Genre: Historical Fiction

The Path of Revenge by Tom Haward | Spotlight and Author Guest Post |Publication date: August 6, 2024  #HistoricalFiction #AlternativeHistory @GoddessFish @CinnabarMoth @HaywardTom

The Path of Revenge by Tom Haward | Spotlight and Author Guest Post |Public..

The rebellion is in hiding. It has been a year since Boatman King attempted to overthrow the Empire, but instead had to escape London with his wife and their closest allies.

Not all of Boatman King’s allies are in hiding. Maverick “The Beast” Kirabo is on a mission to finish what he started on the streets of London. The former gladiator has a score to settle and revenge to unleash: Rome will fear him as they once adored him.

The Path of Revenge by Tom Haward | Spotlight and Author Guest Post |Publication date: August 6, 2024
#HistoricalFiction #AlternativeHistory @GoddessFish @CinnabarMoth @HawardTom

Twin Stars (The Gannet Quartet #1) by Charlotte Clutterbuck | $10 Gift Card #MiddleGrade #HistoricalFiction @TellwellTalent @GoddessFish @wordfinch @charlotte.clutterbuck.90

Twin Stars (The Gannet Quartet #1) by Charlotte Clutterbuck | $10 Gift Card..

Twin Stars is listed as Middle-Grade Historical Fiction, but it will appeal to all ages from MG on up. It is a cleanly told tale that relies on the story to carry it without added “distractions” that might be inappropriate for some ages.

Twin Stars (The Gannet Quartet #1) by Charlotte Clutterbuck | $10 Gift Card #MiddleGrade #HistoricalFiction @TellwellTalent @GoddessFish @wordfinch @charlotte.clutterbuck.90

Tayvie’s Story by Mim Eichmann | Book 3 of the A Sparrow Alone Trilogy| $20 Gift Card Available | #StandAlone #Jazz #WWII #EarlyJazz #StrongWomen | @GoddessFish @EichmannMim @Mim.Eichmann

Tayvie’s Story by Mim Eichmann | Book 3 of the A Sparrow Alone Trilog..

The extraordinary coming-of-age saga of a talented, young, biracial jazz singer who perfects her craft on two continents during the volatile 1930s and ’40s despite appalling circumstances.

Tayvie’s Story by Mim Eichmann | Book 3 of the A Sparrow Alone Trilogy| $20 Gift Card Available | #StandAlone #Jazz #WWII #EarlyJazz #StrongWomen | @GoddessFish @EichmannMim @Mim.Eichmann

Red Kingdom: A Dark Little Red Riding Hood Retelling (Fairy Tale Retellings Book 2) by Rachel L. Demeter | Excerpt & Giveaway | #HistoricalRomance #FairyTaleRetelling @GoddessFish @racheldemeterauthor @rldemeter @RachelLDemeter

Red Kingdom: A Dark Little Red Riding Hood Retelling (Fairy Tale Retellings..

“Red Kingdom” is a passionate, slow-burn historical romance about the enduring quest for love and the longing for a world at harmony. It is a standalone installment in a series of reimagined classic fairy tales.

Red Kingdom: A Dark Little Red Riding Hood Retelling (Fairy Tale Retellings Book 2) by Rachel L. Demeter | Excerpt & Giveaway | #HistoricalRomance #FairyTaleRetelling @GoddessFish @racheldemeterauthor @rldemeter @RachelLDemeter

Clytemnestra’s Bind (The House of Atreus, 1) by Susan C. Wilson | Book Review of a Powerful Retelling | #HistoricalFiction #LiteraryFiction #Retelling @BronzeAgeWummin @SusanCWilsonAuthor @The_WriteReads @WriteReadsTours @NeemTreePress

Clytemnestra’s Bind (The House of Atreus, 1) by Susan C. Wilson | Boo..

From one of Greek mythology’s most reviled characters—a woman who challenged men’s absolute power—comes this fiery tale of power, family rivalry, and a mother’s burning love.

This book is perfect for readers of Greek mythology and fans of Costanza Casati’s Clytemnestra, Madeline Miller’s Circe, and Jennifer Saint’s Elektra.

Clytemnestra’s Bind (The House of Atreus, 1) by Susan C. Wilson | Book Review | #HistoricalFiction #LiteraryFiction #Retelling | @BronzeAgeWummin @SusanCWilsonAuthor @The_WriteReads @WriteReadsTours @NeemTreePress

On the Threshold by M. Laszlo | #BookReview #Excerpt $25 Gift Card #Historical #ScienceFiction #SciFi @GoddessFish

On the Threshold by M. Laszlo | #BookReview #Excerpt $25 Gift Card #Histori..

Buckle up for a mind-bending journey through the cosmos with “On the Threshold” by M. Laszlo! Step into the shoes of Fingal T. Smyth, a Scottish explorer of the unknown, whose thirst for unraveling the universe’s secrets leads him down a perilous path.

On the Threshold by M. Laszlo | #BookReview #Historical #ScienceFiction #SciFi  #Givaway $25 Gift Card @GoddessFish

Picasso’s Lovers by Jeanne Mackin | Book Blast ~ Excerpt ~ $25 Gift Card | #HistoricalFiction #HistFic #Picasso #PicassosWomen | @GoddessFish @JeanneMackin1 @JeanneMackinAuthor @BerkleyPub

Picasso’s Lovers by Jeanne Mackin | Book Blast ~ Excerpt ~ $25 Gift C..

Picasso’s Lovers by Jeanne Mackin

You know Pablo Picasso. Now, meet the women behind the masterpieces. The women of Picasso’s life are glamorous and elusive, existing in the shadow of his fame – until, in the 1950s, aspiring journalist Alana Olsen determines to bring one into the light and discovers a past complicated by secrets and intrigue.

#HistoricalFiction #HistFic #HistoricalFrench #Picasso #PicassosWomen | @GoddessFish @JeanneMackin1 @JeanneMackinAuthor @BerkleyPub

A Troubled Heart by Tricia McGill | #BookReview #Excerpt #Giveaway ($10 Gift Card) #AuthorGuestPost #HitoricalRomance #AuthorTriciaMcGill @GoddessFish 

A Troubled Heart by Tricia McGill | #BookReview #Excerpt #Giveaway ($10 Gif..

A Troubled Heart by Tricia McGill, an award-winning Australian author who has written over 40 books, mostly in the romance and historical fiction genres. A Troubled Heart is her latest novel, inspired by her research on the convict history of Australia and Tasmania. The book explores the harsh realities and challenges the transported convicts face and the social and cultural differences between the British settlers and the native inhabitants. #BookReview #Excerpt #Giveaway ($10 Gift Card) #AuthorGuestPost #HitoricalRomance #AuthorTriciaMcGill @GoddessFish 

The Spinster, the Rebel, and the Governor by Charlene Bell Dietz ($25 Gift Card Available) | #HistoricalFiction #WomensLit @GoddessFish @inkydancestudios

The Spinster, the Rebel, and the Governor by Charlene Bell Dietz ($25 Gift ..

Lady Margaret Brent is compelled to right wrongs. Under the rule of Charles I she risks her life by illegally educating English women, placing her family at risk. She fights to have a voice, yet her own father and brothers exclude her from discussions. Worried the king’s men may know of her illegal activities, she flees to the New World where she can enjoy religious tolerance and own land, believing she will be allowed a voice.

The Spinster, the Rebel, and the Governor by Charlene Bell Dietz | #HistoricalFiction #WomensLit @GoddessFish @inkydancestudios

Book Review: A Song that Never Ends (Hamilton Place Book 1) by Mark A. Gibson | #historicalfiction #familysaga #thriller @ireadbooktours @MGibsonAuthor23

Book Review: A Song that Never Ends (Hamilton Place Book 1) by Mark A. Gibs..

A Song that Never Ends is the first installment of the Hamilton Place series, an epic family saga extending from the Great Depression to present day. Through war and peace, love and loss, triumph and tragedy; follow the Hamilton family on their journey from a run-down farm in South Carolina, through the jungles of Vietnam, to the top of the world in New York City, and beyond the gardens of stone at Arlington.

#historicalfiction #familysaga #thriller @ireadbooktours @MGibsonAuthor23