Review: Bedrolls, Bushes, & Beaches – The Hippie Years by Ron White is not just for “old hippies.” Everyone should read about this era from someone who lived it, the good and the bad. Read on to discover the exploits of an original hippie on his around the world travels.
Title: Bedrolls, Bushes, and Beaches: The Hippie Years
Author: Ron White
Publisher: ISBN Agency
Genres: Memoir – Budget Travel – Explorer Biography
Print Length: 254 pages
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Synopsis and edition information is from Goodreads and Amazon.
Review: Bedrolls, Bushes, and Beaches: The Hippie Years
Against the backdrop of the Vietnam War—with the ongoing saga of his draft status and other historical events of the time—Ron White’s adventures, at home and in numerous locations around the world, began with a schoolboy yearning to travel. His quest was to explore the world as well as to escape. With the tragic loss of several of his best friends, and being the victim of endless abuse at home, it was travel and music that kept him sane.
If you lived during this era, the pages of this inspirational book drip with nostalgia; if you’re too young, then you can be wonderfully entertained as you learn about the world of the 1960’s. The hippie era was one of peace and love, but for Ron at times, the opposite was also true. However, his friends, his travels and music galvanized him, until he finally achieved his dream of circumnavigating the world at age 22.
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My review: Bedrolls, Bushes, and Beaches: The Hippie Years by Ron White
Bedrolls, Bushes, and Beaches: The Hippie Years is a great memoir. I grew up in that era and caught the tail-end of the hippie age. Reading the author’s tales of his coming of age during this magical time was fascinating to me. I felt like I was secretly reading a sightly older brother’s journal.
The story covers an incredible amount of travel and life in about 250 pages, so you know it’s a fast-paced book. The author is one of the luckiest people to have survived and flourished in his worldwide travel adventures. I’m sure the volume of material he edited out would make another unique book.
To travel the world by age 22 is an amazing feat, to do it without money is even more so. Getting by on brainpower, quick wit, and serendipitous help from good samaritans, Ron visited so many countries and was part of many of the most famous events of that time. What a treat to read about his momentous feats, and even more, that he survived to tell us about them
This book is not just for “old hippies.” Everyone should read about the era from someone who lived it, the good and the bad.
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About Ron White:
Ron White was born in New York City and grew up in Bowie, Maryland. His past professions include taxi driver, Colombian emerald importer, Washington, DC street vendor, and hippie clothing manufacturer. One of his favorite pastimes is globetrotting which began at age 19. Time travel to the colorful 1960’s as you read Ron’s magical and zany adventures as he journeys around the world in “Bedrolls, Bushes, and Beaches”. He believes travel is the answer to the meaning of life.
An interview with Ron White, author of Bedrolls, Bushes, & Beaches: The Hippie Years
How long have you been writing?
I have been journaling my travels all my life, and this is my first book.
What inspired you to write in this genre?
My passion is travel, and hundreds of people expressed a greater interest to learn more about my adventures.
If an author fictionalized your life, in which genre would the story belong?
Do you have a set writing schedule?
To write every day regardless of whether it was writing one word or one thousand words.
Do you need silence to write or can you work in any environment?
I prefer a quiet, tranquil environment to write my best.
If you could set up your perfect writing scenario, what would it involve?
On a farm in the middle of nowhere with a wood-fired brick oven.
What is your most unusual writing quirk?
I write longhand before typing on my computer.
Were you an avid reader growing up?
Yes, my goal was to read one book every week. I especially enjoy reading non-fiction.
If you could form the ultimate writers’ group, which authors past or present would you invite to join you?
Kurt Vonnegut, James Michener, Ken Kesey.
Do you snack while writing and if so, what is your favorite snack?
I do not snack while I am writing.
Who has influenced your writing the most?
My third-grade teacher.
Is there anything you would like my readers to know about you and your book?
I have had several lifetimes of adventures. I worked my way through life one step at a time and this book details my way of accomplishing the most out of life.
Where to find Ron on the internet:
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Review: Bedrolls, Bushes, and Beaches: The Hippie Years
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This sounds awesome. I love getting the scoup from someone that actually lived the life of a hippie
It’s a pretty amazing story.