Deception Is Our Remedy by Alexandra Gavranovic | Guest Post ~ Book Review | #YoungAdult #Dystopian #Survival #SciFi #Fantasy | @iReadBookTours @agavranovicauthor | 1 Signed Copy Giveaway

Deception Is Our Remedy by Alexandra Gavranovic | Guest Post ~ Book Review | #YoungAdult #Dystopian #Survival #SciFi #Fantasy | @iReadBookTours @agavranovicauthor | 1 Signed Copy Giveaway

A book blog tour from iRead Book Tours.

Thank you to the author, publisher, & Lauren at iRead for providing me with the information for this tour. iread book tour logo -

Quick Summary

Deception is Our Remedy is a fast-paced, dystopian adventure that will leave you guessing at every turn.


Book Details

Deception Is Our Remedy by Alexandra Gavranovic | Guest Post ~ Book Review | #YoungAdult #Dystopian #Survival #SciFi #Fantasy | @iReadBookTours @agavranovicauthor | 1 Signed Copy GiveawayDeception is Our Remedy by Alexandra Gavranovic
on March 2024
Genres: Fiction, Dystopian, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Format: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 448

What if everything you thought you knew about the world - and yourself - was a lie? What would you do?

For 17-year-old Callista, growing up in a world stripped of all its color after the great climate crisis, every day looks the same in her Neighborhood. There are no other kids her age except for her best friend, Reggie. There are no events or activities. And there is no leaving. Cal rarely even steps outside her house except to pick up the month’s worth of dry, rationed food courtesy of the Government or for her routine trip to the doctor, which always leaves her feeling groggy and depleted.

And while she knows that she should just accept this life, she can’t help but wonder if there is something she isn’t being told. From whispered conversations she overhears of her parents to nightmares that feel more like memories jarring her awake in the middle of the night, Cal finally decides to find out for herself if there is something beyond the towering gates of her Neighborhood. Something that can provide answers.

But what she finds is more shocking than she could have imagined. When a giant floating object of immense light transports her to an abandoned city, Cal meets more people her age who also grew up in Neighborhoods. And, like the orb of light she can suddenly summon with her mind, these other people are also gifted with special abilities.

Before she can determine what is going on, they are all herded to a special Academy for the gifted, where they will learn to hone their abilities with other students just like them.

But as Cal unravels her nightmares, everything she thought she knew about her former life starts to rip at the seams. And, as she spends more time with her fellow students in the Academy, she begins to wonder if she really escaped the Neighborhood at all.

Deception is Our Remedy is a fast-paced, dystopian adventure that will leave you guessing at every turn. Grab your copy today!

Source: iRead Book Tours

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Purchase Links for Deception Is Our Remedy

Deception is Our Remedy
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Gavranovic, Alexandra (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 448 Pages - 03/18/2024 (Publication Date) - Dumetella Press (Publisher)

Please let me know if the above Amazon button does not route you to your home country’s Amazon page. I will gladly get you a link. Every click and/or purchase helps to support my blogging efforts.

Using my link does not change the price you pay. Amazon pays me a minimal amount out of their share. 



My Thoughts on Deception Is Our Remedy

Deception is Our Remedy is a fast-paced, dystopian adventure that will leave you guessing at every turn.

While the book is longer at over 400 pages, it is a fast-paced read. Perhaps that is because it’s hard to quit once you start reading. It definitely has that just one more page/chapter hook.

Although this is billed as a YA dystopian adventure, trust me, it can be enjoyed by readers of all ages.

Set in a colorless, bland world after the recent climate control crisis, young Callista yearns for something more than being confined to her neighborhood. When she finally breaks free, she stumbles upon a fascinating world where teens have special powers that are being cultivated for nefarious reasons.
The tale is thought-provoking and entertaining, with themes of found family amongst the typical dystopian themes. The world-building is well done, and the story is set up nicely for a sequel.

While reading this debut novel from an up-and-coming young author, I was reminded a bit of The Giver and Divergent.

I received a copy of the book for the tour. This review is my honest, unbiased opinion.


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About Alexandra Gavranovic

Alexandra Gavranovic author image

Alexandra Gavranovic lives in Georgia, where she is studying Public Relations. She has been writing and crafting stories since she was a young girl and enjoys the process of being creative.

When she’s not studying for her college classes, Alix enjoys spending time with her two cats and her dog, reading dystopian novels, and playing video games. She is also an avid pianist with 12 years of experience. Deception Is Our Remedy is her first published novel.


Guest Post from the author of Deception Is Our Remedy

My Method to Overcoming Writer’s Block

We have all heard of writer’s block. When you are delving deep into the worlds of your story, creating sequences that you may have never thought your mind could come up with, then suddenly, it all stops. The ideas stop flowing, and your mind shuts off. It’s a very real thing that happens and can be quite frustrating. However, I have found a simple method to fight it that greatly helped me on my journey in writing my debut novel, Deception is Our Remedy.

            The method is simple. Just keep writing. I know you may think, “Well, if I could keep writing, I would! That’s what writer’s block is stopping me from doing!” And while that may be true, that is exactly why you must do it. Yet, I am not saying you should necessarily keep on your pre-written plotline.

Instead, try to think of the craziest development you can and go with it. Add onto your story, even if it goes way off the tracks you may have set out for it. It doesn’t matter how far off the rails you go. As you allow yourself this freedom to creatively express yourself, you may find your imagination “muscles” starting to work again. You won’t feel so tied down, so blocked out. At least, that is what helped me. And who knows, maybe this exercise will give you another idea for your story!

            I have found that removing any boundaries on my writing path “should” or guidelines for my plot that I am “supposed” to follow allows my mind to have limitless creativity. Practicing this reduces my writer’s block as I don’t have any particular ideas I’m trying to come up with. I’m just saying whatever pops into my mind. It gives me more to work with and allows my creative train to start again. Next time you face writer’s block, just try it! See how off the rails you can go, and learn to appreciate your imagination. Then maybe writer’s block won’t seem so scary anymore.



Win a signed copy of Alexandra Gavranovic’s debut novel, DECEPTION IS OUR REMEDY (one winner) (USA and Canada) (ends June 26)

Please visit more stops on the tour for extra chances to win!

Official Tour Page for Deception Is Our Remedy

Blogs on this Tour:

May 28– Cover Lover Book Review 
May 28 – Locks, Hooks and Books 
May 29 – Ilovebooksandstuffblog 
May 30 – Liese’s Blog
June 3 – Book Corner News and Reviews 
June 4 – Country Mamas With Kids 
June 5 – Book Zone Reviews 
June 11 – Library Lady’s Kid Lit 
June 17 – Gina Rae Mitchell
June 26 – Michelle, The Book Critic
June 27 – Diane’s Book Journal

Please see the Official Tour Page for the list of Instagram tour participants!

DECEPTION IS OUR REMEDY by Alexandra Gavranovic (a novel) Book Tour Giveaway


Book Title: DECEPTION IS OUR REMEDY by Alexandra Gavranovic
Category: YA Fiction (Ages 13-17), 412 pages
Genre: YA dystopian; YA survival stories; Sci-fi Fantasy
Publisher: Dumetella Press
Release date: March 2024
Tour dates: May 28 to June 24, 2024
Content Rating: PG: Some minimal fight scenes and acts of violence


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Posted 06/17/2024 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Book Reviews, Books / 0 Comments

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