Review: Journey to Healing by Eugene Charles. Journey to Healing: The Art and Science of Applied Kinesiology is a practical guide to Applied Kinesiology written in layman’s terms. One book can provide all you need to know to decide if this healing method is right for you.
Title: Journey to Healing: The Art and Science of Applied Kinesiology
Author: Dr. Eugene Charles
Publisher: Renaissance Publishers
Genres: Non-fiction, Healing
Print Length: 316 pages
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Synopsis and edition information is from Goodreads and Amazon.
Review: Journey to Healing by Eugene Charles
People are currently dying younger, opioid addiction is rampant, doctors are suffering from “physician burnout,” and conventional medicine is not curing people with low back pain, diabetes, sports injuries, or stress-related problems. There is an obvious need for a more comprehensive approach to addressing your health issues. Journey to Healing is about a healing specialty—Applied Kinesiology—which may be one such solution.
This is the first time a teacher of Applied Kinesiology (AK) has written a book sharing the concepts of AK with the general public. Journey to Healing will help you to understand this currently little-known approach to healing—one that could be the answer to unresolved health problems that you or someone you know may be presently experiencing.
Applied Kinesiology is the science of healing the total person and supporting your true health through the study of movement and muscle function. See for yourself how AK gives hope and provides answers when you are suffering from a health condition that appears to be senseless or hopeless. AK can often find the “hidden cause” by using a refined diagnostic test known as functional muscle testing (FMT).
Journey to Healing includes real-life cases of patients’ experiences with doctors utilizing AK. You will find the stories intriguing as the doctor uses “detective-like deductive reasoning” to get to the underlying cause of health issues, some of which you or someone you love may be suffering from. As you read on, you will be able to see the clues for yourself and these stories will, in many cases, sound familiar to you and will inspire you to take control of your health and use the power of AK to help you to reach your full health potential as you begin your personal journey to healing.
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My Review: Journey to Healing by Eugene Charles
The Art and Science of Applied Kinesiology
Journey to Healing answers all your questions about Applied Kinesiology. You will learn what it is, the history, and how it relates to many ailments affecting humans today.
The book presents case studies supporting the use of AK to heal a plethora of illnesses.
You will also find a resource guide, additional reading suggestions, and information on how to find a Dr specializing in AK.
The book is a complete guide to starting your applied kinesiology journey. It will provide you with helpful questions to ask your practitioner to begin healing your symptoms from headaches to traumatic injuries.
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An interview with Dr. Eugene Charles
What inspired you to write this book?
After spending the past 30 years treating patients and teaching doctors Applied Kinesiology, I realized that it was time for the general public to know that there was a healing specialty that might be the answer to their health problems. Additionally, I became increasingly frustrated that people did not a) know that there was an alternative therapy to drugs and surgery and b) to clear up misconceptions about Applied Kinesiology (AK)—mostly from Wikipedia who refused to listen to me when I told them that the person who wrote about AK was biased against it and no right to be considered an authority.
So, I decided it was time to write a book to educate people so they can decide for themselves if the muscle testing and natural therapies used in AK could help them in their personal, “Journey To Healing.”
What are a few things you learned while writing your book?
#1, I learned that writing and doctoring are two different skills. It took me longer to write about the treatment succinctly than to perform them on the patient. I worked with a content editor for four years and felt like I had earned a college degree in writing.
#2, I learned that while people sense there is something inherently wrong with a “pill for a problem” mentality, most are afraid to try something different even when what they are doing isn’t working. Perhaps it is a familiarity thing. It seems people are more comfortable with a familiar devil than an unfamiliar God. My intent in Journey To Healing is to appeal to people’s common sense and gut feeling—while backing it up with scientific studies.
#3, I learned that just because something made complete sense to me did not mean it would to my readers. I had to really dig deep and look at the book as an outsider looking in—not easy!
After this book, are you writing anything new?
Yes. Journey To Healing is about opening your eyes to a form of healing that is available, makes total sense, and gives you hope. I will be working on The Power To Heal, which provides you with things that you can do. I’m just beginning to create the big bang out of chaos. It is imperative that you work with a healthcare practitioner first as elucidated in JTH.
Describe your writing routine.
I get up in the morning, go outside and take a few moments to collect my thoughts. Then I get to work before my wife wakes up. Do you outline? Yes. I like to draw the lines and then color them in later. Edit as you go? No. It slows the creative process for me.
Review: Journey to Healing by Eugene Charles
What do you do when you’re not writing?
I am still teaching Applied Kinesiology and Chiropractic Courses. I have online and DVD courses for anyone who wants to learn, and I recently started a consultation service for doctors, and others, who can email me health questions.
How do you combat/cure writer’s block?
I write in short, intense bursts since I work better with consistent sprints than a long, drawn-out marathon. Playing uplifting music like classical music, notably Mozart, Wagner, and Verdi, as well as the Beatles and Jimmy Durante songs, help clear the cobwebs from my head.
What advice would you give an aspiring writer who doesn’t know where to start?
Start! Don’t wait. It’s like an exercise program. There is NEVER a perfect time. So make this the perfect time and do a little and do it consistently.
What was the most challenging thing about writing your book?
Trying to take a topic—Applied Kinesiology and muscle testing—that most doctors do not understand, and make it an entertaining and educational journey for the general public. I see why it has never been done before.
How has writing this book affected your career?
I have basically retired from seeing new patients and have gotten into the world of a writer—like I am doing here with you right now, Gina. I talk more about writing than treating, and after 35 years, I find it incredibly exciting and refreshing.
What is the most satisfying thing about being an author?
Developing a book, a chapter, a paragraph, and a sentence to where you look at it and breathe a sigh of satisfaction that you gave life to something that you hope will benefit someone. It feels very satisfying that you pulled something deeply personal out from inside of you and are now sharing it with the world. It is satisfying and scary.
How do you think your book can help people?
I believe people will learn about their bodies, their physiology, and become empowered to ask questions and take control of their health.
What do you hope people will take away/learn from your book?
That ignorance is not bliss; ignorance can hurt you a whole lot. You must be in the driver’s seat regarding your health. Otherwise, you can be taken for a ride. You will take away how amazing your body truly is; how it wants to be healthy, and when you work with a doctor trained in AK, you will be amazed how good and strong you feel!
Is your book aimed more at professionals or the layperson?
Layperson. However, there is enough research in the back and explanation within the text that a professional can read this and say, “Wow, this makes sense. I have to learn this for my patients.”
Review: Journey to Healing by Eugene Charles
Have you been getting good reviews?
Yes. Reviewers have really grasped the essence of the book. As one said, “Now that I know about it, I would personally be happy to see an AK practitioner in the future if I have any serious conditions.”
What places have you used to promote your book?
Right now, predominately through the Applied Kinesiologists and their patients throughout the world. Over the past 30 years, doctors, including myself, wished that there was a book that explained Applied Kinesiology and muscle testing so people could get excited about understanding their muscles and bodies better. I am pleased that now there is!
Do you have a social media presence?
Yes, but not much. Where can people find you online? The best way would be to go to and sign up for the newsletter, blog and
YouTube videos. I am on Goodreads also. I’ve seen too many people get in trouble tweeting, so I rarely do.
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I liked the writing routine Eugene Charles mentioned. I also wrote early in the morning before anyone else was up since that was the only time I could find before the day got hectic. I am sure his book will show all the hard work he put into it.
Thanks for commenting, Ivan. I look forward to hearing from you after a post. Always brightens my day.