Friday Finds 07-26-2024 Banner Red White & Blue

Weekly Friday Finds | 07-26-2024| Books ~Author News ~ Recipes ~ SPAAW ~ New Trivia Contest Question

Welcome to the Friday Finds for 07-26-2024. I’m so happy to have you here today. I’ve had a very relaxing week. Since my time away, it seems like I might be getting caught up on some things. That must mean it’s time for another trip! Not that I have anything currently in the works. haha

In case you are wondering what I did with all those fresh veggies and berries from last week’s newsletter, I now have several bags of vegetable soup in the freezer for next winter. We also enjoyed a delicious blackberry pie with a butter crumb topping and refreshing vanilla ice cream. I’m almost ashamed to show the picture. I was rushing and didn’t seal my edges. It ran over and didn’t look very pretty. But I promise you, it tasted terrific.

Blackberry Pie with Butter crumb topping 07-26-2024

I also cooked up a batch of green beans with carrots and onions. We ate on it for a few days, and I froze the rest.

Green Beans with carrots and red onion in a pot 07-26-2024

That’s about it for me for this week. Would you please leave a comment with anything fun you are doing or delicious food you are cooking up?

Until next week, I wish you peace,


Friday Finds July 2024 RWB Divider image

Weekly Friday Finds | 07-26-2024 | Blog News

These are the blog posts I shared this week.

Let’s Talk About Book Genres | Are There 5 or 5,000 Different Genres?

Pink Blossom Book Genres Square 07-26-2024 Friday Finds


Cargo of Bones (The Salt Water Chronicles #1) by Z. Lindsey | Great Prize Raffle 

Cargo of Bones Square Bookstagram Image


Twin Stars (The Gannet Quartet #1) by Charlotte Clutterbuck | $10 Gift Card

Twin Stars Square graphic


Imperfections by Ann Chiappetta | Book Review, Author Guest Post, $25 Gift Card 



Out of Body: A Magical Misfits Mystery #3 by Lina Hansen

Out of Body by Lina Hansen Square

07-05-2024 Friday Finds July 2024 RWB Divider image

Weekly Friday Finds | 07-26-2024 | Garden Party Recipes

If you are planning a “garden” party, fancy or informal, you can’t go wrong with these ideas. What would you serve for a summer garden party? For me, the best recipes start with home-grown or farmers-market produce.

Let’s start with the go-to recipe for any summer party. There are a gazillion recipes out there, but I like this one from “Cooking For An Army.”

English-Cucumber-Tea-Sandwiches-for-a-Crowd By Cooking For An Army 07-26-2024
Image & Recipe by Cooking For An Army









Cucumber Sandwiches


Caprese Salad Skewers

Caprese salad skewers are not only a delicious appetizer but also sophisticated and easy to make. These bite-sized delicacies capture the essence of summer on a stick, playing with fresh and creamy flavors.

caprese-skewers from Class Pop
Image & Recipe from Class Pop







You can also check today’s corresponding email newsletter for more recipes. (Don’t get the exclusive Friday Finds email? Sign up on the sidebar! ) —>

Friday Finds July Square July 5, 2024 Red

  Weekly Friday Finds | 07-26-2024 | Books

What are you reading this week? Here are a couple of suggestions for books I recently added to my queue.

Long Lost Lies by C.S. McDonald book cover

Long Lost Lies (The Owl’s Nest Mysteries) by C.S. McDonald

Alexa’s younger sister, Natalyn, is accused of murdering her boss, and why not? Jacob Burnley is found stabbed to death in Natalyn’s bed the morning after an office party. Because of this current chaos in Alexa’s life, Winnie is forced to take her place and travel to 1958 with Detective Slater for his next rookie Guardian Angel case. 


The Note Keeper by Cindy Kirk book cover 07-26-2024

The Note Keeper: A captivating tale of heartfelt love and unwavering devotion (A GraceTown Book)

On a crowded rack in the corner of the shop, a sleeve peeked out. She reached for it. The softness of the well-worn tweed familiar to her fingers. His scent still lingering on the lapels. This was his coat, the one he swore he’d keep forever. So how on earth did it end up here?

When Taylor finds her late father’s coat in the back of a thrift shop and slips on, she discovers a mysterious note in his handwriting: I love you, don’t sell! As new notes continue to appear, Taylor begins to believe her father is communicating with her. But is that possible? And if so, what is the ultimate message he’s trying to send?

Friday Finds 07-26-2024 RWB Divider image




Weekly Friday Finds | 07-26-2024 | Independent Author News

I’ve been hyping Tayvie’s Story from Mim Eichmann for a while now. It’s finally been released! To celebrate, Mim is hosting a giveaway on Goodreads. Click the link or image to win one of five print copies up for grabs.

Book giveaway for Tayvie’s Story by Mim Eichmann Jul 20-Aug 04, 2024

Tayvie's Story Goodreads Giveaway image Release Week 07-26-2024








If you have Kindle Unlimited, StoryOrigin may be your new best friend. I know I use it all the time. It’s easy to find bundles, promos, and similar genres grouped together. Here are two current or upcoming promotions you might be interested in. It’s excellent for reading individual e-books and Audio-books, too.

Surf's Up Summer Fantasy Adventure Story Origin 07-26-2024
Ends Soon — Act Now!
Binge Worthy J-A StoryOrigin MJE
Plenty of time left on this one, but why take a chance you’ll forget


Authors, if you participate in StoryOrigin promotions, please send me your promo details or any other news I might share with my readers.

Friday Finds July 2024 RWB Divider image

Weekly Friday Finds | 07-26-2024 | Blogs to Visit

Here are a couple of entertaining blogs I think you will enjoy.

Self-published Author’s Appreciation Week ends this weekend. Keeping track of all the celebrations, cover reveals, and reviews is challenging. Witty & Sarcastic Book Club has set up a hub where you can find many SPAAW articles, even after the week-long celebration is over.

SPAAW BAnner for 07-26-2024


Jo Linsdell website banner

Jo has the best information on her website! I know you will find something (or many things) to intrigue you.

Friday Finds July 2024 RWB Divider image

Weekly Friday Finds | 07-26-2024 | Trivia Time

This week’s trivia question is:

Approximately what percentage of flowers sold in the United States are grown overseas?

Leave your answer in the comment section to be entered into this month’s trivia contest.

The answer to last week’s question:

Which subgenre of mystery fiction, often set in a small, socially intimate community, involves an amateur sleuth who solves the crime with little to no graphic violence or sexual content?

Cozy mysteries (also referred to as cozies) are a sub-genre of crime fiction in which sex and violence occur offstage, the detective is an amateur sleuth, and the crime and detection take place in a small, socially intimate community.

Friday Finds July 2024 RWB Divider image

Remember, if you find something you like in this post, leave a comment and click the LIKE button at the bottom of the page. It means the world!

Red Heart - Like this post image - for Weekly Friday Finds 02-23-2024
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See you soon for more Weekly Friday Finds Fun!


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Posted 07/26/2024 by Gina in Books, Crafts, Food, Lifestyle, Newsletters, Recipes, Weekly Finds / 6 Comments

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6 responses to “Fun Friday Finds | 07-26-2024 | #Books ~ #AuthorNews ~ #PartyRecipes ~ #SPAAW ~ New #Trivia Question #Gardening

  1. Eve Gaal

    That pie looks delicious! I don’t go to farmer markets, since it’s too hot; even in autumn, the weather is hot. Plus, we have a plethora of stores around us–some with excellent produce! Are you describing Nancy Drew as your mystery sleuth? 🙂

    • You are my 1st go-to blog when I want to understand how something about blogging works…and I always love your reviews!

  2. Our garden got a slow start and then had some storm damage which pushed it back even further. We just now finally started getting some flowers on the tomato plants so I don’t think we’ll get much from our garden this year.
    The trivia question answer is 80% of flowers.
    Have a great week!

  3. mombo33

    Gina – thanks so much for mentioning my “Tayvie’s Story” Goodreads Giveaway and book publication … it’s been a rough journey this year for both Tayvie and me!