Publisher: Independent

Book Review & Author Guest Post | Panic Peak by William Liggett (Warming World Adventures -1)  A #CliFi #Thriller | @iReadBookTours @liggett1 @bill.liggett #Reviews #BookBloggers #Climate

Book Review & Author Guest Post | Panic Peak by William Liggett (Warmi..

Panic Peak by William A. Liggett is an exciting, thoughtful, and relevant novel. If you love a gripping thriller with real-world implications, this book will make you think long after turning the last page.

Book Review & Author Guest Post | Panic Peak by William Liggett (Warming World Adventures)  A #CliFi #Thriller | @iReadBookTours @liggett1 @bill.liggett #Reviews #BookBloggers #Climate #Giveaway – 1 signed, complete set of William A. Liggett’s Warming World Adventure Series

#CoverReveal: How to React When Woken at 3am by Drunk Argentinian Backpackers While Staying in a Youth Hostel and Other Lesser Known Travel Tips by Yeats | @authoryeats @GoddessFish

#CoverReveal: How to React When Woken at 3am by Drunk Argentinian Backpacke..

I am excited to share the cover of Yeats’ latest book in his Travel Series, How to React When Woken at 3am by Drunk Argentinian Backpackers While Staying in a Youth Hostel and Other Lesser Known Travel Tips. I’ll post my spotlight on the entire series on October 1, 2024. Without further ado, here is your first peek at the book cover!

#CoverReveal: How to React When Woken at 3am by Drunk Argentinian Backpackers While Staying in a Youth Hostel and Other Lesser Known Travel Tips by Yeats | @GoddessFish @authoryeats

West Falls Revisited by D. H. Schleicher | #5Star #BookReview | #PsychologicalFiction #Generational #Mystery #Thriller @SchleicherSpin

West Falls Revisited by D. H. Schleicher | #5Star #BookReview | #Psychologi..

My ultimate takeaway from this fabulous tale is that many solitary threads can be woven together to create a beautiful, intriguing story. Robbie’s death touches the lives of so many people in West Falls and beyond.

I recommend West Falls Revisited to lovers of mind-bending mysteries and modern fiction. It’s challenging to categorize a Schleicher tale into a specific genre, but I have a feeling that if you give it a try, you’ll love it.

West Falls Revisited by D. H. Schleicher | #5Star #BookReview | #PsychologicalFiction #Generational #Mystery #Thriller @SchleicherSpin

Murder by a Hundred Cuts (Jarvis Mann Detective Book 10) by R. Weir |#BookReview #HardBoiledDetective #Mystery #JarvisMann  #Thriller #Suspense   @Randy.Weir.524 @RWeir720

Murder by a Hundred Cuts (Jarvis Mann Detective Book 10) by R. Weir |#BookR..

I’ve been a fan of R. Weir’s stories for a while now. Although I suspected this book might push me out of my comfort zone, I decided to dive in anyway. I was right—it did make me uncomfortable. But wow, what a story! I’m so glad I trusted Mr. Weir to take a bloody murder mystery and turn it into an unputdownable read.

Murder by a Hundred Cuts (Jarvis Mann Detective Book 10) by R. Weir | #HardBoiledDetective #Mystery #JarvisMann #BookReview #Thriller #Suspense 

@Randy.Weir.524 @RWeir720

Cornbread, Ribs, and Murder (Chocolate Martini Sisters Mystery #3) by Brenda Whiteside and Joyce Proell ~ $20 Gift Card | #CozyMystery @GoddessFish @JoyceProellAuthor @BrendaWhitesideAuthor

Cornbread, Ribs, and Murder (Chocolate Martini Sisters Mystery #3) by Brend..

In Cornbread, Ribs, and Murder, You’ll find a hint of romantic tension, a lot of sisterly bonding, and a mystery intriguing enough to keep your interest. I bet you’ll be ready to grab the rest of the series when you finish reading this one.

I wholeheartedly recommend this book to all lovers of cozy murder mysteries.

Cornbread, Ribs, and Murder (Chocolate Martini Sisters Mystery #3) by Brenda Whiteside and Joyce Proell ~ $20 Gift Card | #CozyMystery @GoddessFish @JoyceProellAuthor @BrendaWhitesideAuthor

Guest Post from Dana King, Author of Off the Books, a Hard-boiled Private Investigator Mystery (Nick Forte Detective #6) | Gift Card Available | @GoddessFish @DanaKingAuthor

Guest Post from Dana King, Author of Off the Books, a Hard-boiled Private I..

Nick Forte has lost his detective agency and makes ends meet doing background checks and other paperwork. He pays for everything else through jobs he takes for cash and without any written contract. What starts out as a simple investigation into a traffic accident exposes Forte to people who have truly lost everything and have no viable hope of reclaiming their lives.

Guest Post from Dana King, Author of Off the Books, a Hard-boiled Private Investigator Mystery (Nick Forte Detective #6) | Gift Card Available | @GoddessFish @DanaKingAuthor

Red Kingdom: A Dark Little Red Riding Hood Retelling (Fairy Tale Retellings Book 2) by Rachel L. Demeter | Excerpt & Giveaway | #HistoricalRomance #FairyTaleRetelling @GoddessFish @racheldemeterauthor @rldemeter @RachelLDemeter

Red Kingdom: A Dark Little Red Riding Hood Retelling (Fairy Tale Retellings..

“Red Kingdom” is a passionate, slow-burn historical romance about the enduring quest for love and the longing for a world at harmony. It is a standalone installment in a series of reimagined classic fairy tales.

Red Kingdom: A Dark Little Red Riding Hood Retelling (Fairy Tale Retellings Book 2) by Rachel L. Demeter | Excerpt & Giveaway | #HistoricalRomance #FairyTaleRetelling @GoddessFish @racheldemeterauthor @rldemeter @RachelLDemeter

Concerning Intellectual Suicide in The Human Race: A debate on the human condition (Human Condition Trilogy) by Massimo Fantini | 4-Star Book Review

Concerning Intellectual Suicide in The Human Race: A debate on the human co..

In Massimo Fantini’s “Concerning Intellectual Suicide in The Human Race”, the reader is encouraged to take a moment to reflect on the author’s perspectives, turning it into an experience rather than a brief story for entertainment. This is a thought-provoking tale of concepts and ideations that you may agree or disagree with, but it certainly gives you much to contemplate. Deep thought about a book is an admirable goal.

#PhilosophicalDebate #LiteraryFiction #BookReview #MassimoFantini #KindleUnlimited #NetGalley #ConcerningIntellectualSuicideinTheHumanRace