Gods on Trial: The Series – Beyond the Father by Opeshum Patroz | Spotlight ~ Excerpt ~ $50 Gift Card

Please join me today for the last stop on the virtual book tour for Gods on Trial: Beyond the Father #1 by Opeshum Patroz.

Read an excerpt of this epic fantasy/scifi, meet the author, and enter to win a $50 Amazon/BN gift card!

“Beyond the Father” sets the scene for the 8-book Sci-Fi Epic “gods on Trial: The Series™,” delving into life’s determination to transcend all limitation. Set on the planet Xżyber, citizens of the Sub-Median Region, imperfectly reborn into metal, oppress those who are organic. Elsewhere, in the Central Kingdom, religion supports royalty’s brutal domination of the lowest class. War over scarce resources is coming, revolution within each region is brewing, and none know of the eccentric god who created them.

@GoddessFish @1iR3Publishers