Master Your Reading List 10 Practical Tips for Avid Readers (Canva Banner)

Master Your Reading List: 10 Practical Tips for Avid Readers

Avid bibliophiles need a reading list. It doesn’t have to be in-depth or chiseled in stone, but it helps to keep you on track and avoid reader burnout. Here are a few essential tips to get you started on the road to better reading.

Before you start building your list, let’s take a look at your goals.

Determine why you’re reading each book. Are you looking to learn something new, entertain yourself, or achieve personal growth? Having clear goals helps you choose books that align with your objectives. This is usually the most essential aspect of building a personalized reading list.

Now, you can start making a reading list that suits you and brings you joy.

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1. Diversify your genres:

You should include a mix of genres to keep your reading exciting and broaden your perspective. Try to balance fiction with non-fiction, classics with contemporary works, and include authors from various cultural backgrounds.

2. Recommendations:

Consider books recommended by friends, family, or trusted sources. Recommendations often come with personal insights that can enhance your reading experience.

3. Research:

Before adding books to your list, research the authors and read reviews. This will help ensure that the book aligns with your interests and expectations. Nothing is worse than starting a book only to find that its views and values don’t mesh with your beliefs. For me, Goodreads is a good starting point. I have found that reviews and insights there tend to be more realistic. They also offer personalized recommendations, but that topic is for another post.

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4. Limit Your List:

Keep your reading list manageable. Instead of having an overwhelming number of books, maintain a list of top-priority reads and revisit it regularly to update and refine it. This is possibly the most challenging tip for avid readers. We want to read everything…now!

5. Balance Length and Complexity:

Mix shorter, lighter reads with longer, more complex ones to prevent burnout and keep your reading momentum going. After I finish a heavy book, such as a psychological thriller, I find a light romantic comedy or historical fiction cleanses the palate.

6. Incorporate Series and Standalones:

Balance book series with standalone novels. Series can provide extended enjoyment and immersion, while standalones offer variety and quicker completions. Speaking of book series, if it irritates you to no end to discover that the next book in the series is not yet completed, perhaps you should move that series a little further down on your reading list. However, some authors never get in a hurry to finish. (I’m looking at you, George R.R. Martin!)

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7. Join a Book Club or Online Community:

Engage with book clubs or online communities. They can introduce you to new books, provide insights, and motivate you to read regularly. If you are unsure where to start looking for your community, try GoodReads first. I’ll share more about utilizing GoodReads to its maximum potential soon.

8. Set a Reading Schedule:

Dedicate specific times for reading. Whether it’s a daily habit or a weekly schedule, consistency helps you steadily progress through your reading list.

9. Be Flexible:

Don’t be afraid to abandon books that don’t captivate you. If a book doesn’t meet your expectations, it’s okay to put it aside and move on to something else on your reading list that might be more engaging. You can always come back to the book if it’s not providing you with proper satisfaction today.

10. DNF:

This is another tip that is difficult for many readers. If you search the term DNF, you’ll find a multitude of thoughts on “Did Not Finish” amongst book readers. There are so many good books out there. If one is just not right for you for any reason, there is no shame in moving on to the next book on your reading list. Don’t waste your time on books that aren’t what you were expecting or looking for.

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Following these tips, you can create a reading list tailored to your interests and goals, keeping your reading experience enjoyable and fulfilling. This will help you become a lifelong reader who thoroughly enjoys all aspects of reading.


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Thanks for joining me today. Do you use a reading list? Do you prefer any apps to help you maintain the perfect reading list?

Here is a sample reading list prepared for me by Goodreads, using books I’ve reviewed. Goodreads shared many. These are just a few I chose to share to show the diversity.

 4.02 avg rating — 6,995 ratings — published 2021
Homeless, hunted, and desperate to escape a bitter storm, Keira takes refuge in an abandoned groundskeeper’s cottage. Her new home is tucked away at the edge of a cemetery, surrounded on all sides by gravestones: some recent, some hundreds of years old, all suffering from neglect. And in the darkness, she can hear the unquiet dead whispering.
The Whispering Dead
 4.22 avg rating — 247,209 ratings — published 1902
“Now, my dears,” said old Mrs Rabbit one morning, “you may go into the fields or down the lane, but don’t go into Mr. McGregor’s garden.” Follow the story of naughty Peter Rabbit as he squeezes—predictably—under the gate into Mr. McGregor’s garden.
The Tale of Peter Rabbit
 4.04 avg rating — 1,627 ratings — published 2024

An emotionally raw memoir about the crumbling of the American Dream and a daughter of refugees who searches for answers after her mother dies during plastic surgery.

Susan Lieu has long been searching for answers about her family’s past and about her own future. Refugees from the Vietnam War, Susan’s family escaped to California in the 1980s after five failed attempts. Upon arrival, Susan’s mother was their savvy, charismatic North Star, setting up two successful nail salons and orchestrating every success―until Susan was eleven.

The Manicurist's Daughter
 3.83 avg rating — 15,003 ratings — published 2024
New York Times bestselling author Xochitl Gonzalez delivers a mesmerizing novel about a first-generation Ivy League student who uncovers the genius work of a female artist decades after her suspicious death. 1985. Anita de Monte, a rising star in the art world, is found dead in New York City; her tragic death is the talk of the town. Until it isn’t. By 1998, Anita’s name had been all but forgotten―certainly by the time Raquel, a third-year art history student, prepared her final thesis. On College Hill, surrounded by privileged students whose futures are already paved out for them, Raquel feels like an outsider. Like her, students of color are the minority there, and the pressure to work twice as hard for the same opportunities is no secret.
Anita de Monte Laughs Last
 3.79 avg rating — 20,919 ratings — published 2023
When Kiersten McCann, president of the West Hollywood Moms’ Club, turns up dead in her own pool, it quickly becomes clear this wasn’t an accident. And the party guests—all members of the exclusive club—are now key suspects in her murder.
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Posted 05/30/2024 by Gina in Bookish Posts, Books / 6 Comments

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