Publisher: Machined Media

Chasm of Exiles by Seeley James (A 5-Star Jacob Stearne Thriller) #StandAlone #SabelSecurity #TechnoThriller Chasm of Exiles @SeeleyJamesAuth

Chasm of Exiles by Seeley James (A 5-Star Jacob Stearne Thriller) #StandAlo..

Chasm of Exiles: A Jacob Stearne Thriller by Seeley James is a gripping page-turner that will captivate fans of high-stakes espionage, morally complex characters, and heart-pumping action, perfect for readers who crave a riveting ride that explores the gray areas between right and wrong.

Chasm of Exiles by Seeley James (A Jacob Stearne Thriller)(14 of 14) #StandAlone #SabelSecurity #TechnoThriller @SeeleyJamesAuth

The Rembrandt Decision (A Pia Sabel Mystery – Sabel Security) by Seeley James | 5-Star Review, Book & Author Info 

The Rembrandt Decision (A Pia Sabel Mystery – Sabel Security) by Seel..

The Rembrandt Decision (A Pia Sabel Mystery – Sabel Security Series) by Seeley James | 5-Star Review, Book & Author Info

I am so pleased to present my review of The Rembrandt Decision. I loved every page of this mystery thriller and give it my highest recommendation! Author, Seeley James, was new-to-me, even though he is a prolific writer. I can’t wait to read more of his books and I hope you will too so we can chat about them.