Genre: Equestrian

[Spotlight] The Sun’s Shadow by Sejal Badani ~Author Guest Post ~ #LiteraryFiction #FamilyLife #2ndChances @iReadBookTours @sejal_badani #LakeUnionPublishing

[Spotlight] The Sun’s Shadow by Sejal Badani ~Author Guest Post ~ #Li..

The Sun’s Shadow by Sejal Badani is a heart-wrenching yet hopeful novel that will resonate deeply with readers who appreciate complex, character-driven stories about the transformative power of forgiveness, the resilience of the human spirit, and the unbreakable bonds of family and friendship. (StoryGraph)

[Spotlight] The Sun’s Shadow by Sejal Badani ~Author Guest Post ~ #LiteraryFiction #FamilyLife #2ndChances @iReadBookTours @sejal_badani #LakeUnionPublishing