Jane Austen Time Traveler by Rachel Dacus (Part of the Time-Gathering Series) | Excerpt ~ Author Introduction ~ $20 Gift Card

Jane Austen Time Traveler by Rachel Dacus (Part of the Time-Gathering Series) | Excerpt ~ Author Introduction ~ $20 Gift Card

A book blog tour from Goddess Fish Promotions.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and Marianne & Judy at Goddess Fish for providing me with the information for this tour.

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Book Details

Jane Austen Time Traveler by Rachel Dacus (Part of the Time-Gathering Series) | Excerpt ~ Author Introduction ~ $20 Gift CardJane Austen, Time Traveler: A romance writer revises her love life through time travel by Rachel Dacus
Series: Part of The Timegathering Series
Published by Time Fold Books on December 27, 2022
Genres: Metaphysical, Romance, Science Fiction, Time-Travel
Format: eBook, Hardcover, Paperback
Pages: 296

Lonely Regency romance writer travels to the future, meets her fans, dips into a swimming pool made of pearls, and falls for its owner…

If Jane Austen’s novels had never ever existed, would we have rom-com movies and women’s fiction? But the young writer is discouraged by a publisher’s rejection and ready to give up writing. And an unwelcome marriage proposal she has rashly accepted spells her doom.

Someone must save history and Jane Austen! A stranger calls, claiming to be an interested publisher, and a desperate Jane agrees to go to his office. That office turns out to be 200 years in the future. And it's not an office, but a bookstore in Pasadena, California where fans of Jane Austen gather every month to discuss her books.

Jane greets her club only to find that superfans can be super picky. Discouraged by their critiques, Jane asks her time traveling escort for different adventures. Deadly, dangerous ones. And yes—romantic ones! Perhaps with one tall, blue-eyed superfan named Will Fleming.

Her “publisher” had hoped to inspire Jane’s writing by showing her a book club devoted to her. But when Jane decides to chart her own course, history may have to save itself …

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Excerpt from Jane Austen Time Traveler

“The boy is easily excited. He must get it from his mother,” said Cassandra, smiling wickedly at Jane. “Oh, the games and sport that barreled down our hallways with Jane in mad pursuit!”

With those words, Cassy fainted.

Despite her bulky body, Jane jumped up and went over. “Smelling salts!” She cried to any servant within earshot.

Harris went for the bottle and gave it to Jane, who waved it under her sister’s nose.

“What?!” Cassandra startled awake.

The sight shook Jane. She took her sister’s hands. They were icy, though the room, warmed by double fireplaces, was warm. Jane felt Cassandra’s cheek, noting her breathing was slow.

“Water!” she cried out.

Again, Harris rose, but slowly. He went to the bell and pulled it to summon a servant.

“No, you must go yourself! Hurry!” Jane barked.

Harris’ eyes widened. He took a step back and then raced out of the room.

Jane held Cassy’s hands, patting them until she felt some warmth. Cassy’s eyes were glazed.

“Dearest! Water is coming. Do you want us to call the doctor?”

“No, no. These faints come over me. It’s nothing. I’ll be well shortly. Water would be nice.”

The picture of an ailing sister—was Cassandra actually dying?—shook Jane so hard she quivered. The shaking within made her contract and pull back into herself.

The room blacked out around her, and she was back in bed, next to Will. She had gone everywhere in no time at all.

Excerpt provided by the author/publisher for use in this post.


Purchase Links for Jane Austen Time Traveler

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About Rachel Dacus

Rachel Dacus Author image

RACHEL DACUS writes about history, love, family, and art -- with a touch of magic. Rachel is the author of both prose and poetry.

When she’s not writing or reading, she listens to music and walks through the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area, where she lives with her architect husband and a lively Silky Terrier.

She blogs about books and the writing life.



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During the tour, Rachel Dacus will award a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter.

Visit more stops on this Goddess Fish tour for extra chances to win!

Official Tour Page for Jane Austen Time Traveler

Full Tour Schedule:

January 9: All the Ups and Downs
January 10: Rogue’s Angels
January 10: Westveil Publishing
January 11: Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read
January 12: Sybrina’s Book Blog
January 13: Kit ‘N Kabookle
January 16: Hope. Dreams. Life… Love
January 17: Gina Rae Mitchell
January 18: Iron Canuck Reviews & More
January 19: Fabulous and Brunette
January 20: Sandra’s Book Club – review


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Posted 01/17/2023 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Book Reviews, Books, Fiction / 7 Comments

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7 responses to “Jane Austen Time Traveler by Rachel Dacus (Part of the Time-Gathering Series) | Excerpt ~ Author Introduction ~ $20 Gift Card

  1. Bea LaRocca

    Jane Austen, Time Traveler is a must read for me. Will you be writing any more stories about female authors from Jane Austen’s era that go traveling through time?