Friday Finds | January 15, 2021 | Books-Food-Fun

Friday Finds | January 15, 2021 | Books-Food-Fun

Hello, my friend. I hope you are well today. I’m back this week with all the normal recommendations; books, recipes, and something fun to take your mind of any troubles you have. I have drama, magicians, and science fiction books. Soup & dessert for your recipes and a lovely shawlette to make. Let’s jump right in.

M.C. Plays Hide & Seek by Eva Grayzel | Review | Blog Tour

M.C. Plays Hide & Seek by Eva Grayzel | Review | Blog Tour

M.C. is a cancer cell who shares just enough information about the nature of the disease to promote dialogue and minimize fear. The scary part of cancer is the unknown. Learn about doctors who look for cancer. Understand feelings children experience and learn ways to cope. Empower children with knowledge and how to make a difference. M.C. Plays Hide & Seek strengthens communication and builds emotional health.

The Happy War by Eve Gaal | Review

The Happy War by Eve Gaal | Review

After a successful blind date, Linda and Eric want to change the world. With a fiery passion for both each other and their common cause, they hatch a twisted plan—the first step: to assemble a loyal team of hotshots, each with a specific skill set. Assigned to special regions worldwide, the team launches a two-week campaign to conquer war, anger, and hate.