Genre: Disability

Book Review | Jack and I by Laury A. Egan | Highly Recommended! #PsychologicalSuspense #Thriller #MultiplePersonalityDisorder #DisassociativeIdentity #5Star #GrippingTale

Book Review | Jack and I by Laury A. Egan | Highly Recommended! #Psychologi..

Book Review | Jack and I by Laury A. Egan | #PsychologicalSuspense #Thriller #MultiplePersonalityDisorder #DisassociativeIdentity #5Star #GrippingTale

#BookReview #FosterCareAbuse #DID #LGBTQ #Bookstagram #BookX #RecommendedReading

After reviewing Laury A. Egan’s previous book, I was pleased to be invited to review her newest release, Jack and I. While the story is sometimes a complex and heart-wrenching tale, it underscores the presence of good people willing to protect the innocent and the urgent need for reforms in the foster care system.

There are themes of physical, sexual, and mental child abuse, rape, grooming, and sexual content. While I would typically avoid a book with these themes, I am so glad I agreed to read Jack and I. Change can never be made, nor situations like Jack’s prevented, if we bury our heads in the sand. My heart goes out to young Jack, and I wish him all the best in the future.

Mickey on the Move: Farming by Michelle Wagner | Review & Giveaway (ends Aug 8, 2022)

Mickey on the Move: Farming by Michelle Wagner | Review & Giveaway (en..

Today, I have a review of Mickey on the Move: Farming by Michelle Wagner. Young Mickey has cochlear implants that limit his outdoor fun because he can’t get them wet. After his Dr fits him with waterproof implants, what a difference it makes in his life!

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Unlock My Heart by Jennifer Wilck | Scarred Hearts Series | Review, $15 Giveaway, Excerpt

Unlock My Heart by Jennifer Wilck | Scarred Hearts Series | Review, $15 Giv..

Unlock My Heart by Jennifer Wilck | Scarred Hearts Series | Review, $15 Giveaway, Excerpt

Abby and Ted’s story will grab you by the heartstrings and not let go. Can Abby overcome the damage from her childhood? Will Ted allow Abby past the barricades in place due to his hearing loss? Read on to find out more about this damaged, but loving, inspiring couple.

Cerebral Palsy by Ilana Estelle | Spotlight

Cerebral Palsy by Ilana Estelle | Spotlight

Cerebral Palsy: ‘A Story’ Finding the Calm After the Storm by Ilana Estelle
Ilana Estelle knew she was different from a young age, but for all the wrong reasons. Part memoir, part motivational guide, this is Ilana’s open and honest journey, from an angry confused child, knowing something was wrong, but not knowing what, to the ‘real’ her – a courageous woman using her experiences and lessons to create inspiring messages about mental and physical health, positivity, resilience, and change.

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