Heartstone by Clemency Crow | #BookReview #BlogTour @GoddessFish #MiddleGrade #Fantasy #Adventure #KindleUnlimited | $10 Gift Card 

Heartstone by Clemency Crow | #BookReview #BlogTour @GoddessFish #MiddleGrade #Fantasy #Adventure #KindleUnlimited| $10 Gift Card 

A book blog tour from Goddess Fish Promotions.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and Marianne & Judy at Goddess Fish for providing me with the information for this tour.

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Book Details

Heartstone by Clemency Crow | #BookReview #BlogTour @GoddessFish #MiddleGrade #Fantasy #Adventure #KindleUnlimited | $10 Gift Card Heartstone: A middle grade fantasy adventure set in rural Cumbria by Clemency Crow
Published by Crowvus Publishing on November 24, 2022
Genres: Fiction, Adventure, Fantasy, Middle-Grade
Format: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 195

Jeremy isn't surprised his grandfather died. He's surprised he had one.

When the family travel to Cumbria for the funeral arrangements, he realises his grandfather had an important job to complete. Jeremy's grandfather was part of the Order of the Magi, who trapped an evil spirit away from our world, using the power contained within heartstones, and hidden in special places around the county.

But the heartstones need recharging every hundred years, so Jeremy and his strange new friend must find each stone, and complete dangerous tasks to prove they are worthy, before the power of the stones runs out and evil has control over the world.

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Excerpt from Heartstone

“Good morning, sleepy!” Ben grinned as he spoke. He looked no worse for wear after his ordeal from yesterday. That is, until Jeremy saw the grey arm resting above the cover. Ben followed his gaze and his grin widened. This boy would make a funny situation out of anything, no matter how grim.

“Do you think you convinced your mum?” he asked.

Jeremy shook his head, as the conversation of last night came back to him.

Ben looked at him, his grin melting away. “What do you mean?”

“She said she knows what’s going on, and that her dad was a mage.” Jeremy screwed up his eyes as he tried to remembered the details of the conversation, but all he could concentrate on was the argument blazing downstairs. The more he listened, the more he wanted to hear. “I’m going to get done in the bathroom,” he mumbled, getting out of bed.

“Report back,” Ben said, completely unfooled by his excuse.

As Jeremy wandered along the landing, closer to the stairs, the voices became clearer.

“I’m not staying here long enough to lose my son,” Jeremy heard Dad’s voice snap. He stopped in his tracks in surprise.

“He’s my son, too, David,” Mum replied, equally harshly. “And he’s got no choice in the matter. If Dad chose him, then the damage is already done.”

“No!” Dad shouted. “I will not have him throw away what is going to be a fantastic life.”

“Right,” came the scoffing reply. “And a fantastic life by your standard is a good wage and a respected job. He will get both of these things in this job. When he’s ready to take it.”

“We… are… leaving.”

There was a pause.

“You may be, David,” Mum said, quietly so Jeremy had to concentrate to hear. “But I’m staying.”

Excerpt provided by the author/publisher for use in this post.


Book Trailer for Heartstone


Purchase Links for Heartstone

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My Thoughts on Heartstone

In the book “Heartstone” by Clemency Crow, Jeremy’s life takes a surprising twist when he uncovers that his deceased grandfather belonged to the Order of the Magi. Entrusted with the responsibility of upkeeping the heartstones that guard against an evil spirit, Jeremy and his quirky new companion, Ben, embark on a journey to recharge these hidden stones scattered across Cumbria. Challenged with perilous tasks to demonstrate their worth, the pair races against time to thwart the spirit’s bid for world domination.

This enchanting middle-grade fantasy tale seamlessly weaves together magic and childhood camaraderie. Spanning 195 pages, it offers a fast-paced read filled with thrills, mystical creatures, and captivating quests. Perfect for young readers and equally captivating for adult fans of fantasy literature, “Heartstone” captures the essence of adventure and the enduring bonds forged in times of peril.

I received a copy of the book for the tour. This review is my honest, unbiased opinion.


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I love my Amazon Kindle Unlimited Subscription. So many books, so little time!


About Clemency Crow

Clemency Crow Author

Clemency Crow is a primary school teacher, children’s author, and illustrator, based in rural Caithness with her family and two needy spaniels. In fact, Clemency is typing this one handed, because Jess cries if she isn’t stroked for five seconds.

When she isn’t writing, Clemency loves designing new parts of her garden, trying to find plants that will withstand the 70mph winds that are likely to batter them. She is oftentimes to be found tearing her hair out at the prevalence of ground elder in the flower borders, while cultivated species struggle to survive.

Clemency’s favourite genre to write, and read, is fantasy adventure. This gives her ample opportunity to put her long suffering characters in perilous situations.

Social Media: BlueSky




Clemency Crow will award a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter.

Visit more stops on this Goddess Fish tour for extra chances to win!

Official Tour Page for Heartstone

Full Tour Schedule:

June 18: The Faerie Review
June 25: The Avid Reader
June 25: The Reading Addict
July 9: Our Town Book Reviews
July 9: Country Mamas With Kids
July 16: Boys’ Mom Reads!
July 16: Gina Rae Mitchell

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Posted 07/16/2024 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Book Reviews, Books, Fiction, Middle-Grade / 7 Comments

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7 responses to “Heartstone by Clemency Crow | #BookReview #BlogTour @GoddessFish #MiddleGrade #Fantasy #Adventure #KindleUnlimited | $10 Gift Card 

  1. Audrey Stewart

    A few years back, I read Taking Wing by Clemency Crow. Thanks for this post. I will be checking out her all her books.