A Fairy Godmother’s Redemption by Maya Tyler | Review-Excerpt-$25 Gi..
A Fairy Godmother’s Redemption by Maya Tyler | Review – Excerpt – $25 Giveaway
Here’s my review of this unique #FantasyRomance of a #FairyTaleRetelling. I hope you enjoy the excerpt, my thoughts, & good luck in the #giveaway! @mayatylerauthor @goddessfish
In a chance meeting, Seraphina makes a poor first impression on Drew. He doesn’t recognize her until he wins concert tickets that include meeting her backstage. When Seraphina’s manager notices their instant attraction, she capitalizes on it for some PR events. What happens when a staged romance turns into something more?
No matter what Drew and Seraphina feel for each other, their lives are being pulled in opposite directions. Will a little nudge from a Fairy Godmother help them realize what’s really important?