God's Intervention: A Second Chance for Humankind by Kenneth B. Little and Helen Davies | Excerpt, Guest Post, $15 Gift Card Raffle

God’s Intervention: A Second Chance for Humankind by Kenneth B. Little and Helen Davies | Excerpt, Guest Post, $15 Gift Card Raffle

A book blog tour from Goddess Fish Promotions.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and Marianne & Judy at Goddess Fish for providing me with the information for this tour.

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Book Details

God’s Intervention: A Second Chance for Humankind by Kenneth B. Little and Helen Davies | Excerpt, Guest Post, $15 Gift Card RaffleGod's Intervention: A Second Chance for Humankind by Kenneth B. Little, Helen Davies
Published by Tellwell Talent on April 29, 2022
Genres: Literary Fiction
Format: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 698

Humans are on the brink of disaster...

In the United States, President Samuel Cummings has taken the reins of a deeply divided country at a time when nuclear, chemical, biological and cyberthreats loom.
Things look bleak until God's emissary Sarah, a composite of 40 million female souls from Heaven, arrives on Earth with the message that God is intervening in human affairs to save the human race from itself. God, she explains, is the life force of the universe, the only intelligent form of energy. People who help others grow their own life force will join God in Heaven. However, many humans are more inclined toward hatred, intolerance and greed and so God is intervening to course-correct them.

The first thing Sarah does is to announce God's edict of 'thou shalt not kill' to the world. Anyone who tries to kill another person—or who enables someone to do so—will die instead. As commander-in-chief, Cummings must call back his military troops or risk his life. He must then deal with both the fallout and benefits of the dissolution of America's military-industrial complex.
Sarah's mission is to establish a new world order that is kinder, better and united. As she guides the world through this evolution, President Cummings begins to notice a depth in his own soul that makes him both a better man and a better leader.

Sarah remains on Earth for one year to help the world come together, and leaves behind a legacy of hope—a second chance for humankind.

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Excerpt from God’s Intervention

Immediately on alert, and with as much bravado as he could muster, he stuttered, “What in the hell are you doing here . . . ?” He punched a button on his desk and yelped, “Security!” as loudly as he could, expecting his personal bodyguard, Don Taylor, to rush into the room and usher this intruder out posthaste . . . but Don didn’t come.

Instead, the woman continued to stand in front of him as bright as a satellite in space. Glowing, it seemed.

“You must leave immediately!” he shouted at her, but she appeared unperturbed by his anxiety and did not move. “Now!” he yelled again, this time with more fervor as he pointed toward the door.

When she did not react, he slowly glanced around the room and noted an unnatural stillness. The usual electronic sounds that were part and parcel of day-to-day life—like lights buzzing and clocks ticking—were absent. It was like he was in a vacuum of some sort. He started to realize that he was alone with this woman and that no one was going to save him.

Don’t panic, he told himself, and he calmed down a little. He glanced quickly at her and had the uncomfortable sensation that she was flitting around the room. He looked away, at the door behind her, still hoping Taylor would bust through and usher her out, but nothing happened.

Finally, he managed to muster the words, “Where did you come from . . . ?” and then his tongue tied itself into a knot, and further speech failed him as he felt the full power of her presence.

This was no ordinary woman. She seemed to suck the oxygen from the room, leaving him light-headed, and oddly light-hearted as well. As he felt himself being somehow drawn to her, he could hear his heart beating as if in anticipation of something delightful, though his rational mind told him it was probably just due to surprise and shock. He fought to hide his odd mix of feelings from her by reminding himself that she was an intruder. The truth of the matter, he told himself sternly, is that this woman breached White House security in order to threaten me in the Oval Office.

Excerpt provided by the author/publisher for use in this post.


Purchase Links for God’s Intervention

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Guest Post from the author of God’s Intervention

What beliefs have you challenged with this work?

One of the key elements needed to create a world united and at peace is finding common ground among the major religions so they stop fighting with each other.

I decided to approach this problem from several different angles.

First, I looked for common threads among the different doctrines. They all seem to involve some form of the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Secondly, I look within myself as a human being.

People have an innate and very powerful instinct to help others in need. When we help a stranger we feel warm inside and the feeling can last a lifetime. In the extreme, people will even risk their lives to help someone in danger.

Like all other living things, we also have a strong survival instinct.

I like to think of these two powerful instincts as our “life force”.

Finally, I am a person of science so I look at the universe.

The universe burst into existence about 14 billion years ago and we now have a pretty good idea how and when stars, galaxies and planets were formed. We also see abundant evidence of the chemical building blocks of life on planets, moons and asteroids throughout our solar system. Similar conditions are likely to have developed in trillions of other solar system throughout time and space.

The question becomes where did the life force needed to animate these chemical compounds come from?

If there is a God, I now believe it is likely a form of energy that exists throughout the universe and exists outside of normal space and time like quantum entangled electrons.

In essence, God would be the universal life force.

As the conditions necessary for life came into existence anywhere in the universe, God would provide the life force to begin the process of evolution that would culminate in the existence of intelligent life forms. By helping other living things, these intelligent beings would grow their individual life force exponentially.

At death, humans and other intelligent lifeforms who place the needs of others above their own desires would join the ever-increasing life force that is God. We would be united with all other advanced creatures and would have full knowledge of the secrets of the universe.

In this simple model, we are all of God and God is all of us.

The physical universe as we know it will eventually go dark and be unable to support life, but the universal life force will survive and will be much stronger than it was when the current universe burst into existence. Earth will cease to exist long before that.

Defining what will happen to the physical universe after the last star blinks out is beyond the scope of human understanding (at least this human). If it kick-starts in a different form, we, as part of God, will be ready to begin the process of creating life once again.


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About Kenneth B. Little

Kenneth B. Little Autor image

Kenneth B. Little is a 72-year-old retired business executive who is unhappy about how the state of the world has deteriorated during his lifetime.

The human population has ballooned from one billion to nearly eight billion, and people have moved off the land into massive cities where they have no ability to survive on their own. Instead, we rely on massive electrical grids energized by power plants largely burning fossil fuel; we’ve developed industrial complexes and global transportation systems that also rely on fossil fuel; we’ve created corporate farms that promote animal cruelty and destroy the soil by overusing chemicals; we’ve decimated our ocean marine life by dragging the ocean floor; we’ve created plastics that pollute land, rivers, lakes and oceans; and, of course, we’ve created nuclear, chemical, biological and cyber weapons that are now in the hands of unstable countries and terrorist organizations.

In short, we are racing headlong into a series of mass extinction events.

At seventy-two, Ken felt motivated to try to create a better world for his grandchildren by writing a fiction book full of non-fiction ideas that could potentially correct many of the world’s problems. Realizing that the only two avenues toward this were themes of divine intervention or mass extinction, he chose divine intervention as the solution, creating a scenario where God could step in to save humankind.

Ken wrote his initial manuscript during the Covid-19 lockdown, a 70,000-word overview that his wife told him read like a textbook. Deciding to see professional help, he engaged Tellwell Publishing to do a critical edit, which was performed by Tellwell editor Helen Davies.

Helen was intrigued by the storyline but, like Ken’s wife, felt it needed a lot of work to develop the characters and make it more engaging. With Tellwell’s blessing, Ken then contracted Helen to do just that. Thus began a most unusual and successful collaboration!

Says Ken:

Helen and I are completely different people. She is a writer, musician, and farmer. I am the grumpy old man who watches European business news when I get up at 3:00 a.m. We live as far apart as possible in Canada. She lives in Victoria on the West Coast, and I live in Fredericton on the East Coast. We have never met, yet we talked for nearly two hours on our first phone conversation. Usually, I never talk for more than five minutes with anybody on the phone. What unites us is that we share a passion for this story, and for the idea of a better, more united world.

During the writing process, Helen routinely sent me edited chapters, one at a time, always with the tagline, “I hope you like it.” I like it very much; the story I wrote that sounded like a textbook now brings tears to my eyes.

God’s Intervention: A Second Chance for Humankind is a story of hope.

We hope you like it.

Kenneth B. Little and Helen Davies


Purchase God’s Intervention online from a local bookstore.


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Kenneth B. Little and Helen Davies will be awarding a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Visit more stops on this Goddess Fish tour for extra chances to win!

Official Tour Page for God’s Intervention

Full Tour Schedule:

June 29: All the Ups and Downs
July 13: Fabulous and Brunette
July 20: Lisa Haselton’s Reviews and Interviews
July 27: Edgar’s Books
August 3: The Book Connection
August 10: Aubrey Wynne: Timeless Love
August 17: The Avid Reader
August 24: Straight from the Library
August 31: Uplifting Reads
September 7: Independent Authors
September 7: Long and Short Reviews
September 14: Westveil Publishing
September 21: Gina Rae Mitchell


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Posted 09/21/2022 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Books, Fiction / 10 Comments

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10 responses to “God’s Intervention: A Second Chance for Humankind by Kenneth B. Little and Helen Davies | Excerpt, Guest Post, $15 Gift Card Raffle

  1. Bea LaRocca

    I love this beautiful cover and I enjoyed reading the synopsis and excerpt. Thank you for sharing your interview, bio and book details, God’s Intervention: A Second Chance for Humankind is a must read for me