Series: The Adventures of Eva Knight

2023 BBNYA 7th Place Spotlight: Ghosts of Mars by Stuart White (The Adventures of Eva Knight #1) | Children’s #Scifi #Space #Exploration

2023 BBNYA 7th Place Spotlight: Ghosts of Mars by Stuart White (The Adventu..

Today I’m shining a spotlight on the 7th Place Finalist in the 2023 Book Blogger’s Novel of the Year competition., Ghosts of Mars by Stuart White.

How would you feel if you were born on Mars, were the most famous person in the Solar System, but could never leave the Red Planet?

Mars. 2045.
My name’s Eva, and I’m a Martian.

Well, technically the first Martianborn human – I’m not, like, green or anything.

So listen, we’re in trouble here; I need to steal a rover to rescue Dad, who’s stuck in a mining vent, in a planet-wide dust-storm, far from our base, or he’ll die. He may even be already dead.

Oh, and I’m Type 1 Diabetic with no insulin. Wish me luck.

With a Type 1 Diabetic main character, Ghosts of Mars explores how life beyond Earth, and the fame and scrutiny that come with it, affects the young people involved, who didn’t sign up for life on Mars.

Ten percent of the author’s profits go to Diabetes UK!