Review: Rowdy Days of Dom Sanders – The Case of the Unseen Murder by E. G. Moore is a middle-grade adventure story with a bit of historical fiction and a lot of excitement. Please read the review. I bet no matter your age, you find this an entertaining story.
Title: Rowdy Days of Dom Sanders – The Case of the Unseen Murder
Author: E. G. Moore
Publisher: Independent
Genres: Children’s – Mystery – Adventure
Print Length: 185 pages
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Synopsis and edition information is from Goodreads and Amazon.
Review: Rowdy Days of Dom Sanders – The Case of the Unseen Murder
Dom swindles kids out of their allowances and talks them into doing his chores. When Taylor moves in next door and picks a fight, Dom shows him what’s what. A new girl comes to town, and Dom wastes no time impressing her. He’s been saving for a horse and almost has enough money. Summer in Millville is his for the picking. Until he witnesses local outcast China Jim murdering a cop, and Taylor’s accused of the killing. Dom needs to make a choice. He can swallow his guilt and let Taylor take the rap for a crime he didn’t commit or risk his own neck by revealing what he knows.
My Review: Rowdy Days of Dom Sanders – The Case of the Unseen Murder
E.G. Moore has captured the essence of a young, adventurous boy. The title sums this book up; the Rowdy Days of Dom Sanders.
Although the main story revolves around the murder Dom witnesses, the true joy is in the details. You are drawn into the story through the tiniest of details allowing you to live Dom’s joy, fears, ambitions, and disappointments.
This book is listed in the children’s mystery and adventure genre but readers of all ages will enjoy The Rowdy Days of Dom. No matter your age, there are happiness, memories, and lessons to be found in this story.
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Meet E. G. Moore
I’m an award-winning poet and children’s book author, as well as a freelance writer and editor. I lead my local chapter of the Idaho Writers League. My shorter pieces have been featured in Hope Paige’s Anthology on loss BREAKING SAD in 2017 and AN OUNCE OF TRUTH, a fundraising anthology for a historic building. When I’m not telling “Mommy Made stories” to my two daughters or awaiting feedback for my latest manuscript, I can be found off-roading on my four-wheeler, baking something scrumptious, or in a long, plot-refreshing bubble bath.
How long have you been writing?
I’ve been writing and storytelling since I was two years old, but I first started writing intentionally about eight years ago.
How do you choose your character names?
Names are so very important, so I often start with the meaning of names that relate to the themes or settings of the book. I feel that names can add to the thematic significance of works. I also almost always choose very unique names. If I can’t find just the right one, I put an X in there. That has confused critique partners more than once.
What inspired you to write in this genre?
Honestly, Rowdy Days of Dom Sanders is a classic-feeling contemporary story. This is completely different from every other manuscript I’ve written. The rest dabble with the imaginary and fantastic in various forms.
If an author fictionalized your life, in which genre would the story belong?
Surrealism… oh wait, that’s art. *laugh* Probably paranormal.
Do you have a set writing schedule?
My life is too crazy for that, so I snatch minutes here, an hour there. I attend writing retreats or hide in libraries between classes or errands. I write as life allows, but I write often because I can’t ignore the joy of it.
Do you need silence to write, or can you work in any environment?
I don’t necessarily need silence. Sometimes interruptions disturb me, and I also have a hard time with clutter at my writing area. If I can do it outside of my home that seems to be better just because there’s always “something else I should be doing” there.
If you could set up your perfect writing scenario, what would it involve?
A body of water for a view, nature all around, sharp pencils and fresh paper, and a wifi connection.
Do you usually arrive early, on time, or late?
Almost always late, though I’m working on this. Usually, it’s because I tell myself I have time to do one more thing, and it snowballs. I’m learning to check this thought more and more.
Is there anything you would like my readers to know about you and your book?
This book is quirky and fun. I tapped into this part of myself and let it take me for a ride as I wrote it. I hope it does the same for my readers.
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Keep up the great work E.G.!