Weekly Friday Finds | 10-18-2024| Books, Crafts, Food, & Trivia, plus so much more!
Hello, Hello, and welcome to the Friday Finds for 10-18-2024.
This week, the Friday Finds has a slightly different focus. From now until early December, the blog will be full of book recommendations from BBNYA, blog tours, and indie author requests. These are all labors of love from the authors, illustrators, tour companies, and bloggers who promote them. To showcase everyone, they will be the highlights of the Friday Finds for right now.
I’ll not short-change you on recipes, crafts, or other features! It just means the Friday post will probably be a bit longer. I will include a clickable table of contents so you can go straight to the sections that interest you the most.
Let me know what you think, and please give all these Indie authors some views, likes, and support. Don’t forget to leave a review for every book you read, no matter where you find your books. Even a quick thumbs-up is helpful.
Until next week,
Weekly Friday Finds | 10-18-2024| Blog News
These are the blog posts I shared this week.
[Book Review] Forward to Camelot by Susan Sloate and Kevin Finn | #TimeTravel #Thriller @GoddessFish @finnkv @susansloate
Sunny Gale by Jamie Lisa Forbes | Spotlight #HistoricalFiction #Rodeo #BlogTour @BreakevenBooks @JamieLisaForbes @ProngPress
Dying for Monet by Claudia Riess (An Art History Mystery) | Excerpt & $25 Gift Card | @ClaudiaRiess @ClaudiaRiessBooks @GoddessFish
Welcome to my WWW Wednesday 10-16-2024. Learn what the 3 W’s are and check out my answers. Feel free to leave your answers in the comments or share a link to your own blog.
Restoration of the Golden Orbs by Paul A. Mendel (Mind Power #2) $10 Gift Card | #Fantasy #ComingOfAge @GoddessFish @TellwellTalent
Spirience: Experiencing Peace and Prosperity through Spirituality and Science by Mahāmahopādhyāya Bhadreshdas Swami, V.I. Lakshmanan & S. Kalyanasundaram | #SelfHelp @GoddessFish @TellwellTalent
Weekly Friday Finds |10-18-2024 | Recipes
Reuben Casserole from AllRecipes
This tasty Reuben casserole is made with layers of sauerkraut, corned beef, Swiss cheese, rye bread crumbs, and creamy Russian-style salad dressing.
I know this isn’t exactly a recipe, but it’s a favorite around our house! The best part is you can doctor them up however you want, so I’m calling it a “recipe.” I’m not big on using muffin pans, but when we are in the mood for a quick chocolate snack, these are perfect in a loaf pan. Two cups of mix and 1/4 cup of liquid give you six to eight brownies or more if you cut them into bite-size pieces. Make as much or as little as you want.
I love putting a thin layer of chocolate chip cookie dough over the top before you bake them. Other favorite options are swirling it with caramel or chocolate syrup, adding mini marshmallows for a smores taste, chopping up some of that Halloween candy to stir in, or replacing the water with coffee for a mocha delight. The flavor options are endless.
Batchables also come in chocolate chip cookie mix or blueberry muffin mix.
You can also check today’s corresponding email newsletter for more recipes. (Don’t get the exclusive Friday Finds email? Sign up on the sidebar! ) —>
Weekly Friday Finds | 10-18-2024 | BBNYA
I am spotlighting one BBNYA semifinalist every day until Dec 4, 2024! (All 59 of them!) I decided to give them their own heading in the Friday Finds for now. These Independent Authors deserve kudos for outstanding books in all genres.
BBNYA 2024 Semi-Finalist Tour | Grave Covenant by Tobias Youngblood (Projectionists #1) #ScienceFiction #Fantasy @TobiasYBLD @BBNYA_Official @Foliosociety @The_WriteReads
BBNYA 2024 Semi-Finalist Tour | Disenchanted by Brianna Sugalski (Ruinous Reign #1) | #Fantasy #Romance @alchemyblooms @authorbriannasugalski @BBNYA_Official @Foliosociety @The_WriteReads
BBNYA 2024 Semi-Finalist Tour | Daughter of the Beast by E C Greaves (The Vyshivka Trilogy #1) | Age Category: Adult |#Fantasy #ComingOfAge @GreavesEC @BBNYA_Official @Foliosociety @The_WriteReads
BBNYA 2024 Semi-Finalist Tour | Blackout Trail by Linda Naughton | #ScienceFiction #Thriller #PostApocalyptic #Dystopian #scifi @lynnnoton @BBNYA_Official @Foliosociety @The_WriteReads
BBNYA 2024 Semi-Finalist Tour | Black Stone Heart by Michael R. Fletcher | #fantasy #adult @FletcherMR @BBNYA_Official @Foliosociety @The_WriteReads
BBNYA 2024 Semi-Finalist Tour | Angels by Rachel Churcher | #ContemporaryFiction #NewAdult @RachelChurcherWriting @BBNYA_Official @Foliosociety @The_WriteReads #LGBTQ+
BBNYA 2024 Semi-Finalist Tour | Healer’s Blade (Enemy’s Keeper #1) by Kyrie Wang | #HistoricalFantasy #Romance @AuthorKyrieW @BBNYA_Official @Foliosociety @The_WriteReads
(Authors, if you participate in promotions, please send me your promo details or any other news I might share with my readers.)
Weekly Friday Finds |10-18-2024 | Creative Project
Printable Vintage Halloween Set
Do you need a last-minute Halloween decorating idea? These printables are perfect. Mix and Match, or use them all. With printables, you are in charge!
Isn’t this Mini Darning Loom Machine the neatest thing? Maybe I can start a trend where patched holes are more “in style” than wearing holey clothes. I’m of an age where I can’t stand to buy new clothes that already have holes in them. And I have to say, as a knitter, it totally offends my sensibilities to see someone intentionally wearing a frayed, holey, unraveling sweater… and they bought it that way! lol
Weekly Friday Finds | 10-18-2024 | Trivia Time
Trivia Time is back! (For now) Several people mentioned how much they enjoy it, so I’ll give it another try.
Who said: ‘Books are a uniquely portable magic’?
Leave your answer in the comment section to be entered into the next trivia contest drawing.
Remember, if you find something you like in this post, leave a comment and click the LIKE button at the bottom of the page. It means the world!

Please share the 10-18-2024 Friday Finds with your friends and family. The blog follower and email subscriber list is growing. The more followers and clicks I get, the more fun finds I can bring you.
If you are feeling exceptionally generous…donations are always welcome!
See you soon for more Weekly Friday Finds Fun!
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[…] heard from several readers who made last week’s Reuben Casserole recipe. They all loved […]
That loom is adorable, and cookies melded with brownies sounds like a hack made in Heaven!
I just made a 9×13 pan to take to the grandkids tonight. 1/3 w cookie dough on top, 1/3 w chopped peanut butter cups, & the last third w salted caramel! I’ll let you know how they turn out.
Sounds like there were a lot of good entries in this years BBNYA.
I believe it was Stephen King who said ‘Books are a uniquely portable magic’ in his book On Writing.
The competition was so close this year. Just fractions of points determined who moved on to the finals. Its seems to be really growing.