M.C. Plays Hide & Seek by Eva Grayzel | Review
Book Blog Tour from iRead Book Tours
Thank you to the author and iRead Book Tours for providing me the information for this tour. I received a copy of the book for the tour. The following review is my honest, unbiased opinion.

Published by Mascot Books on 01/05/2021
Genres: Educational, Non-fiction, Parenting, Psychology, Self-help
Format: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 64
M.C. is a cancer cell who shares just enough information about the nature of the disease to promote dialogue and minimize fear. The scary part of cancer is the unknown. Learn about doctors who look for cancer. Understand feelings children experience and learn ways to cope. Empower children with knowledge and how to make a difference. M.C. Plays Hide & Seek strengthens communication and builds emotional health.

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Source: iRead Book Tours, Received from the author or publisher for review.

My thoughts on M.C. Plays Hide & Seek by Eva Grayzel
M.C. Plays Hide & Seek by Eva Grayzel is a unique and thoughtful book on a difficult subject. Helping children understand what cancer is and how to deal with their feelings is heartbreaking, but necessary. Too many times kids get shuffled to the back. They only know something is wrong and people are upset. If they aren’t given a chance to understand and have their emotions validated, who knows what the outcome could be.
The book explains in the simplest terms what cancer is and is not. Children get a look at the different types of doctors and what they roles may be.
I recommend this book to anyone wanting to open an honest discussion with young children about the difficult topic of cancer. The book should be on every library shelf to help raise awareness and to develop empathy.
M.C. Plays Hide & Seek by Eva Grayzel
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Autographed copy of MC PLAYS HIDE AND SEEK (USA only) (1 winner) (ends Feb 8)
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Gina, I love that you recommend M.C. Plays Hide & Seek should be in every library – school libraries, too! Thank you for your thoughtful comments. Eva Grayzel, the author.