Review: Make the Connection by Susan Berkowitz, SLP is a practical guide for teaching the nonverbal child to communicate. This book is of great value for parents, teachers, medical staff, and more to make sure everyone is using the same language for the benefit of the child.
Title: Make the Connection: A Practical Guide to Parents and Practitioners for Teaching the Nonverbal Child to Communicate – with AAC
Author: Susan Berkowitz, SLP
Publisher: Herding Cats Press
Genres: Nonfiction – Communications and Media Studies
Print Length: 290 pages
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Synopsis and edition information is from Goodreads and Amazon.
Review: Make the Connection by Susan Berkowitz, SLP
This book is for all of those parents of nonverbal children (with autism and other severe language disorders) and professionals who want to “get it right,” but need the guidance to get there. We know that collaboration between school and home is a significant component in the lives of students who use picture-based communication. The information and ideas in this book are not unique; they are things I have learned over the past 40 years from articles, books, seminars, and, most importantly, from my students. Much of this information is available elsewhere, but not in this unique format. What I have tried to do is to curate the ideas in a way that cuts away the jargon, the discussion of research protocols; leaving all but the basic information and strategies, both groups need.
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My review: Make the Connection by Susan Berkowitz, SLP
Make the Connection by Susan Berkowitz explains so much about AAC and teaching a nonverbal child to communicate. The book is written in a straightforward manner, making it easy for the reader to understand and implement the methods.
I was not familiar with AAC before reading Make the Connection. However, I found this book fascinating. The concepts presented should be of great value to a family or practitioner who does require a better understanding of AAC. If everyone has full knowledge of the treatment plan and can discuss it using the same terms, it’s bound to be of benefit to the child.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who needs to communicate with an autistic child, whether it’s parents, teachers, medical staff, extended family, or friends.
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At the time of this writing, the book was available through the Amazon Kindle Unlimited program.
Make the Connection is also available on Barnes & Noble and BooksaMillion,
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Review: Make the Connection by Susan Berkowitz, SLP
An interview with Susan Berkowitz, author of Make the Connection
How long have you been writing?
This is the first book I’ve written, although I have written other professional/nonfiction papers on the same topic.
What inspired you to write in this genre?
I was inspired by all of the parents I’ve seen struggling to get the information and training they need.
If an author fictionalized your life, in which genre would the story belong?
Definitely science fiction. lol
Do you have a set writing schedule?
I didn’t have a set schedule while working on the book, but I did plan my week and each day out one at a time.
Do you need silence to write, or can you work in any environment?
I can work in almost any environment, as long as it’s not too loud and noxious (Can’t take heavy metal)
Were you an avid reader growing up?
I was and still am a very avid reader. I always had my nose in a book as a kid.
Do you have a favorite snack or beverage while you are writing?
Nope, no snacking unless there’s chocolate!
Is there anything you would like my readers to know about you and your book?
Mostly, I want readers to know where to find the book and to tell anyone they know who needs it! There are far too many parents of nonverbal kids still struggling.
Here is a link to free handouts for anyone interested:
Click here for the handouts —->FREE info
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Make the Connection: A Prac...Shop on Amazon
Review: Make the Connection by Susan Berkowitz, SLP
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