Secrets of the Deep (The Mermaid Chronicles #1) by Marissa Noelle | Book Review | #Mermaid #Fantasy #YA @the_writereads @MarisaNoelle77

Secrets of the Deep (The Mermaid Chronicles #1) by Marissa Noelle | Book Review | #Mermaid #Fantasy #YA @the_writereads @MarisaNoelle77

A book blog tour from The Write Reads.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and Dave & the Gang at The Write Reads for providing me with the information for this tour.

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Book Details

Secrets of the Deep (The Mermaid Chronicles #1) by Marissa Noelle | Book Review | #Mermaid #Fantasy #YA @the_writereads @MarisaNoelle77Secrets of the Deep by Marisa Noelle
Series: The Mermaid Chronicles #1
Published by Independent Author on August 25, 2023
Genres: Fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult
Format: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 356


Determined to face her fear, Cordelia enters the ocean for the first time since her twin brother was killed and learns she is from the oldest bloodline of mermaids. Entrusted with a magical relic, it us up to her alone to break an ancient curse and free the mermaids from the water.

But the selachii - mysterious shark shapeshifters - also have their eyes on the relic. As tensions increase between the mermaids and selachii, Cordelia doesn’t know who to trust. Forced to choose between love and race, she doubts every decision and the intentions of those around her.

Trusting her head will lead to a path of betrayal, but she might just get her family back. If she chooses her heart, the mermaids may stay cursed to remain in the ocean forever.

Source: Kindle Unlimited

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Purchase Links for Secrets of the Deep

Secrets of the Deep: A Forbidden Love, Enemies to Lovers Fantasy Romance Retelling (The Mermaid Chronicles Book 1)
58 Reviews
Secrets of the Deep: A Forbidden Love, Enemies to Lovers Fantasy Romance Retelling (The Mermaid Chronicles Book 1)
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Noelle, Marisa (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 309 Pages - 07/19/2023 (Publication Date)

Secrets of the Deep: The Mermaid Chronicles Book 1
  • Noelle, Marisa (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 356 Pages - 08/25/2023 (Publication Date) - Marisa Noelle (Publisher)

This is a completed five-volume series that even has a companion guide!

The Mermaid Chronicles set image

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My Thoughts on Secrets of the Deep

Terrified of water since her twin brother’s tragic death, Cordelia discovers she’s a mermaid, born of the oldest bloodline. Entrusted with a powerful relic, she holds the key to breaking an ancient curse that binds her kin beneath the waves.

But danger lurks in the form of the selachii, elusive shark shapeshifters hell-bent on claiming the relic for themselves. Caught between duty and desire, Cordelia finds herself entangled in a web of forbidden love when an old flame reappears with secrets of his own.

As tensions rise and loyalties are tested, Cordelia must navigate treacherous waters, unsure of who to trust. Every choice could lead to salvation or eternal captivity for her fellow merfolk. Will Cordelia choose love and risk the curse, or sacrifice her heart for the freedom of her people?

Marisa Noelle has built a fascinating world where her mermaids and shark shifters can play. The story is nicely told, well-written, and easy to read. It features romance, suspense, and mythical intrigue, with themes of forbidden love, mythical creatures, coming of age, grief, and betrayal.

This fast-paced read entertains well, leaving you eager for the next in the series.


About Marisa Noelle

Marisa Noelle - Author Profile Image

MARISA NOELLE is the writer of middle grade & young adult novels in the genres of science-fiction, fantasy & mental health. Her books include THE UNADJUSTEDS, THE RISE OF THE ALTEREDS, THE MERMAID CHRONICLES - SECRETS OF THE DEEP & THE SHADOW KEEPERS. She is a mentor for the Write Mentor program that helps aspiring MG & YA authors. When she's not writing or reading or watching movies, she enjoys swimming. In the pool she likes to imagine she could be a mermaid and become part of some of her make-believe words. Despite being an avid bookworm from the time she could hold a book, being an author came as a bit of a surprise to her as she was a bit of a science geek at school.

Marisa had plenty of ideas for career and still regrets not moving to Hawaii to train dolphins and pretend the real world didn't exist. Struggling with anxiety led her to the field of psychology. Heavily influenced by underdog movies such as The Karate Kid she realized her mission in life was to help other people, through any medium. Embarking on a psychology degree, she wanted to emulate her hero, Jodie Foster, from Silence of the Lambs and actually tried to secure work experience at Broadmoor. Thankfully she left the idea of criminal profiling behind, but uses many of these aspects in her novels.

Now a full-time novelist, she lives in Surrey, UK with her husband and three children.


More Marissa Noelle Reviews

The Unraveling of Luna Forester by Marisa Noelle


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Posted 06/15/2024 by Gina in Blog Tour, Book Promotions, Book Reviews, Books, Fiction / 2 Comments

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