Friday Finds for 22 July 2022 | Freezing Veggies in Scorching Heat - New Books - Blackberry Crisp - Keto Antipasto - 20 in 1 Crochet Sweater

Friday Finds for 22 July 2022 | Freezing Veggies in Scorching Heat – New Books – Blackberry Crisp – Keto Antipasto – 20 in 1 Crochet Sweater

Hello, my friends & welcome to the Friday Finds for 22 July 2022!

It’s been a crazy week around here. We’ve had scorching heat (like nearly everyone else) and are still in a drought. Despite the poor conditions, the garden is producing. This week I made Blackberry Sauce, and started freezing sweet corn, cauliflower, broccoli, and onions. The green beans have suffered the worst from the harsh summer. We’ve just had a couple of messes that we devoured right away.

I read several incredible books lately. You can find my reviews of some of them below, and some are to be published soon. I’ve also recently taken on a few freelance writing gigs in the hopes of making a bit extra to cover the blog costs. Running a safe, secure, yet thriving website is NOT cheap nowadays.

Well, I’m off for now. The grandkids will be here for the next two weeks. It’s gonna be a wildly fun time. I’m sure I’ll fall behind on reading and writing, but I consider it well worth it!

Peace & Love

script letter g 8 April 2022


Divider Banners lavender swirl w flower- Author News 6 May 2022

Friday Finds | 22 July 2022  | Author News

Do you have a new book releasing soon, a special promotion coming up, or any other news of your author-life I can share with my readers?

In the reported book and author news this week…

crickets…??? Seriously, does no one have news to share?

My news is that the semi-finalist list for the 2022 Book Blogger Novel of the Year Award has been released. I was so pleased to see some of “my fave authors” on the list. The people that did not move on will be offered mini spotlight tours with The Write Reads gang. The books that moved on to the next round are eligible for even better prizes. Don’t forget to follow BBNYA on Twitter for all the news & lots of chances to win. To find out more about the sponsors and the panelists, visit the BBNYA website

Would you like to be featured as my Author/Blogger of the Week? Please drop me a comment below to let me know. That’s all it takes! 


Friday Finds for 15 July 2022 Divider Banners lavender swirl w flower - Books

Friday Finds |   | Book Finds

These are a few of the books that caught my eye this week. Have you read them, would you like to?

Lessons in Chemistry for 22 July 2022


A must-read debut! Meet Elizabeth Zott: a one-of-a-kind scientist in 1960s California whose career takes a detour when she becomes the unlikely star of a beloved TV cooking show in this novel that is “irresistible, satisfying and full of fuel. It reminds you that change takes time and always requires heat” (The New York Times Book Review).

51aR4cIVolL. AC AC SR98,95Lessons in Chemistry: A Nov...Shop on Amazon


The Mermaid and the Bear by Ailish Sinclair book cover image

Ailish is a great supporter of my blog. I thought it was about time I posted reviews for some of her works, so I’m starting with The Mermaid and the Bear, book one of the Manteith collection.

Isobell needs to escape. She has to. Her life depends on it.

She has a plan, and it’s a well-thought-out, well-observed plan, to flee her privileged life in London and the cruel man who would marry her, and ruin her, and make a fresh start in Scotland.

She dreams of faery castles, surrounded by ancient woodlands and misty lochs… and maybe even romance, in the dark and haunted eyes of a mysterious Laird.

Despite the superstitious nature of the time and place, her dreams seem to be coming true, as she finds friendship and warmth, love and safety. And the chance for a new beginning…

Until the past catches up with her.

Set in the late sixteenth century, at the height of the Scottish witchcraft accusations, The Mermaid and The Bear is a story of triumph over evil, hope through adversity, faith in humankind and – above all – love.

51c9+TfLoML. AC AC SR98,95The Mermaid and The Bear (T...Shop on Amazon


I love you to the sun book cover image

A heartwarming, educational picture book that allows parents to tell their kids how much they love them while also teaching them interesting facts about the world.

How much you love someone isn’t easy to quantify, but I Love You to the Sun and Beyond is here to tell your children just how much you love them through more than twenty wonderful and wacky analogies. From python hugs to Nikola Tesla to the Mariana Trench, your little reader will learn all about the world and the amazing things in it while also learning the most important thing of all: how much you care.

61cvLEzRW1L. AC AC SR98,95I Love You to the Sun and B...Shop on Amazon Learn more here.

Divider Banners lavender swirl w flower - Recipes

Friday Finds | 22 July 2022   | Recipes

David's Blackberry Crisp image

David’s Blackberry Crisp

According to David, this blackberry crisp is tart and tangy, topped with rolled oats, brown sugar, and pecans, with the warmth of cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger.


keto Antipasto Salad image

Keto Antipasto Salad

Your next favorite keto summer side dish or meal! This super tasty low-carb side dish recipe is packed with a variety of delicious meats, cheeses, and keto vegetables and tossed in a delicious keto dressing accented with fresh basil.


Divider Banners lavender swirl w flower - Crafts

Friday Finds | 22 July 2022  | Creative Projects

What’s your current favorite creative outlet?

Autumn Olive Crochet Pattern graphic sweater image

Autumn Olive Crochet 20 in 1 sweater pattern


Divider Banners lavender swirl w flower BlogRoundup

Friday Finds | 22 July 2022 | Gina’s Blog Roundup

If you missed one of my reviews in the past week, here’s an easy link to find them all, or click on the image & links below. Be sure you check out the giveaways. There are some great prizes this week!

The Unveiling of Polly Forrest by Charlotte Whitney | $50 Giveaway, Review, Great Guest Post, & Excerpt | #HistoricalFiction #Mystery

Thumb Fire Desire by Carol Nickles | $50 Gift Card Giveaway, Excerpt, & Guest Post

Mickey on the Move: Farming by Michelle Wagner | Review & Giveaway (ends Aug 8, 2022)

Emperator by Miriam Newman (The Chronicles of Alcinia) | $20 Giveaway, Review, & Excerpt | #HistoricalFantasy




What would you like to see in next week’s Friday Finds?

 Thanks for reading this week. Peace & Love!

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Posted 07/22/2022 by Gina in BBNYA, Book Reviews, Books, Crafts, Food, Lifestyle, Newsletters, Recipes / 7 Comments

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7 responses to “Friday Finds for 22 July 2022 | Freezing Veggies in Scorching Heat – New Books – Blackberry Crisp – Keto Antipasto – 20 in 1 Crochet Sweater

  1. Happy Friday! It’s so hot here too! We need rain. My husband had to water the garden last night because it’s so dry.
    My daughters and I are working on a new book together, so that will be some news for you soon! It’s going to be about a little toy lion who gets lost at a fair. We’re working on the cover right now and polling @theundergroundtoysociety FB and IG (soon) pages to see which cover our fans like better.
    Stay cool!

  2. Eve

    So many wonderful suggestions and tips! Thank you Gina. I’ve had company, so things are in a quagmire. Have to check out that crochet pattern!
    Thanks always!!

  3. Gina – have a lovely time with your grandchildren! Soak up every minute & enjoy their visit to the fullest! Hmmmm, I don’t write a regular blog but could contribute an article whirling about in my head (scary thought, true) about tackling writing about an era that is currently badly oversaturated in the market … yes, THAT era, lol ~ Mim