Race Against Time by Claire Eckard | 5-Star Creative Non-Fiction ~ Endurance Horse Racing ~ Uplifting

Race Against Time by Claire Eckard | Creative Non-Fiction ~ Endurance Horse Racing ~ Uplifting

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A book blog tour from iRead Book Tours.

Thank you to the author, publisher, & Lauren at iRead for providing me with the information for this tour. iread book tour logo -

Book Details

Race Against Time by Claire Eckard | 5-Star Creative Non-Fiction ~ Endurance Horse Racing ~ UpliftingRace Against Time by Claire Eckard
on January 10, 2023
Genres: Creative NonFiction
Format: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 205

Flash was a pony that had fallen between the cracks-too small for most to ride, even for a Hackney pony, and too feral to be shown. What he needed was a person as small as he was-who had the guts and the patience to give a wild pony a chance. Then along came a little girl with a sensitive soul and a big heart.

Kyla Law was just nine years old when she met Flash, and neither of them could have anticipated that their partnership would make history.

In an inspiring true story of family, faith, and perseverance, Kyla and Flash's relationship mirrors the journey we must all take in life: one of highs and lows, successes and failures-theirs just happens to be along a hundred-mile historic trail in the Sierra Nevada mountains-the setting for the most famous endurance race in the world. From the moment they met, to the moment they crossed the finish line, their tenacity exhibits pure spirit: the human spirit, the Holy Spirit, and the fire-in-the-soul kind of spirit that helps us climb mountains and cross rivers, literally and figuratively.

This story is about a girl and her pony, and how in one amazing day they inspired an international community, as Flash became the smallest horse to ever finish the Western States One-Hundred-Mile, One-Day Ride-the Tevis Cup.

Source: iRead Book Tours

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Book Trailer


My thoughts on Race Against Time

I have read other books by Claire Eckard, so I am somewhat familiar with her writing and endurance horse races.

The author writes from the heart, and her love of horses shines through in her books. Race Against Time is a heartfelt, uplifting tale of a girl and a misfit horse. Together they find love, strength, and hope.

The writing in this tale is smooth and error-free. While not a long book, a lot is packed into the pages. This is a true story that reads like fabulous fiction. We follow along as Kyla and Flash attempt the Western States One-Hundred-Mile, One-Day Ride-the Tevis Cup.

The story has a Christian aspect, but it’s not overly emphasized. My main takeaways from this tale are that it’s inspiring, uplifting, and a refreshing change of pace.

I recommend this heart-warming tale to horse lovers, old and young. The book is technically listed as a teen and young-adult creative nonfiction, but I think it suits readers of all ages.

I received a copy of the book for the tour. This review is my honest, unbiased opinion.


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About Claire Eckard

Claire Eckard Author Profile image

Claire Eckard is an animal lover and believes in volunteering to give back to her community, especially to the homeless animals that need to find their forever homes.

Her animals often inspire her writing, weaving their way into the stories that she writes, blending reality and fiction to entertain, teach, enlighten, and share the joy that animals bring to our lives!

Claire is an author, poet, songwriter, wife, mother, and grandmother! She lives in Arizona, splitting her time between her home in Yuma, Arizona, and her ranch in the mountains of Prescott. Claire has three dogs, eight horses, and a miniature mule!


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Enter to win a signed copy of RACE AGAINST TIME! (one winner/USA only) (ends Mar 17)

Please visit more stops on the tour for extra chances to win!

Official Tour Page for Race Against Time

Full Tour Schedule:

Feb 20 – Authors on iTours: Let’s Talk Books
Feb 20– Lisa’s Reading
Feb 21– Honey Can Do It
Feb 22 Jazzy Book Reviews
Feb 23 – Cover Lover Book Review 
Feb 24 –Chit Chat with Charity
Feb 27 – The Obsessed Reader 
Feb 28 –Kim’s Book Reviews and Writing Aha’s

Mar 1 – Locks, Hooks and Books
Mar 2 – The Adventures of a Traveler’s Wife
Mar 2– Liese’s Blog 
Mar 3– Splashes of Joy 
Mar 3 fundinmental
Mar 6 – Stephanie Jane 
Mar 7 –A Mama’s Corner of the World

Mar 8 –Diane’s Book Journal 
Mar 9 – Book Reviews by Shreya Vijay
Mar 9 – Gina Rae Mitchell
Mar 10 – Books and Games
Mar 10 – Writer with Wanderlust
Mar 10 – The Life We Build
TBD – Rockin’ Book Reviews


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​Book Title: Race Against Time by Claire Eckard
Category: Adult Non-Fiction (18+), 192 pages
Genre: Creative Non-Fiction
Publisher: Cedar Fort Press
Release date: Jan 10, 2023
Content Rating: G for all readers

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Posted 03/09/2023 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Book Reviews, Books, Non-fiction / 2 Comments

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2 responses to “Race Against Time by Claire Eckard | 5-Star Creative Non-Fiction ~ Endurance Horse Racing ~ Uplifting

  1. This sounds like a wonderful story and a great one to have in a school or public library. Great review, Gina.