Rainy Season by Kurt Brindley

Rainy Season by Kurt Brindley | Book Review

Today I want to share a new book from Kurt Brindley with you. Rainy Season: A Heartbreaker Noir Romance is the epitome of the genre. Please read on to learn about this fantastic novella.

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Rainy Season by Kurt BrindleyRAINY SEASON: A Heartbreaker Noir Romance by Kurt Brindley
Published by PROSOCHĒ on June 30, 2020
Genres: Fiction, Noir, Romance
Format: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 175

In Tokyo to escape a bitter past, falling in love was the last thing Rich wanted to do, especially with an alluring jazz club singer shrouded in mystery…


Tokyo during rainy season, when the sun rarely shines and the days are hot, wet, and long, is the perfect place for a man like Rich, a man who has traveled the world trying to outrun a past determined to haunt him forever.

Settled now in a street-side apartment, Rich spends his Tokyo days mostly out on the balcony where he leans against the railing, smokes his cigarettes, and watches the rain as it falls upon a sea of umbrellas flowing by on the sidewalk below.

But he spends his nights at The Low Point, a mostly unknown, cozy little jazz club where he is left alone to smoke, write in his journal, and drink Japanese whiskey... a lot of it.

With Tokyo, the largest metropolis in the world, Rich has become, if not happy, then at least content within his self-imposed solitude.

That is until Miko is hired on to perform at the club. With her comes beauty, grace, a magical singing voice, and a large following that turns the once obscure jazz club into the it place to be.

Also with her comes trouble... a lot of it.

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When Broken Hearts BreakShop on Amazon eBook 41f5grgQqML. AC AC SR98,95RAINY SEASON: A Heartbreake...Shop on Amazon Paperback

This book is also available on The Book Depository.


My thoughts on Rainy Season by Kurt Brindley:

Kurt Brindley has written an excellent book in the noir romance genre. This author continues to astound me with his grasp of descriptive words. In Rainy Season, he portrays his scenes so well you will swear you can hear the rain, smell the smoke drifting from the Tokyo jazz club, and breathe in the melancholy saturating the air.

Rainy Season has characters teeming with despair, hope, dreams, and nightmares. The author has built a fantastic story around these characters and achieved it within the confines of a novella.

The story is a tantalizing mystery with several subplots intricately woven throughout the book. I love how you are given hints to outcomes, yet the reader ultimately draws their own conclusions.

I highly recommend this book to all readers. It’s got something for everyone, love, hate, mafia, mystery, and best of all; it evokes contemplative thought.

Grab the book today! It’s a compelling story packed in a small package.

Rainy Season by Kurt Brindley Book Cover


Rainy Season by Kurt Brindley | Book Review

About Kurt Brindley

Friday Finds | November 20, 2020 --Kurt Brindley Author Profile Photo

A husband and father of three, Kurt Brindley is also a retired sailor who lives in Southern Pennsylvania in a house on top of a windy and rolling hill. He traveled much of the world while serving in the navy and, aye, he's got some stories to tell...

Kurt served twenty years and four days in the navy and "retired" as a Senior Chief Petty Officer. He has an undergraduate degree in English from the University of Maryland and a graduate degree in Human Relations from the University of Oklahoma.

In 1998, he took a hiatus from his regular duties as a navy telecommunications specialist to attend the U. S. military's Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute. The institute is little known to most but is internationally renowned to those in the human relations field.

Upon graduation, Kurt was certified as a Navy Equal Opportunity Adviser and assigned the responsibilities of providing diversity management training and equal opportunity consultation and assistance to navy personnel throughout the navy's Western Pacific area of operations.

Much of this work focused on awareness and outreach seminars in an effort to mitigate the harassment and abuse that resulted from the confusion and resentment surrounding the military's Don't Ask Don't Tell policy.

Kurt's assignment as an EOA was one of the most challenging, and rewarding, assignments of his navy career, and it served as the impetus behind much of his early writing, including his novel THE SEA TRIALS OF AN UNFORTUNATE SAILOR and his short story "Leave."

With the navy six years in his wake and a promising business career charted before him, Kurt was diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia in Blast Crisis, triggered by the rare Philadelphia Chromosome abnormality, in November of 2009.

Blessed by a matched, unrelated donor, he received a bone marrow transplant in April of 2010. Unfortunately, as a nasty side-effect of the transplant, he was diagnosed with an aggressively fatal lung disease in November of the same year.

Kurt wasn't given much chance to survive the lung disease -- but he did. It is from this grace-filled experience that he gratefully recounts the lessons he learned about life and how to go about living it in his newly released book HOW NOT TO DIE: In 13 Easy Steps.

When not telling stories, reading, or attending to his young, wily, and rather large Plott Hounds Zeno & Aurelius, he often wanders down to the bottom of his hill to walk along the countryside's many rushing creeks and silent still ponds.

He likes it there down by the water...


Rainy Season by Kurt Brindley | Book Review


When Broken Hearts BreakShop on Amazon eBook 41f5grgQqML. AC AC SR98,95RAINY SEASON: A Heartbreake...Shop on Amazon Paperback

This book is also available on The Book Depository.


My reviews of Kurt Brindley books:

The Good Kill by Kurt Brindley


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Posted 07/21/2020 by Gina in Book Reviews, Fiction / 5 Comments

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5 responses to “Rainy Season by Kurt Brindley

  1. Ellie

    Great review Gina, it sounds like a nice book, so I’m definitely going to check it out!