post).

5182kH83LlL. AC AC SR98,95The Road to Vermilion LakeShop on Amazon

Would you like to be featured as my Author/Blogger of the Week? Please drop me a comment below to let me know. That’s all it takes! 


Friday Finds | December 16, 2022 | Books

Books Xmas banner

These are a few of the books that caught my eye this week. Have you read them? Would you like to?

George the Pony series by C.S. McDonald series image

Most of you know what a big fan I am of C.S. McDonald’s cozy mysteries. Did you also know she writes delightful children’s books? Please check out her George the Pony series. I think you’ll love it.

61Lc7EscQ L. AC AC SR98,95George the Boss: George the...Shop on Amazon


Forbidden Fake Fiance banner

Lucy McConnell has a new cover for her Christmas romance, Her Totally Hot Forbidden Fake Fiance, to celebrate the audiobook’s release.

Taking the wrong man home for Christmas never felt so right.

Diana Dalagar can’t stand the idea of her grumpy–though totally hot–neighbor spending Christmas alone, so she invites Cliff to the family cabin. In the planning, there’s a slight misunderstanding that gives her mother the impression they are engaged. Which is great because it will keep Diana’s family off her back about why she’s still single.

She’ll just have to make sure that Cliff doesn’t find out what she’s done.

51wJ t9GICL. AC AC SR98,95Her Totally Hot Forbidden F...Shop on Amazon


Dad Jokes bundle image

Dad Jokes 2023 Boxed Calendar and Book Gift Set

Dad jokes are a huge “hit” in our family. Right now, the grandkids are even calling us with “Dad Jokes”. It’s a great way to stay connected with the family. You don’t have to be a dad to love cheesy jokes.

Dad Jokes: the good, the bad, and the downright terrible. Give the gift of laugh-out-loud fun this Christmas with this punbelievable gift set!

41h0zM0FpGL. AC AC SR98,95Dad Jokes 2023 Boxed Calend...Shop on Amazon


The Book of Unusual Knowledge cover image

The Book of Unusual Knowledge is a mammoth 704-page hardcover book crammed with a cornucopia of information, some useful, others not so much, but all of it completely captivating.

  • Perfect for anyone with a curious mind and a passion for learning.
  • Includes a vast array of articles, anecdotes, lists, and games; this book will provide hours of fascinating reading.
  • Expand your knowledge on a range of topics, including the animal kingdom, art, sports, technology, history, politics, the universe, and much, much more!
51NBHY javL. AC AC SR98,95The Book of Unusual Knowled...Shop on Amazon

Don’t forget to leave reviews of the books you read. Even if you borrow them at the library or buy a copy, you can leave a review on most websites like Goodreads and Amazon. You wouldn’t believe how much this benefits the author.

Friday Finds | December 16, 2022 | Recipes

Divider Banners Xmas Recipes



Do you remember these? I haven’t thought of them in years. Martha Washington Candies from SpaceshipsAndLaserBeams (great website name!)


Roasted Pecan Green Beans - Keto image

Want to sneak a Keto dish into the family holiday meal? Serve these Roasted Pecan Green Beans from Ruled Me, and they’ll think you fancied up the regular recipe with no clue it’s healthier for them.


Favorite-Christmas-Breakfast-Casserole- Taste of Home image

Taste of Home bills this as one of the best Christmas Breakfast Casseroles! Would you agree?


Friday Finds | December 16, 2022  | Creative Projects

Divider Banners Xmas Crafts

If you haven’t started your Holiday crafts by now…it’s probably a little late, but here’s a quick, last-minute idea if you feel the need to get creative.



pine cone Christmas Trees

If you have the materials on hand, you can make these cute little gifts/decorations up as quick as a jolly elf’s wink. If you want to order the kit, use this link.  If you’re like me, start now for next year!


Friday Finds | December 16, 2022 | Gina’s Blog Roundup

Divider Banners Xmas Blog Roundup

I love surfing through an eclectic mix of blogs. It’s a rabbit hole I fall into frequently! What are some of your favorite blogs to visit each week? Here are a couple of my favorites.

LifesFineWhine  Pooja writes a fun, eclectic blog. You never know what you’ll find there, but it’s always interesting.

The Amazon Editor’s picks are always fun to browse through.

If you missed one of my reviews in the past week, here’s an easy link to find them all, or click on the image & links below. Be sure you check out the giveaways. There are some great prizes this week!

The Doc’s Holiday Homecoming by Virginia McCullough (Back to Adelaide Creek# 2) | Book Review ~Excerpt ~ Etsy Gift Card Giveaway

The Warlock’s Curse by C. B. Oresky | Excerpt ~ Author Note ~ $50 Giveaway ~ Young Adult Fantasy

A School of Daughters by Kate René MacKenzie | Book Review ~ Excerpt ~ $50 Giveaway (2 Winners!)| #WomensFiction A School of Daughters

Rebirth of a Sage by Lani Gonzales, a Spirituality/Self Help/Memoir | Excerpt ~Guest Post ~ $20 Giveaway 

Blood of the Hunted by Marc R. Micciola | Spotlight & $25 Amazon/BN Gift Card Giveaway

2022 BBNYA Semi-finalist Tour | Skate the Thief by Jeff Ayers

2022 BBNYA Semi-finalist Spotlight on The Oracle Stone by Talli L. Morgan | Epic Fantasy

THE FIRST STATE  (The Judgment series Book 1) by Tshekedi Wallace | Spotlight ~ Giveaway ~ #Thriller

A Knock on the Door by Roberta K. Fernandez | Video Interview w/Author ~ Giveaway (ends Dec 17, 2022)


If you send in a Friday Finds recommendation, and it’s used in an upcoming post, you’ll be entered into a raffle amongst all contributors. Stay tuned for more info in 2023!

 Thanks for reading this week. Peace & Love!

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Posted 12/16/2022 by Gina in Author Spotlight, Book Reviews, Books, Crafts, Food, Lifestyle, Newsletters, Recipes / 8 Comments

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8 responses to “December 16, 2022 ~ Friday Finds | Author News ~ Last-Minute Gift Ideas ~ Books ~Reviews ~ Recipes

  1. Nope, I’m not ready at all for Christmas! My house is a mess, the tree is only half decorated, and I don’t have many presents.
    The snowmen ornaments and Christmas trees are adorable!

  2. Are you taking away my Queen of Procrastination crown, Gina?!?! Hope you get everything done with a minimum amount of stress! Merry Christmas 🎄🎄🎄

    • Merry Christmas, Carol! ☃️ I bet there is a big market for crowns this time of year! In typical fashion, my daughter called & said the kids get out of school early today for xmas break & învited us to lunch. So we’re off to the first holiday celebration. Lol. Priorities!