Our Lives in Between by Billie Kowalewski (The Enlightened Series #1) | Author Guest Post ~ Review ~ Excerpt | #YoungAdult #Fantasy | @GoddessFish @kowalewskibillie @enlightened31 @authorbilliek

Our Lives in Between by Billie Kowalewski (The Enlightened Series #1) | Author Guest Post ~ Review ~ Excerpt | #YoungAdult #Fantasy | @GoddessFish @kowalewskibillie @enlightened31 @authorbilliek

A book blog tour from Goddess Fish Promotions.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and Marianne & Judy at Goddess Fish for providing me with the information for this tour.

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Book Details

Our Lives in Between by Billie Kowalewski (The Enlightened Series #1) | Author Guest Post ~ Review ~ Excerpt | #YoungAdult #Fantasy | @GoddessFish @kowalewskibillie @enlightened31 @authorbilliekOur Lives In Between by Billie Kowalewski
Series: The Enlightened Series #1
Published by Indpendently Published on August 20, 2023
Genres: Fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult
Format: eBook, Hardcover, Paperback
Pages: 283

It had been five years since the accident that derailed Veronica’s life, which left her suffering from a strange flu-like illness ever since. Thanks to a barrier set in her mind at birth, she can’t remember her name is Harmony and that this is not her real life. She has no memory of the many lives she had lived before this one and how several of those lives had been cut short.

Now she must uncover the reason why those lives had ended so early, and how this moment may hold the key, or she risks losing herself and Earth forever. As Harmony, she wants to uncover the reason why her lives keep ending so soon. As Veronica, she wonders how much longer she has to live like this? What could possibly be left for her?

Little did she know, she was about to get her answers.

Source: Goddess Fish Promotions

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Excerpt from Our Lives in Between

Transitioning from our life on Earth back to our real life can be compared to waking up from a very vivid dream. Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of doing something you didn’t expect, which can create a very awkward situation at times. The effects from going to Earth had worn off and it slowly occurred to me that I was on someone’s lap, still gripping their shirt. Just like me, being Harmony here meant that Seth was someone else here as well. Shit. I winced at the thought of turning around because I was afraid of who it might be.

The moment I turned, the stark contrast in his appearance caused me to leap out of his lap. “Whoa!” I stumbled back in my haste, catching my foot on my robe, flipping backward right over the cot.

He leaned over the cot, offering me his hand. “Harmony, are you alright?”

I looked up, and as soon as I saw that sandy blond hair and those blue eyes, I groaned on the inside.

Kaleb was the last soul I wanted to see.

He and I had been arguing before we left here for this last life. I remembered what he did—all the times he had gotten me killed early—and I realized that he may have done it again.

I got up quickly from the floor on my own. “I could have sworn I said that I didn’t want to talk to you.”

“You did.” His reply was so smooth and casual.

“Then what are you doing here?” I tried to control my tone but the irritation I felt at just the sight of him at the end of another short-lived life just wouldn’t quite let me.

“I was brought in for your transition from Earth.” His reply sounded so innocent, but I was on to him.

I crossed my arms. “You should have declined that invitation.”

“What for? You’re not still angry, are you?”

“Uh, did you seriously think I wouldn’t be?”

“I thought things might be a little different after that last one.” He sounded so sure of himself.

“Just because we got along during one lifetime does not make up for what you did in all those other ones!”

“It doesn’t?”


“Why not?”

“Because you keep killing me!” I practically shouted.

Excerpt provided by the author/publisher for use in this post.


Purchase Links for Our Lives in Between

Our Lives In Between (The Enlightened Series Book 1)
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Kowalewski, Billie (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 285 Pages - 09/20/2023 (Publication Date)

Our lives In Between (Enlightened)
  • Kowalewski, Billie (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 326 Pages - 11/10/2016 (Publication Date) - Billie Kowalewski (Publisher)

If the above link does not take you to your country’s Amazon page, please let me know, and I’ll gladly get a link for you.

Using my link does not change the price you pay. Amazon pays me a minimal amount out of their share. Every penny helps to support this blog.


My Thoughts on Our Lives in Between

In “Our Lives in Between,” Billie Kowalewski dives into the intricate interplay of identity, memory, and destiny across two worlds. Veronica, or rather Harmony as she discovers, grapples with the aftermath of a life-altering accident that has left her stranded in a liminal state, afflicted by a mysterious illness and devoid of memories from her past lives.

Kowalewski creates a narrative that unfolds across two distinct realms – the familiar confines of Earth and the enigmatic landscapes of Artopia. Through Veronica/Harmony’s journey, readers are drawn into a richly imagined world brimming with intricate lore and vibrant characters.

The story’s heart lies in its poignant exploration of duality—of existing as two selves within one vessel. Veronica’s quest to unravel the mysteries of her past lives, juxtaposed with Harmony’s yearning for understanding and closure, lends depth and resonance to the narrative.

“Our Lives in Between” seamlessly blends genres, offering readers a heady concoction of science fiction, fantasy, and existential introspection. Kowalewski’s prose is evocative, full of emotions that linger long after turning the final page.

Kowalewski’s world-building is quite well done. From the sprawling landscapes of Artopia to the gritty realism of Earth, each setting is presented with meticulous detail, immersing readers in a feast of sights, sounds, and sensations.

The premise of reincarnation and the exploration of multiple lives add a compelling layer of intrigue to the narrative, inviting readers to ponder the cyclical nature of existence and the eternal quest for self-discovery.

In “Our Lives in Between,” Kowalewski delivers a thought-provoking meditation on the nature of identity and the interconnectedness of all things. Through Veronica/Harmony’s journey of self-discovery, readers are reminded that our lives are not just singular threads but intricate tapestries woven from the fabric of time.

I received a copy of the book for the tour. This review is my honest, unbiased opinion.


Kindle Unlimited book w paper boats image used in

I love my Amazon Kindle Unlimited Subscription. So many books, so little time!


About Billie Kowalewski

Billie Kowalewski Author Image

Billie Kowalewski grew up in a small town along the Connecticut shoreline. She’s always had a wild imagination and spent her childhood dreaming up stories. This would often lead her to the library or whatever bookstore, where she would be combing the shelves for books that closely resembled what was in her head at the time. A lot of the time she would come close and would be satisfied with what she found. However, there was always this one story she could never find.

It was in 2010 that she decided to write it herself. In whatever spare time she has left, she enjoys listening to pretty much anything that rocks, like 80's hair bands, metal, etc. She also has a gift for finding the strangest movies and shows ever (according to her children) and loves spending time with her family.


Guest Post by Billie Kowalewski, Author of Our Lives in Between

Our Lives in Between Book Cover

The Hardest Thing About Writing Is:

The hardest thing about writing is having to wear so many hats. Especially if you decide to self-publish. You have to be able to write in different styles, you must know editing, page layout, cover design, publishing, social media, and marketing. The sooner you realize that this is a small business that you will be taking on, the better off you will be.

When I first sat down to write my book thirteen years ago, I had no idea I would have to do all of that. I just thought I would be telling their story. Like most writers, I was under the impression I wouldn’t have to do this, and that the publisher would do these things. The joke was on me. I have come to realize that most likely the author probably has to write their own bio and synopsis even being traditionally published. No one knows your book or who you are better than you do.

I love it though. I have gotten so much better at this over time. So much so that I am considering becoming more of a publisher so I can help others. It is so exciting watching the story you wrote go through each stage on its way to becoming a beautiful book. It’s just like watching your baby growing up and becoming an adult. Or the little caterpillar becoming a butterfly. I cried tears of joy often watching Our Lives In Between going through each stage all the way until the end. There’s such a sense of pride and accomplishment once it is finished.



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April 23: Fabulous and Brunette
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Posted 05/14/2024 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Book Reviews, Books, Fiction / 5 Comments

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5 responses to “Our Lives in Between by Billie Kowalewski (The Enlightened Series #1) | Author Guest Post ~ Review ~ Excerpt | #YoungAdult #Fantasy | @GoddessFish @kowalewskibillie @enlightened31 @authorbilliek