Genre: LGBTQIAplus

 Tarnished (The Elder Tree Trilogy, #1) by @EricaRoseEberhart ~ Spotlight & Excerpt $10 Gift Card ~ #Fantasy #LGBTQIA+ #Dragons @GoddessFish

 Tarnished (The Elder Tree Trilogy, #1) by @EricaRoseEberhart ~ Spotlight ..

Tarnished by Erica Rose Eberhart is a captivating read for fans of fantasy and LGBTQIA+ romance, especially those who appreciate stories of self-discovery, unlikely friendships, and the strength of love and acceptance in the face of adversity, as it skillfully intertwines themes of identity, loyalty, and the complexities of social status.

Tarnished (The Elder Tree Trilogy, #1) by @EricaRoseEberhart ~ Spotlight & Excerpt $10 Gift Card ~ #Fantasy #LGBTQIA+ #Dragons @GoddessFish

Borderland: Poetry and Words from the Intersection of Masculinity, Race, Bisexuality and Grief  by Ross Victory | Spotlight ~ $25 Gift Card | #LGBTQ Poetry #IndieAuthor @GoddessFish @rossvvictorius @rossvictoryofficial 

Borderland: Poetry and Words from the Intersection of Masculinity, Race, Bi..

Borderland: Poetry and Words from the Intersection of Race, Masculinity, Bisexuality and Grief is a poetry collection by award-winning author, music artist Ross Victory. Borderland explores themes of masculinity, race, bisexuality, and grief. Through narrative prose and free verse, Victory portrays himself as a son, student, teacher, and lover, showcasing joy, agony, identity, enhanced with sprinkles of visceral desire. He challenges societal conformity, reimagining divine love and resilience at the crossroads of hetero- and homonormativity.

Borderland: Poetry and Words from the Intersection of Masculinity, Race, Bisexuality and Grief  by Ross Victory | Spotlight ~ $25 Gift Card | #LGBTQ Poetry #IndieAuthor @GoddessFish @rossvvictorius @rossvictoryofficial 

The Write Reads Blog Tour ~ The Red Tunic by Kate Wiseman ~ #HistoricalFiction #Romance #WW1 @KateWiseman @NeemTreePress @The_WriteReads

The Write Reads Blog Tour ~ The Red Tunic by Kate Wiseman ~ #HistoricalFict..

The Red Tunic by Kate Wiseman is a captivating read for anyone drawn to historical fiction, LGBTQIA+ stories, and explorations of identity, particularly those interested in the intersection of gender roles, women’s rights, and the human experience during times of war.

The Write Reads Blog Tour ~ The Red Tunic by Kate Wiseman ~ #HistoricalFiction #Romance #WW1 @KateWiseman @NeemTreePress @The_WriteReads