Author: Karla M. Jay

It Happened in Silence by Karla M. Jay | 2021 BBNYA Semi-finalist Spotlight 

It Happened in Silence by Karla M. Jay | 2021 BBNYA Semi-finalist Spotlight..

2021 BBNYA Semifinalist Spotlight on It Happened in Silence by Karla M. Jay
This is a powerful tale of family, a celebration of decency, and the heartbreak of society’s injustices then that rings true today.

Set in a world where women of the KKK betray their neighbors, horrors of unscrupulous foundling homes come to light, and buried mysteries are not all that hidden. It’s 1921 in Georgia.

Thank you to @KarlaMJay1 @BBNYA_Official @The_WriteReads @FolioSociety for inviting me to participate again this year.