Series: The Enlightened Series

Our Lives in Between by Billie Kowalewski (The Enlightened Series #1) | Author Guest Post ~ Review ~ Excerpt | #YoungAdult #Fantasy | @GoddessFish @kowalewskibillie @enlightened31 @authorbilliek

Our Lives in Between by Billie Kowalewski (The Enlightened Series #1) | Aut..

In “Our Lives in Between,” Kowalewski delivers a thought-provoking meditation on the nature of identity and the interconnectedness of all things. Through Veronica/Harmony’s journey of self-discovery, readers are reminded that our lives are not just singular threads but intricate tapestries woven from the fabric of time.

Our Lives in Between by Billie Kowalewski (The Enlightened Series #1) | Author Guest Post ~ Review ~ Excerpt | #YoungAdult #Fantasy | @GoddessFish @kowalewskibillie @enlightened31 @authorbilliek