Genre: Family Life

Mia and Nattie – One Great Team by Marlene M Bell | Review & Tour

Mia and Nattie – One Great Team by Marlene M Bell | Review & Tou..

Mia and Nattie – One Great Team by Marlene M Bell | Review & Tour Book Blog Tour from iRead Book Tours Thank you to the author & iRead Tours for providing me the information for this tour. ******************** ******************** ******************** My thoughts on Mia and Nattie – One Great Team by Marlene M Bell […]

White Trash Warlock by David R. Slayton | Review

White Trash Warlock by David R. Slayton | Review

Not all magicians go to schools of magic.

Adam Binder has the Sight. It’s a power that runs in his bloodline: the ability to see beyond this world and into another, a realm of magic populated by elves, gnomes, and spirits of every kind. But for much of Adam’s life, that power has been a curse, hindering friendships, worrying his backwoods family, and fueling his abusive father’s rage.

Years after his brother, Bobby, had him committed to a psych ward, Adam is ready to come to grips with who he is, to live his life on his terms, to find love, and maybe even use his magic to do some good.

Love and Ohana Drama by Melissa Baldwin | Review

Love and Ohana Drama by Melissa Baldwin | Review

Love and Ohana Drama is a romantic comedy that explores the challenges of family dynamics and reminds readers that there is always hope for a second chance. Sometimes the most challenging situations bring the most happiness . . .Twenty-something Cora Fletcher is a book-loving public relations executive who lives with her overly Zen best friend and attention-loving cat. Newly single and focusing on her exciting career, she feels like she’s in a good place. She’s even been invited on an all-expenses-paid Hawaiian vacation! The only catch—it’s a family reunion . . . and her family can be a lot to handle.

Preying for Revenge by Eric Suddoth | Review

Preying for Revenge by Eric Suddoth | Review

Preying for Revenge: Solomon’s Dreams Book 2 – An exceptional thriller fitting many genres. Preying for Revenge preys on the reader’s mind. You don’t want to miss this riveting story. I recommend reading Book 1 first to up the intensity, but it isn’t essential to follow the storyline. You can read reviews of both on my website.