Genre: Historical Fiction

When the Skies Rained Freedom by Annette Oppenlander | Book Review ~ #HistoricalFiction @GoddessFish @annette.oppenlander #ColdWar #PostWW2Germany

When the Skies Rained Freedom by Annette Oppenlander | Book Review ~ #Histo..

The novel successfully portrays the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity, making it not only a historical account but also a tale of love and courage. “When the Skies Rained Freedom” stands out as a poignant exploration of a pivotal moment in history, offering readers a glimpse into the lives of those who fought against the odds to secure freedom for West Berlin.

Winter Solstice in the Crystal Castle by Jennifer Ivy Walker | Review ~ Excerpt ~ $25 Gift Card | #HistoricalFiction #MedievalRomance | @GoddessFish @bohemienneivy @jenniferivywalker

Winter Solstice in the Crystal Castle by Jennifer Ivy Walker | Review ~ Exc..

In “Winter Solstice in the Crystal Castle,” Jennifer Ivy Walker has succeeded in delivering an enchanting tale that is bound to make readers fall in love with the characters, the setting, and the heartwarming story. This is a delightful addition to the “Christmas at the Castle” series, and I recommend it to anyone seeking a quick yet satisfying historical romance read.

#HistoricalFiction #MedievalRomance
@GoddessFish @bohemienneivy @jenniferivywalkerauthor @WildRosePress

The Mark of the Salamander (The Island of Angels #1) by Justin Newland  | Book Review ~ Giveaway ~ Guest Post from the Author | #HistoricalFiction #Adventure #MagicalRealism | @iReadBookTours @JustinNewland53 @drjustinnewland

The Mark of the Salamander (The Island of Angels #1) by Justin Newland  | ..

Nelan’s journey unfolds against the tapestry of England’s coming of age, making “The Mark of the Salamander” an incredible start to The Island of Angels series. The book successfully combines historical depth, paranormal intrigue, and compelling characters, ensuring an engaging and immersive reading experience.

#HistoricalFiction #Adventure #MagicalRealism | @iReadBookTours @JustinNewland53 @drjustinnewland

Book Review | First Dark: A Buffalo Soldier’s Story by Bob Rogers | #HistoricalFiction #BuffaloSoldiers #Saga @iReadBookTours @BobRogers13

Book Review | First Dark: A Buffalo Soldier’s Story by Bob Rogers | #..

“First Dark” by Bob Rogers is a well-researched, well-written, and captivating historical fiction novel that brings to life the struggles and triumphs of a diverse group of young Americans during a turbulent period in the nation’s history. It is a must-read for those interested in United States history and the Buffalo Soldiers, and it deserves its place on the shelf of excellent historical fiction.

Enter to win a hardback copy of Two Rivers: The Trouble I be See by Bob Rogers! (Ends Nov 17, 2023)

#HistoricalFiction #BuffaloSoldiers #Saga @iReadBookTours @BobRogers13

Sam Time by Donna Balon | Book Review ~ $25 Gift Card Available ~ Excerpt | #HistoricalFiction #TimeTravel #USGrant #VictorianEra | @GoddessFish

Sam Time by Donna Balon | Book Review ~ $25 Gift Card Available ~ Excerpt |..

“Sam Time” is a well-researched, visually rich, and imaginative historical time-travel novel that will delight readers with its captivating blend of the past and present. Balon’s storytelling makes this book a must-read for those who enjoy the intrigue of time travel and historical fiction.

Anna’s Promise by D. G. Schulman | Book Review ~ $40 Gift Card Available ~ Excerpt | #HistoricalFiction #WW2 @GoddessFish @DGSchulman

Anna’s Promise by D. G. Schulman | Book Review ~ $40 Gift Card Available ..

“Anna’s Promise” is an uplifting tale that reminds us of the enduring strength of family bonds, even in the face of adversity. Schulman’s ability to transport readers from war-torn Poland in 1914 to the America of the 1970s is a testament to her storytelling prowess. If you’re searching for a well-written historical fiction novel that explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the pursuit of a better life, “Anna’s Promise” is a must-read.

@DGSchulmanAuthor @GoddessFish @WildRosePress @dvora.schulman

Discarded by Nancy M. Bell (Part of the  Canadian Historical Fiction series) | Book Review ~ Author Guest Post ~ $25 Gift Card Available | #HistFic @GoddessFish @emilypikkasso 

Discarded by Nancy M. Bell (Part of the  Canadian Historical Fiction seri..

“Discarded”  impresses with its well-researched historical context, inviting readers to delve deeper into this lesser-explored period of Canadian history. While the story boasts a large cast of characters, making it occasionally challenging to keep track, the descriptive writing immerses readers in each scene, enhancing their enjoyment. Ultimately, “Discarded” successfully accomplishes the hallmark of a great historical fiction novel, as it leaves readers eager to pick up the next book in the series or embark on their own research into this fascinating time period.

#HistFic @GoddessFish @emilypikkasso @NancyMBell

Conecuh by Herb Hughes | Book Review ~ Trailer ~ Author Guest Post ~ 1 Signed Copy Available | #HistoricalFiction #CivilWar @iReadBookTours 

Conecuh by Herb Hughes | Book Review ~ Trailer ~ Author Guest Post ~ 1 Sign..

Conecuh is a meticulously researched and compelling work of historical fiction that transports readers to the turbulent era of the Civil War. Herb Hughes’s skillful storytelling and the resilient character of Emily Rose breathe life into this captivating tale.

Whether you’re a history enthusiast or simply a lover of well-crafted historical fiction, Conecuh is a novel that should not be missed.

@iReadBookTours #HistFic #AmericanCivilWar

Summer of Love (A Timeless American Historical Romance Book 3) by Suzanne Rudd Hamilton | Book Review

Summer of Love (A Timeless American Historical Romance Book 3) by Suzanne R..

Summer of Love” by Suzanne Rudd Hamilton is a captivating exploration of romance and self-discovery. Set against the backdrop of the magical mid-1960s, the novel beautifully captures the complexities of relationships and the emotions that come with them.
Whether you lived through that era or you want a glimpse into your parents past, this is the book for you.
@BookSirens @suzruddhamilton @suzanneruddhamilton

Gamble of Hearts by Virginia Barlow | Book Review ~ Excerpt ~ Giveaway | 4.5 Stars #RegencyRomance #HistoricalFiction @GoddessFish @virginiasromancenook

Gamble of Hearts by Virginia Barlow | Book Review ~ Excerpt ~ Giveaway | 4...

Gamble of Hearts by Virginia Barlow is a highly recommended read for historical fiction and Regency Romance enthusiasts. With its enthralling storyline and well-written characters, this book is bound to steal the hearts of its readers.

@GoddessFish @WildRosePress @virginiabar1031 @virginiasromancenook