Gingersnap Snatcher by Vicky Weber | Interview, Giveaway (1) & Review

Gingersnap Snatcher by Vicky Weber | Giveaway & Review

A book blog tour from iRead Book Tours.

Thank you to the author, publisher, & Lauren at iRead for providing me with the information for this tour. iread book tour logo -

Book Details

Gingersnap Snatcher by Vicky Weber | Interview, Giveaway (1) & ReviewGingersnap Snatcher by Vicky Weber
Published by Trunk Up Books on December 2021
Genres: Children's Picture Book, Fiction, Children's
Format: eBook, Hardcover, Paperback
Pages: 31

Abuela made cookies to eat after school.
The gingersnap kind, just the thought made us drool!

We rushed home excited. We opened the door...
...The cookies were missing-just crumbs on the floor!

Can you help the kids crack the case of the Gingersnap Snatcher

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Source: iRead Book Tours, Received from the author or publisher for review.

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My thoughts on Gingersnap Snatcher

Gingersnap Snatcher is a cute book for younger children. It’s written in rhyme with a musical lilt to it and beautiful illustrations

There is a mystery to solve. When the kids get home from school they can smell their abuela’s gingersnap cookies but all they find is a trail of crumbs. They use detective skills to track down the usual suspects, but it isn’t the cat, dog, or even Mom. Who could this cookie thief be?

The book has so much to offer. There is a musical score at the end, plus vocal exploration opportunities throughout the book. The characters are Latinx and there is a nod to the Spanish language. You can focus on the mystery, solving a riddle using hidden clues, sharing, multi-generations, music, and more. There is even a gingersnap recipe available

I think every child and many adults will enjoy Vicky Weber’s latest book.

Gingersnap Snatcher book cover image

I received a copy of the book for the tour. This review is my honest, unbiased opinion.


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About Vicky Weber

Vicky Weber Author Profile image

Vicky Weber is a musician and an elementary educator with a love for children's literature.

While she has taught a variety of grade levels, primary level education is where her passion lies. It has long been a dream of hers to teach children through the magic of books and she hopes you love reading her works as much as she loved writing them.


Author Interview

What advice would you give to aspiring children’s book authors?

Research, research, research. I once had a college professor tell me “Know what you know. Know what you don’t know. Know what you believe.” If you want to write a children’s book, you need to acknowledge your strengths, figure out what you need to learn, and above all, let your story’s purpose fuel your fire. If you need help, ask for it. If you need support, look for it. If writing a book is your dream, make it happen. You. Can. Do it!

What is your writing process like?

Um. My process. I’m really great at giving off the perception of being organized without actually being organized. Typically, I have an idea come to me randomly and I somehow jot it down. Later, I put it in a Google Doc of my running ideas for stories I haven’t written yet. Every so often, I open the document and scroll. If inspiration hits, I start writing and then copy/paste it into a new document. If inspiration doesn’t hit, I come back to the document later. I suppose you could say…the stories write themselves! But there isn’t really a method to my madness. I just try to keep up with the ideas as they come.

What’s your tip for parents to encourage reading?

Oh, there is so much they could do! When my husband was growing up, he didn’t like reading. As a child, all he wanted was to pick out his own books at his school’s library, even if they were above his reading level. Sometimes, it’s easy to forget that when children are motivated, they rise to challenges, which is why I think that interest is sometimes more important than a child’s reading level. I highly recommend that parents and teachers help children find reading material that they enjoy.

What’s the most fun part of being an author?

Probably seeing my stories come to life. The illustrators I have worked with are so talented. It feels like Christmas every time I get a new sketch or completed page!

Is publishing a book hard?

You know, it’s not. Actually publishing a book is pretty easy. But learning the industry? Hard. Learning to market? Hard. The process of getting publication-ready? Deceptively difficult but worth every moment.



Enter to win a signed copy of GINGERSNAP SNATCHER (one winner/USA only)(ends Dec 24)

Please visit more stops on the tour for extra chances to win!


Purchase Gingersnap Snatcher online from a local book store.


Easy Amazon Links

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Posted 12/14/2021 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Book Reviews, Books, Children's, Fiction / 0 Comments

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