Lawful Good Thief by T.L. Ford (Kingdom of Thieves #1) | Book Review, Giveaway, Excerpt | #LightFantasy

Lawful Good Thief by T.L. Ford (Kingdom of Thieves #1) | Book Review, $25 Giveaway, Excerpt | #LightFantasy

A book blog tour from Goddess Fish Promotions.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and Marianne & Judy at Goddess Fish for providing me with the information for this tour.

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Book Details

Lawful Good Thief by T.L. Ford (Kingdom of Thieves #1) | Book Review, Giveaway, Excerpt | #LightFantasyLawful Good Thief by T.L. Ford
Series: Kingdom of Thieves #1
Published by Independent on 01/02/2012
Genres: Fiction, Fantasy, Sword & Sorcery
Format: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 301

When Kevin Bennett, Merryweather's Guildmaster, plays with a weapon, he'd better know how to avoid getting cut.

Certainly, Angela Thomas is a very sharp weapon despite her youth and foolish choice of bed partners. Born of seamstress and sailor, she is lured into the world of assassins, hidden agendas, and deadly encounters.

The magical geas binding Angela into obedient slavery will only last so long and Kevin plots long-term to overthrow the ruler of all the thieves' dens.

But will the weapon he's created serve him? Angela must choose between a future of light or darkness. Can she surprise them all and choose both?

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Lawful Good Thief is a light fantasy thieves guild adventure novel following a girl's ascension to Master Thief. Dagger throwing, fighting, torture, revenge, escapes, unwise intimacy, accidental death, and thieves.

* * * * *

Source: Goddess Fish Promotions, Kindle Unlimited


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Excerpt from Lawful Good Thief

It took a few minutes for the man on the throne to break off his conversation with the apprentice standing next to him and acknowledge her. Guildmaster de Loren was younger than her Master, but still had gray near his temples in his neatly trimmed hair. He was clean-shaven, wearing correctly fitted clothes – black pants, a bright white shirt, and a black leather vest with matching arm bracers. He was obviously well-muscled, with nicely broad shoulders. He wore a single, shining throwing dagger on his boot.

He finally finished his discussion and gazed over at her, leaning slightly forward. When he did, she said the formal greeting, “Guildmaster de Loren, my Master, the Guildmaster de Merryweather, sends you greetings.”

“How is your Master?”

“He was well when I last saw him, as mean as ever,” she smiled, delivering this Guild compliment, and ducked her head respectfully, wondering what was the best way to say ‘loan me some coins and gear so I can get home’.

“I would like to hear more about your Master’s health as well as whatever message he’s sent for me, but not right now.”

He waved a dismissal gesture at her and she almost blurted out her need but caught herself before making such a stupid mistake. She’d been dismissed, but told not to leave the hall. She bowed again and backed away.

Excerpt provided by the author/publisher for use in this post.


Purchase Links for Lawful Good Thief

Amazon – OneLink for every country   

Bookshop/IndieBound   Waterstones

   The Book Depository     Blackwell’s


My thoughts on Lawful Good Thief

Lawful Good Thief intrigued me from the title. It seems such a contradiction of terms, yet, that is exactly what Angela is.

This is the tale of how she became a master thief with a heart of gold and a conscience. The story was riveting and kept me turning the pages long after I should have put it down for the night.

The book combines historical fiction, sword & sorcery, and coming of age; all rolled into an enjoyable package.

T.L. Ford created a completely believable world with fleshed-out characters and a storyline I couldn’t escape. Did our protagonist make some poor decisions? Of course, she did. In the real world, where there is a marked delineation between the wealthy and poor, oft times there is no other choice if a person wants to survive. And Angela desperately wants to survive and keep her mother from turning to prostitution. There were very few options for a poor single mother in this time period.

There are points in the story where the readers must suspend their belief in what they think they know and just enjoy the tale. Lawful Good Thief is that type of book. Don’t over-analyze it, just roll with the story, plot twists, and adventures. Revel in the fact that Angela overcomes all odds to achieve great heights in the Guild of Thieves and maintain as much of her heart as possible.

There is violence, blood, murder, and such in a book of this type. I think the author did a remarkable job of blending it all together to create an entertaining story.

I recommend Lawful Good Thief to lovers of action, adventure, pirates, and poison. I was excited to see it listed as the first in a series. I think there is much more we have to learn about the courageous thief with a heart.


I received a copy of the book for the tour. This review is my honest, unbiased opinion.


Kindle Unlimited book w paper boats image used in

I love my Amazon Kindle Unlimited Subscription. So many books, so little time!


About T.L. Ford

T.L. Ford Author image

T.L. Ford is a programmer, writer, and artist. She spent most of her professional career supporting the Patuxent River Naval Air Station in southern Maryland.

Her fantasy novels are heavily influenced by Dungeons & Dragons and by both playing and running live-action role-playing games (LARPs) at conventions. These books are designed to be fun, fast weekend reads, while her science fiction novels explore possibilities.

She's also created two art books, a thriller novella, and an interactive math iBook.  She enjoys sailing, hiking, and spending time with her family.


Purchase Lawful Good Thief online from a local bookstore.


Easy Amazon Info Link

Amazon – OneLink for every country   

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T. L. Ford will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Visit more stops on this Goddess Fish tour for extra chances to win!

Official Tour Page for Lawful Good Thief

Full Tour Schedule:

August 24: The Avid Reader
August 24: Westveil Publishing
August 31: Bibliomanaic Aza
September 7: Enchanting Reviews
September 7: D.S. Dehel
September 14: Kit ‘N Kabookle
September 14: Gina Rae Mitchell


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Posted 09/14/2022 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Book Reviews, Books, Fiction / 7 Comments

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7 responses to “Lawful Good Thief by T.L. Ford (Kingdom of Thieves #1) | Book Review, Giveaway, Excerpt | #LightFantasy

  1. Bea LaRocca

    Thank you for sharing your awesome review of Lawful Good Thief, this sounds like an exciting read and I am looking forward to it.
    T.L. Ford, I hope that you have enjoyed your book tour as much as I have enjoyed getting to know you and your work throughout the tour, I am excited to read your story

  2. Thank you for reading and reviewing my book, Gina! I’m glad you enjoyed it. The second book is Stealing Magic – the title is also designed to be a contradiction. I confess I giggled when I came up with these titles. Both are quick adventure-rides and the second starts just after the first ends.

  3. Nancy

    Thank you for your service to our country. How wonderful that you are now a writer also!

  4. Audrey Stewart

    T.L. Ford is a new author to me but I want to thank this blog for the introduction.
    I look forward to reading this book.

    • You are welcome, Audrey. It’s a very entertaining story. I’m always here to discuss it after your done reading.